/*! \page qml.html \title Qt Enterprise Charts QML API \keyword Charts QML API Qt Enterprise Charts QML API is an intuitive and simple way to show charts in your QML applications. \table \row \o \br Use the following QML to create a simple pie chart: \br \br \snippet ../examples/qmlpiechart/qml/qmlpiechart/main.qml 1 \snippet ../examples/qmlpiechart/qml/qmlpiechart/main.qml 2 \snippet ../examples/qmlpiechart/qml/qmlpiechart/main.qml 3 \o \inlineimage examples_qmlpiechart.png \endtable \note Since Qt Enterprise Charts utilizes Qt Graphics View Framework for drawing, it works best with QtQuick 1, which is based on the same framework. As of release 1.3.0, Qt Enterprise Charts is also usable with QtQuick 2, though the performance is slightly worse than with QtQuick 1 due to additional rendering step that is required. \note QtQuick 1 is supported from Qt 4.7.4 onwards because of missing Q_REVISION macro in the earlier Qt releases. QtQuick 2 is supported with only Qt 5. \raw HTML
ChartView and it's properties
XY chart
Pie chart
Bar chart
\endraw */