/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to The Qt Company, please use contact form at http://qt.io ** ** This file is part of the Qt Charts module. ** ** Licensees holding valid commercial license for Qt may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt License Agreement provided with the Software ** or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written ** agreement between you and The Qt Company. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.io ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_CHARTS_BEGIN_NAMESPACE AbstractBarChartItem::AbstractBarChartItem(QAbstractBarSeries *series, QGraphicsItem* item) : ChartItem(series->d_func(),item), m_animation(0), m_series(series) { setFlag(ItemClipsChildrenToShape); setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable); connect(series->d_func(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SLOT(handleLayoutChanged())); connect(series->d_func(), SIGNAL(updatedBars()), this, SLOT(handleUpdatedBars())); connect(series->d_func(), SIGNAL(labelsVisibleChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(handleLabelsVisibleChanged(bool))); connect(series->d_func(), SIGNAL(restructuredBars()), this, SLOT(handleDataStructureChanged())); connect(series, SIGNAL(visibleChanged()), this, SLOT(handleVisibleChanged())); connect(series, SIGNAL(opacityChanged()), this, SLOT(handleOpacityChanged())); connect(series, SIGNAL(labelsFormatChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handleUpdatedBars())); connect(series, SIGNAL(labelsFormatChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(positionLabels())); connect(series, SIGNAL(labelsPositionChanged(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition)), this, SLOT(handleLabelsPositionChanged())); connect(series, SIGNAL(labelsAngleChanged(qreal)), this, SLOT(positionLabels())); setZValue(ChartPresenter::BarSeriesZValue); handleDataStructureChanged(); handleVisibleChanged(); handleUpdatedBars(); } AbstractBarChartItem::~AbstractBarChartItem() { } void AbstractBarChartItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(painter); Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); } QRectF AbstractBarChartItem::boundingRect() const { return m_rect; } void AbstractBarChartItem::applyLayout(const QVector &layout) { QSizeF size = geometry().size(); if (geometry().size().isValid()) { if (m_animation) { if (m_layout.count() == 0 || m_oldSize != size) { initializeLayout(); m_oldSize = size; } m_animation->setup(m_layout, layout); presenter()->startAnimation(m_animation); } else { setLayout(layout); update(); } } } void AbstractBarChartItem::setAnimation(BarAnimation *animation) { m_animation = animation; } void AbstractBarChartItem::setLayout(const QVector &layout) { if (layout.count() != m_bars.count()) return; m_layout = layout; for (int i = 0; i < m_bars.count(); i++) m_bars.at(i)->setRect(layout.at(i)); positionLabels(); } //handlers void AbstractBarChartItem::handleDomainUpdated() { m_domainMinX = domain()->minX(); m_domainMaxX = domain()->maxX(); m_domainMinY = domain()->minY(); m_domainMaxY = domain()->maxY(); QRectF rect(QPointF(0,0),domain()->size()); if(m_rect != rect){ prepareGeometryChange(); m_rect = rect; } handleLayoutChanged(); } void AbstractBarChartItem::handleLayoutChanged() { if ((m_rect.width() <= 0) || (m_rect.height() <= 0)) return; // rect size zero. QVector layout = calculateLayout(); applyLayout(layout); handleUpdatedBars(); } void AbstractBarChartItem::handleLabelsVisibleChanged(bool visible) { foreach (QGraphicsTextItem *label, m_labels) label->setVisible(visible); update(); } void AbstractBarChartItem::handleDataStructureChanged() { foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, childItems()) delete item; m_bars.clear(); m_labels.clear(); m_layout.clear(); // Create new graphic items for bars for (int c = 0; c < m_series->d_func()->categoryCount(); c++) { for (int s = 0; s < m_series->count(); s++) { QBarSet *set = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(s); // Bars Bar *bar = new Bar(set, c, this); m_bars.append(bar); connect(bar, SIGNAL(clicked(int,QBarSet*)), m_series, SIGNAL(clicked(int,QBarSet*))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(hovered(bool, int, QBarSet*)), m_series, SIGNAL(hovered(bool, int, QBarSet*))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(pressed(int, QBarSet*)), m_series, SIGNAL(pressed(int, QBarSet*))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(released(int, QBarSet*)), m_series, SIGNAL(released(int, QBarSet*))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int, QBarSet*)), m_series, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int, QBarSet*))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(clicked(int,QBarSet*)), set, SIGNAL(clicked(int))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(hovered(bool, int, QBarSet*)), set, SIGNAL(hovered(bool, int))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(pressed(int, QBarSet*)), set, SIGNAL(pressed(int))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(released(int, QBarSet*)), set, SIGNAL(released(int))); connect(bar, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int, QBarSet*)), set, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(int))); // m_layout.append(QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1)); // Labels