/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ** This file is part of the Qt Enterprise Charts Add-on. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE$ ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qabstractbarseries.h" #include "qabstractbarseries_p.h" #include "qbarset.h" #include "qbarset_p.h" #include "abstractdomain_p.h" #include "chartdataset_p.h" #include "charttheme_p.h" #include "qvalueaxis.h" #include "qbarcategoryaxis.h" #include "qbarlegendmarker.h" #include "baranimation_p.h" #include "abstractbarchartitem_p.h" #include "qchart_p.h" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \class QAbstractBarSeries \inmodule Qt Charts \brief Series for creating a bar chart. \mainclass QAbstractBarSeries represents a series of data shown as bars. The purpose of this class is to draw bars to the position defined by data. Single bar is defined by QPointF, where x value is the x-coordinate of the bar and y-value is the height of the bar. The category names are ignored with this series and x-axis shows the x-values. See the \l {BarChart Example} {bar chart example} to learn how to create a simple bar chart. \image examples_barchart.png \sa QBarSet, QStackedBarSeries, QPercentBarSeries */ #ifdef QDOC_QT5 /*! \qmltype AbstractBarSeries \instantiates QAbstractBarSeries \inqmlmodule QtCommercial.Chart \include /doc/src/abstractbarseries.qdocinc */ #else /*! \qmlclass AbstractBarSeries QAbstractBarSeries \include ../doc/src/abstractbarseries.qdocinc */ #endif /*! \qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisX The x axis used for the series. If you leave both axisX and axisXTop undefined, a BarCategoriesAxis is created for the series. \sa axisXTop */ /*! \qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisY The y axis used for the series. If you leave both axisY and axisYRight undefined, a ValueAxis is created for the series. \sa axisYRight */ /*! \qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisXTop The x axis used for the series, drawn on top of the chart view. Note that you can only provide either axisX or axisXTop, but not both. \sa axisX */ /*! \qmlproperty AbstractAxis AbstractBarSeries::axisYRight The y axis used for the series, drawn to the right on the chart view. Note that you can only provide either axisY or axisYRight, but not both. \sa axisY */ /*! \property QAbstractBarSeries::barWidth The width of the bars of the series. The unit of \a width is the unit of x-axis. The minimum width for bars is zero and negative values are treated as zero. Setting the width to zero means that width of the bar on screen is one pixel no matter what the scale of x-axis is. Bars wider than zero are scaled with x-axis. Note that with QBarSeries this value means the width of one group of bars instead of just one bar. \sa QBarSeries */ /*! \qmlproperty real AbstractBarSeries::barWidth The width of the bars of the series. The unit of width is the unit of x-axis. The minimum width for bars is zero and negative values are treated as zero. Setting the width to zero means that width of the bar on screen is one pixel no matter what the scale of x-axis is. Bars wider than zero are scaled with x-axis. Note that with QBarSeries this value means the width of one group of bars instead of just one bar. */ /*! \property QAbstractBarSeries::count Holds the number of sets in series. */ /*! \qmlproperty int AbstractBarSeries::count Holds the number of sets in series. */ /*! \property QAbstractBarSeries::labelsVisible Defines the visibility of the labels in series */ /*! \qmlproperty bool AbstractBarSeries::labelsVisible Defines the visibility of the labels in series */ /*! \fn void QAbstractBarSeries::clicked(int index, QBarSet *barset) The signal is emitted if the user clicks with a mouse on top of QBarSet \a barset. Clicked bar inside set is indexed by \a index */ /*! \qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::onClicked(int index, BarSet barset) The signal is emitted if the user clicks with a mouse on top of BarSet. Clicked bar inside set is indexed by \a index */ /*! \fn void QAbstractBarSeries::hovered(bool status, QBarSet* barset) The signal is emitted if mouse is hovered on top of series. Parameter \a barset is the pointer of barset, where hover happened. Parameter \a status is true, if mouse entered on top of series, false if mouse left from top of series. */ /*! \fn void QAbstractBarSeries::hovered(bool status, int index, QBarSet* barset) The signal is emitted if mouse is hovered on top of series. Parameter \a barset is the pointer of barset, where hover happened. Parameter \a status is true, if mouse entered on top of series, false if mouse left from top of series. Hovered bar inside the set is indexed by \a index. */ /*! \qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::onHovered(bool status, int index, BarSet barset) The signal is emitted if mouse is hovered on top of series. Parameter \a barset is the pointer of barset, where hover happened. Parameter \a status is true, if mouse entered on top of series, false if mouse left from top of series. Hovered bar inside the set is indexed by \a index. */ /*! \fn void QAbstractBarSeries::countChanged() This signal is emitted when barset count has been changed, for example by append or remove. */ /*! \qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::onCountChanged() This signal is emitted when barset count has been changed, for example by append or remove. */ /*! \fn void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsVisibleChanged() This signal is emitted when labels visibility have changed. \sa isLabelsVisible(), setLabelsVisible() */ /*! \fn void QAbstractBarSeries::barsetsAdded(QList sets) This signal is emitted when \a sets have been added to the series. \sa append(), insert() */ /*! \qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::onBarsetsAdded(BarSet barset) Emitted when \a barset has been added to the series. */ /*! \fn void QAbstractBarSeries::barsetsRemoved(QList sets) This