/*! \example demos/qmlweather \title Qml Weather \subtitle \image demos_qmlweather.png This is a basic demonstration how to use the different chart types by using qml. By default the application uses static test data to mimic a weather forecast. You can also obtain an application id from http://www.worldweatheronline.com/ to get access to their weather API. You can then give your application id as a parameter to the Qml Weather executable to make it use live data. For example: \code bin\qmlweather.exe 1234567890abcdef123456 \endcode The demo application uses a ChartView and a couple of series to visualize weather data: \snippet ../demos/qmlweather/qml/qmlweather/main.qml 1 \snippet ../demos/qmlweather/qml/qmlweather/main.qml 2 To get data with weather forecast data, we make an HTTP GET request to World Weather Online. We request the response in JSON data format. \snippet ../demos/qmlweather/qml/qmlweather/main.qml 3 The JSON response contains an array of forecast data: \snippet ../demos/qmlweather/qml/qmlweather/main.qml 4 That is then used as input data for our series and a ListModel we use as a container for weather icon URLs: \snippet ../demos/qmlweather/qml/qmlweather/main.qml 5 */