QGraphicsTextItem *newLabel = new QGraphicsTextItem(this); newLabel->document()->setDocumentMargin(ChartPresenter::textMargin()); m_labels.append(newLabel); } } if(themeManager()) themeManager()->updateSeries(m_series); handleLayoutChanged(); handleVisibleChanged(); } void AbstractBarChartItem::handleVisibleChanged() { bool visible = m_series->isVisible(); if (visible) handleLabelsVisibleChanged(m_series->isLabelsVisible()); else handleLabelsVisibleChanged(visible); foreach (QGraphicsItem *bar, m_bars) bar->setVisible(visible); } void AbstractBarChartItem::handleOpacityChanged() { foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, childItems()) item->setOpacity(m_series->opacity()); } void AbstractBarChartItem::handleUpdatedBars() { if (!m_series->d_func()->blockBarUpdate()) { // Handle changes in pen, brush, labels etc. int categoryCount = m_series->d_func()->categoryCount(); int setCount = m_series->count(); int itemIndex(0); static const QString valueTag(QLatin1String("@value")); for (int category = 0; category < categoryCount; category++) { for (int set = 0; set < setCount; set++) { QBarSetPrivate *barSet = m_series->d_func()->barsetAt(set)->d_ptr.data(); Bar *bar = m_bars.at(itemIndex); bar->setPen(barSet->m_pen); bar->setBrush(barSet->m_brush); bar->update(); QGraphicsTextItem *label = m_labels.at(itemIndex); QString valueLabel; if (presenter()) { // At startup presenter is not yet set, yet somehow update comes if (barSet->value(category) == 0) { label->setVisible(false); } else { label->setVisible(true); if (m_series->labelsFormat().isEmpty()) { valueLabel = presenter()->numberToString(barSet->value(category)); } else { valueLabel = m_series->labelsFormat(); valueLabel.replace(valueTag, presenter()->numberToString(barSet->value(category))); } } } label->setHtml(valueLabel); label->setFont(barSet->m_labelFont); label->setDefaultTextColor(barSet->m_labelBrush.color()); label->update(); itemIndex++; } } } } void AbstractBarChartItem::handleLabelsPositionChanged() { positionLabels(); } void AbstractBarChartItem::positionLabels() { // By default position labels on horizontal bar series // Vertical bar series overload positionLabels() to call positionLabelsVertical() QTransform transform; const qreal angle = m_series->d_func()->labelsAngle(); if (angle != 0.0) transform.rotate(angle); for (int i = 0; i < m_layout.count(); i++) { QGraphicsTextItem *label = m_labels.at(i); QRectF labelRect = label->boundingRect(); QPointF center = labelRect.center(); qreal xPos = 0; qreal yPos = m_layout.at(i).center().y() - center.y(); int xDiff = 0; if (angle != 0.0) { label->setTransformOriginPoint(center.x(), center.y()); label->setRotation(m_series->d_func()->labelsAngle()); qreal oldWidth = labelRect.width(); labelRect = transform.mapRect(labelRect); xDiff = (labelRect.width() - oldWidth) / 2; } int offset = m_bars.at(i)->pen().width() / 2 + 2; switch (m_series->labelsPosition()) { case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsCenter: xPos = m_layout.at(i).center().x() - center.x(); break; case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideEnd: xPos = m_layout.at(i).right() - labelRect.width() - offset + xDiff; break; case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideBase: xPos = m_layout.at(i).left() + offset + xDiff; break; case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsOutsideEnd: xPos = m_layout.at(i).right() + offset + xDiff; break; default: // Invalid position, never comes here break; } label->setPos(xPos, yPos); label->setZValue(zValue() + 1); } } void AbstractBarChartItem::positionLabelsVertical() { QTransform transform; const qreal angle = m_series->d_func()->labelsAngle(); if (angle != 0.0) transform.rotate(angle); for (int i = 0; i < m_layout.count(); i++) { QGraphicsTextItem *label = m_labels.at(i); QRectF labelRect = label->boundingRect(); QPointF center = labelRect.center(); qreal xPos = m_layout.at(i).center().x() - center.x(); qreal yPos = 0; int yDiff = 0; if (angle != 0.0) { label->setTransformOriginPoint(center.x(), center.y()); label->setRotation(m_series->d_func()->labelsAngle()); qreal oldHeight = labelRect.height(); labelRect = transform.mapRect(labelRect); yDiff = (labelRect.height() - oldHeight) / 2; } int offset = m_bars.at(i)->pen().width() / 2 + 2; switch (m_series->labelsPosition()) { case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsCenter: yPos = m_layout.at(i).center().y() - center.y(); break; case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideEnd: yPos = m_layout.at(i).top() + offset + yDiff; break; case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideBase: yPos = m_layout.at(i).bottom() - labelRect.height() - offset + yDiff; break; case QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsOutsideEnd: yPos = m_layout.at(i).top() - labelRect.height() - offset + yDiff; break; default: // Invalid position, never comes here break; } label->setPos(xPos, yPos); label->setZValue(zValue() + 1); } } #include "moc_abstractbarchartitem_p.cpp" QT_CHARTS_END_NAMESPACE