signal is emitted when \a sets have been removed from the series. \sa remove() */ /*! \qmlsignal AbstractBarSeries::onBarsetsRemoved(BarSet barset) Emitted when \a barset has been removed from the series. */ /*! \qmlmethod BarSet AbstractBarSeries::at(int index) Returns bar set at \a index. Returns null if the index is not valid. */ /*! \qmlmethod BarSet AbstractBarSeries::append(string label, VariantList values) Adds a new bar set with \a label and \a values to \a index. Values is a list of reals. For example: \code myBarSeries.append("set 1", [0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 1.5, 0.9]); \endcode */ /*! \qmlmethod BarSet AbstractBarSeries::insert(int index, string label, VariantList values) Inserts a new bar set with \a label and \a values to \a index. Values can be a list of reals or a list of XYPoints. If index is zero or smaller, the new barset is prepended. If the index is count or bigger, the new barset is appended. \sa AbstractBarSeries::append() */ /*! \qmlmethod bool AbstractBarSeries::remove(BarSet barset) Removes the barset from the series. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. */ /*! \qmlmethod AbstractBarSeries::clear() Removes all barsets from the series. */ /*! Destructs abstractbarseries and owned barsets. */ QAbstractBarSeries::~QAbstractBarSeries() { } /*! \internal */ QAbstractBarSeries::QAbstractBarSeries(QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate &o, QObject *parent) : QAbstractSeries(o, parent) { Q_D(QAbstractSeries); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(countChanged()), d, SIGNAL(countChanged())); } /*! Sets the width of the bars of the series. The unit of \a width is the unit of x-axis. The minimum width for bars is zero and negative values are treated as zero. Setting the width to zero means that width of the bar on screen is one pixel no matter what the scale of x-axis is. Bars wider than zero are scaled with x-axis. Note that with \link QBarSeries \endlink this value means the width of one group of bars instead of just one bar. */ void QAbstractBarSeries::setBarWidth(qreal width) { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); d->setBarWidth(width); } /*! Returns the width of the bars of the series. \sa setBarWidth() */ qreal QAbstractBarSeries::barWidth() const { Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries); return d->barWidth(); } /*! Adds a set of bars to series. Takes ownership of \a set. If the set is null or is already in series, it won't be appended. Returns true, if appending succeeded. */ bool QAbstractBarSeries::append(QBarSet *set) { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); bool success = d->append(set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); set->setParent(this); emit barsetsAdded(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Removes barset from series. Releases ownership of \a set. Deletes the set, if remove was successful. Returns true, if set was removed. */ bool QAbstractBarSeries::remove(QBarSet *set) { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); bool success = d->remove(set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); set->setParent(0); emit barsetsRemoved(sets); emit countChanged(); delete set; set = 0; } return success; } /*! Takes a single \a set from the series. Does not delete the barset object. NOTE: The series remains as the barset's parent object. You must set the parent object to take full ownership. Returns true if take was successful. */ bool QAbstractBarSeries::take(QBarSet *set) { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); bool success = d->remove(set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); emit barsetsRemoved(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Adds a list of barsets to series. Takes ownership of \a sets. Returns true, if all sets were appended successfully. If any of the sets is null or is already appended to series, nothing is appended and function returns false. If any of the sets is in list more than once, nothing is appended and function returns false. */ bool QAbstractBarSeries::append(QList sets) { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); bool success = d->append(sets); if (success) { emit barsetsAdded(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Insert a set of bars to series at \a index postion. Takes ownership of \a set. If the set is null or is already in series, it won't be appended. Returns true, if inserting succeeded. */ bool QAbstractBarSeries::insert(int index, QBarSet *set) { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); bool success = d->insert(index, set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); emit barsetsAdded(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Removes all barsets from the series. Deletes removed sets. */ void QAbstractBarSeries::clear() { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); QList sets = barSets(); bool success = d->remove(sets); if (success) { emit barsetsRemoved(sets); emit countChanged(); foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) delete set; } } /*! Returns number of sets in series. */ int QAbstractBarSeries::count() const { Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries); return d->m_barSets.count(); } /*! Returns a list of sets in series. Keeps ownership of sets. */ QList QAbstractBarSeries::barSets() const { Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries); return d->m_barSets; } /*! Sets the visibility of labels in series to \a visible */ void QAbstractBarSeries::setLabelsVisible(bool visible) { Q_D(QAbstractBarSeries); if (d->m_labelsVisible != visible) { d->setLabelsVisible(visible); emit labelsVisibleChanged(); } } /*! Returns the visibility of labels */ bool QAbstractBarSeries::isLabelsVisible() const { Q_D(const QAbstractBarSeries); return d->m_labelsVisible; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate(QAbstractBarSeries *q) : QAbstractSeriesPrivate(q), m_barWidth(0.5), // Default value is 