#include "bar.h" #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Bar::Bar(ChartItem *parent) : ChartItem(parent) { } void Bar::setSize(const QSize& size) { //mSize = size; mWidth = size.width(); mHeight = size.height(); } void Bar::setPlotDomain(const PlotDomain& data) { mPlotDomain = data; } void Bar::resize( int w, int h ) { qDebug() << "bar::resize" << w << h; mWidth = w; mHeight = h; } void Bar::setColor( QColor col ) { mColor = col; } void Bar::setPos(qreal x, qreal y) { qDebug() << "Bar::setpos" << x << y; mXpos = x; mYpos = y; } void Bar::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { // Set color for bar. TODO: gradients, textures etc QPen pen = painter->pen(); pen.setColor( mColor ); pen.setWidth( mWidth ); painter->setPen(pen); // Draw bar // TODO: Pen width affects bar height for now. This should be rect painter->drawLine(scenePos().x() + mXpos, scenePos().y() + mYpos + parentItem()->boundingRect().height() - mHeight - mWidth, scenePos().x() + mXpos, scenePos().y() + mYpos + parentItem()->boundingRect().height() - mWidth); } QRectF Bar::boundingRect() const { // TODO: check validity of this (I suppose there is easier way, and currently this bit incorrect :) // QRectF r(scenePos().x()+mXpos, scenePos().y()+mYpos, scenePos().x() + mWidth, scenePos().y() + mHeight ); QRectF r(mXpos, mYpos, mXpos + mWidth, mYpos + mHeight); return r; } QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE