/*! \page gettingstarted.html \title QtCommercial Charts getting started \keyword Introduction You can obtain the QtCommercial Charts package from \l {http://www.digia.com/en/Qt/Log-in-Customer-Portal/} {Customer portal}. Compiling: \code qmake CONFIG+=release make make install \endcode Depending on the OS and the compiler you are using "make" might need to be replaced with another command like: nmake, mingw32-make, etc. On Windows platforms both debug and release configurations are built by default at the same time. To build both at the same time on other platforms invoke the following command: \code make all \endcode Compiling as a static library (lib only): \code qmake CONFIG+=staticlib make make install \endcode \bold {New project} Create a new project in a usual way and then add to your project's *.pro file following line: \code CONFIG += qtcommercialchart \endcode Or if you have not installed charts after building: \code CHARTSLIB = QtCommercialChart CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { mac: CHARTSLIB = $$join(CHARTSLIB,,,_debug) win32: CHARTSLIB = $$join(CHARTSLIB,,,d) } INCLUDEPATH += /include LIBS += -L/lib -l$$CHARTSLIB \endcode \bold {Widget project} To use the QCharts classes add QtCommercialChart namespace macro in your header file. \code #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_USE_NAMESPACE class ExampleWidget : public QWidget \endcode \bold {QML project} Add an import line to your *.qml file: \code import QtCommercial.Chart 1.0 \endcode \raw HTML \endraw */