#include "scatterpresenter.h" #include "qscatterseries.h" #include #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE ScatterPresenter::ScatterPresenter(QScatterSeries *series, QGraphicsObject *parent) : ChartItem(parent), m_series(series), m_boundingRect(), //m_markerColor(QColor()), m_markerColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)), m_visibleChartArea() { if (parent) m_boundingRect = parent->boundingRect(); if (series) { connect(series, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(handleModelChanged())); } } void ScatterPresenter::handleDomainChanged(const Domain& domain) { m_visibleChartArea = domain; changeGeometry(); } void ScatterPresenter::handleGeometryChanged(const QRectF& rect) { m_boundingRect = rect; changeGeometry(); } void ScatterPresenter::handleModelChanged() { // TODO: more fine grained modelChanged signaling changeGeometry(); } void ScatterPresenter::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/) { // TODO: The opacity should be user definable? //brush.setColor(QColor(255, 82, 0, 100)); if (m_markerColor.isValid()) { QPen pen = painter->pen(); QBrush brush = pen.brush(); brush.setColor(m_markerColor); pen.setBrush(brush); pen.setWidth(4); painter->setPen(pen); } else { //painter->setPen(m_theme.markerPen); // brush.setColor(m_theme..lineColor); } // TODO: m_scenex and m_sceny are left empty during construction -> we would need a resize // event right after construction or maybe given a size during initialization qDebug() << "scene w: "<< scene()->width() << " h: " << scene()->height(); for (int i(0); i < m_scenex.count() && i < m_sceney.count(); i++) { qDebug() << "scene w: "<< scene()->width() << " h: " << scene()->height(); qDebug() << "x: "<< m_scenex.at(i) << " y: " << m_sceney.at(i); if (scene()->width() > m_scenex.at(i) && scene()->height() > m_sceney.at(i)) //painter->drawArc(m_scenex.at(i), m_sceney.at(i), 2, 2, 0, 5760); painter->drawPoint(m_scenex.at(i), m_sceney.at(i)); } } void ScatterPresenter::changeGeometry() { if (m_boundingRect.isValid()) { prepareGeometryChange(); qreal scalex = m_boundingRect.width() / m_visibleChartArea.spanX(); qreal scaley = m_boundingRect.height() / m_visibleChartArea.spanY(); m_scenex.clear(); m_sceney.clear(); // Convert relative coordinates to absolute pixel coordinates that can be used for drawing foreach (QPointF point, m_series->data()) { m_scenex.append(m_boundingRect.left() + point.x() * scalex - m_visibleChartArea.m_minX * scalex); m_sceney.append(m_boundingRect.bottom() - point.y() * scaley + m_visibleChartArea.m_minY * scaley); } } } #include "moc_scatterpresenter.cpp" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE