/*! \page classes.html \title QtCommercial Charts API \keyword All Classes Charts API is build on top of Qt Graphics View Framework. Charts can be displayed as QGraphicsWidget using QChart class. However there is also convenience class QChartView which is QWidget based. These lets quickly use QCharts as normal Qt widget. The API supports following chart types: \list \o line \o area \o scatter \o spline \o pie \o grouped bar \o percent bar \o stacked bar \endlist Each chart type is represented by QAbstractSeries derived class. To create given chart type users have to use instance of related series class and add it to QChart instance. \code QLineSeries* series = new QLineSeries(); series->add(0, 6); series->add(2, 4); ... chartView->chart()->addSeries(series); \endcode \raw HTML
Common and global XY chart
Pie chart Bar chart
\endraw */