#include "qxyseries.h" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \class QXYSeries \brief The QXYSeries class is a base class for line, spline and scatter series. */ /*! \fn QPen QXYSeries::pen() const \brief Returns pen used to draw points for series. \sa setPen() */ /*! \fn QBrush QXYSeries::brush() const \brief Returns brush used to draw points for series. \sa setBrush() */ /*! \fn void QXYSeries::pointReplaced(int index) \brief \internal \a index */ /*! \fn void QXYSeries::pointAdded(int index) \brief \internal \a index */ /*! \fn void QXYSeries::pointRemoved(int index) \brief \internal \a index */ /*! \fn void QXYSeries::updated() \brief \internal */ /*! Constructs empty series object which is a child of \a parent. When series object is added to QChartView or QChart instance ownerships is transfered. */ QXYSeries::QXYSeries(QObject* parent):QSeries(parent) { m_model = 0; m_mapX = 0; m_mapY = 1; } /*! Destroys the object. Series added to QChartView or QChart instances are owned by those, and are deleted when mentioned object are destroyed. */ QXYSeries::~QXYSeries() { } /*! Adds data point \a x \a y to the series. Points are connected with lines on the chart. */ void QXYSeries::add(qreal x,qreal y) { Q_ASSERT(m_x.size() == m_y.size()); m_x< points) { foreach(const QPointF& point , points) { add(point.x(),point.y()); } } /*! Modifies \a y value for given \a x a value. */ void QXYSeries::replace(qreal x,qreal y) { int index = m_x.indexOf(x); m_x[index]=x; m_y[index]=y; emit pointReplaced(index); } /*! This is an overloaded function. Replaces current y value of for given \a point x value with \a point y value. */ void QXYSeries::replace(const QPointF& point) { replace(point.x(),point.y()); } /*! Removes current \a x and y value. */ void QXYSeries::remove(qreal x) { int index = m_x.indexOf(x); emit pointRemoved(index); m_x.remove(index); m_y.remove(index); } /*! Removes current \a point x value. Note \a point y value is ignored. */ void QXYSeries::remove(const QPointF& point) { remove(point.x()); } /*! Removes all data points from the series. */ void QXYSeries::removeAll() { m_x.clear(); m_y.clear(); } /*! \internal \a pos */ qreal QXYSeries::x(int pos) const { if (m_model) return m_model->data(m_model->index(pos, m_mapX), Qt::DisplayRole).toDouble(); else return m_x.at(pos); } /*! \internal \a pos */ qreal QXYSeries::y(int pos) const { if (m_model) return m_model->data(m_model->index(pos, m_mapY), Qt::DisplayRole).toDouble(); else return m_y.at(pos); } /*! Returns number of data points within series. */ int QXYSeries::count() const { Q_ASSERT(m_x.size() == m_y.size()); // int k = m_model->rowCount(); if (m_model) return m_model->rowCount(); else return m_x.size(); } /*! Returns the data points of the series. */ QList QXYSeries::data() { QList data; for (int i(0); i < m_x.count() && i < m_y.count(); i++) data.append(QPointF(m_x.at(i), m_y.at(i))); return data; } /*! Sets \a pen used for drawing points on the chart. If the pen is not defined, the pen from chart theme is used. \sa QChart::setChartTheme() */ void QXYSeries::setPen(const QPen& pen) { if(pen!=m_pen){ m_pen=pen; emit updated(); } } /*! Sets \a brush used for drawing points on the chart. If the brush is not defined, brush from chart theme setting is used. \sa QChart::setChartTheme() */ void QXYSeries::setBrush(const QBrush& brush) { if(brush!=m_brush){ m_brush=brush; emit updated(); } } /*! Stream operator for adding a data \a point to the series. \sa add() */ QXYSeries& QXYSeries::operator<< (const QPointF &point) { add(point); return *this; } /*! Stream operator for adding a list of \a points to the series. \sa add() */ QXYSeries& QXYSeries::operator<< (const QList points) { add(points); return *this; } void QXYSeries::modelUpdated(QModelIndex topLeft, QModelIndex bottomRight) { emit pointReplaced(topLeft.row()); } bool QXYSeries::setModel(QAbstractItemModel* model) { m_model = model; for (int i = 0; i < m_model->rowCount(); i++) emit pointAdded(i); connect(m_model,SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(modelUpdated(QModelIndex, QModelIndex))); // connect(m_model,SIGNAL(), this, SLOT(modelUpdated(QModelIndex, QModelIndex))); } #include "moc_qxyseries.cpp" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE