/*! \example demos/qmlcustommodel \title QML Custom Model \subtitle This example shows how to use your own QAbstractItemModel derived data model as a data source for a ChartView. \image demos_qmlcustommodel.png First we create a ChartView: \snippet ../demos/qmlcustommodel/qml/qmlcustommodel/main.qml 1 Then our data model that contains the shares of top-5 car manufacturers in Finland for the last 5 years. The model could be constructed from various sources depending on the use case, but here we use static data for the sake of simplicity. Check customtablemodel.cpp, declarativemodel.cpp and plugin.cpp to see how to make your own QAbstractItemModel accessible on QML. \snippet ../demos/qmlcustommodel/qml/qmlcustommodel/main.qml 2 Then we create several series as children for the same ChartView. First a pie series that illustrates the shares of the car manufacturers in Finland in 2011: \snippet ../demos/qmlcustommodel/qml/qmlcustommodel/main.qml 3 And one line series for each manufacturer presenting the share between 2007-2011, for example this one is for Volkswagen. The series is not visible by default; it is made visible when the user clicks on the Volkswagen slice on the pie series: \snippet ../demos/qmlcustommodel/qml/qmlcustommodel/main.qml 4 And finally a bar series that shows the share for all the other manufacturers between 2007-2011: \snippet ../demos/qmlcustommodel/qml/qmlcustommodel/main.qml 5 */