50% of category width m_labelsVisible(false), m_visible(true), m_blockBarUpdate(false) { } int QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categoryCount() const { // No categories defined. return count of longest set. int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) { if (m_barSets.at(i)->count() > count) count = m_barSets.at(i)->count(); } return count; } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::setBarWidth(qreal width) { if (width < 0.0) width = 0.0; m_barWidth = width; emit updatedLayout(); } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::barWidth() const { return m_barWidth; } QBarSet *QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::barsetAt(int index) { return m_barSets.at(index); } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::setVisible(bool visible) { m_visible = visible; emit visibleChanged(); } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::setLabelsVisible(bool visible) { m_labelsVisible = visible; emit labelsVisibleChanged(visible); } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::min() { if (m_barSets.count() <= 0) return 0; qreal min = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) { int categoryCount = m_barSets.at(i)->count(); for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) { qreal temp = m_barSets.at(i)->at(j); if (temp < min) min = temp; } } return min; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::max() { if (m_barSets.count() <= 0) return 0; qreal max = INT_MIN; for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) { int categoryCount = m_barSets.at(i)->count(); for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) { qreal temp = m_barSets.at(i)->at(j); if (temp > max) max = temp; } } return max; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::valueAt(int set, int category) { if ((set < 0) || (set >= m_barSets.count())) return 0; // No set, no value. else if ((category < 0) || (category >= m_barSets.at(set)->count())) return 0; // No category, no value. return m_barSets.at(set)->at(category); } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::percentageAt(int set, int category) { if ((set < 0) || (set >= m_barSets.count())) return 0; // No set, no value. else if ((category < 0) || (category >= m_barSets.at(set)->count())) return 0; // No category, no value. qreal value = m_barSets.at(set)->at(category); qreal sum = categorySum(category); if (qFuzzyCompare(sum, 0)) return 0; return value / sum; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categorySum(int category) { qreal sum(0); int count = m_barSets.count(); // Count sets for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) { if (category < m_barSets.at(set)->count()) sum += m_barSets.at(set)->at(category); } return sum; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::absoluteCategorySum(int category) { qreal sum(0); int count = m_barSets.count(); // Count sets for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) { if (category < m_barSets.at(set)->count()) sum += qAbs(m_barSets.at(set)->at(category)); } return sum; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::maxCategorySum() { qreal max = INT_MIN; int count = categoryCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { qreal sum = categorySum(i); if (sum > max) max = sum; } return max; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::minX() { if (m_barSets.count() <= 0) return 0; qreal min = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) { int categoryCount = m_barSets.at(i)->count(); for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) { qreal temp = m_barSets.at(i)->d_ptr.data()->m_values.at(j).x(); if (temp < min) min = temp; } } return min; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::maxX() { if (m_barSets.count() <= 0) return 0; qreal max = INT_MIN; for (int i = 0; i < m_barSets.count(); i++) { int categoryCount = m_barSets.at(i)->count(); for (int j = 0; j < categoryCount; j++) { qreal temp = m_barSets.at(i)->d_ptr.data()->m_values.at(j).x(); if (temp > max) max = temp; } } return max; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categoryTop(int category) { // Returns top (sum of all positive values) of category. // Returns 0, if all values are negative qreal top(0); int count = m_barSets.count(); for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) { if (category < m_barSets.at(set)->count()) { qreal temp = m_barSets.at(set)->at(category); if (temp > 0) { top += temp; } } } return top; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::categoryBottom(int category) { // Returns bottom (sum of all negative values) of category // Returns 0, if all values are positive qreal bottom(0); int count = m_barSets.count(); for (int set = 0; set < count; set++) { if (category < m_barSets.at(set)->count()) { qreal temp = m_barSets.at(set)->at(category); if (temp < 0) { bottom += temp; } } } return bottom; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::top() { // Returns top of all categories qreal top(0); int count = categoryCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { qreal temp = categoryTop(i); if (temp > top) top = temp; } return top; } qreal QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::bottom() { // Returns bottom of all categories qreal bottom(0); int count = categoryCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { qreal temp = categoryBottom(i); if (temp < bottom) bottom = temp; } return bottom; } bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::blockBarUpdate() { return m_blockBarUpdate; } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeDomain() { qreal minX(domain()->minX()); qreal minY(domain()->minY()); qreal maxX(domain()->maxX()); qreal maxY(domain()->maxY()); qreal seriesMinX = this->minX(); qreal seriesMaxX = this->maxX(); qreal y = max(); minX = qMin(minX, seriesMinX - (qreal)0.5); minY = qMin(minY, y); maxX = qMax(maxX, seriesMaxX + (qreal)0.5); maxY = qMax(maxY, y); domain()->setRange(minX, maxX, minY, maxY); } QList QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::createLegendMarkers(QLegend* legend) { Q_Q(QAbstractBarSeries); QList markers; foreach(QBarSet* set, q->barSets()) { QBarLegendMarker* marker = new QBarLegendMarker(q,set,legend); markers << marker; } return markers; } bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::append(QBarSet *set) { if ((m_barSets.contains(set)) || (set == 0)) return false; // Fail if set is already in list or set is null. m_barSets.append(set); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBars()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBars())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBars()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBars())); emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem return true; } bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::remove(QBarSet *set) { if (!m_barSets.contains(set)) return false; // Fail if set is not in list m_barSets.removeOne(set); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBars()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBars())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBars()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBars())); emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem return true; } bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::append(QList sets) { foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) { if ((set == 0) || (m_barSets.contains(set))) return false; // Fail if any of the sets is null or is already appended. if (sets.count(set) != 1) return false; // Also fail if same set is more than once in given list. } foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) { m_barSets.append(set); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBars()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBars())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBars()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBars())); } emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem return true; } bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::remove(QList sets) { if (sets.count() == 0) return false; foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) { if ((set == 0) || (!m_barSets.contains(set))) return false; // Fail if any of the sets is null or is not in series if (sets.count(set) != 1) return false; // Also fail if same set is more than once in given list. } foreach (QBarSet *set, sets) { m_barSets.removeOne(set); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBars()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBars())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBars()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBars())); } emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem return true; } bool QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::insert(int index, QBarSet *set) { if ((m_barSets.contains(set)) || (set == 0)) return false; // Fail if set is already in list or set is null. m_barSets.insert(index, set); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBars()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBars())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBars()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBars())); emit restructuredBars(); // this notifies barchartitem return true; } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeAxes() { Q_Q(QAbstractBarSeries); foreach(QAbstractAxis* axis, m_axes) { if (axis->type() == QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory) { switch (q->type()) { case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalPercentBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalStackedBar: if (axis->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) populateCategories(qobject_cast(axis)); break; case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypePercentBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeStackedBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot: if (axis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) populateCategories(qobject_cast(axis)); break; default: qWarning() << "Unexpected series type"; break; } } } } QAbstractAxis::AxisType QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::defaultAxisType(Qt::Orientation orientation) const { Q_Q(const QAbstractBarSeries); switch (q->type()) { case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalPercentBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeHorizontalStackedBar: if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory; break; case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypePercentBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeStackedBar: case QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot: if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory; break; default: qWarning() << "Unexpected series type"; break; } return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeValue; } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::populateCategories(QBarCategoryAxis *axis) { QStringList categories; if (axis->categories().isEmpty()) { for (int i(1); i < categoryCount() + 1; i++) categories << QString::number(i); axis->append(categories); } } QAbstractAxis* QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::createDefaultAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation) const { if (defaultAxisType(orientation) == QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory) return new QBarCategoryAxis; else return new QValueAxis; } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeTheme(int index, ChartTheme* theme, bool forced) { m_blockBarUpdate = true; // Ensures that the bars are not updated before the theme is ready const QList gradients = theme->seriesGradients(); qreal takeAtPos = 0.5; qreal step = 0.2; if (m_barSets.count() > 1) { step = 1.0 / (qreal) m_barSets.count(); if (m_barSets.count() % gradients.count()) step *= gradients.count(); else step *= (gradients.count() - 1); } for (int i(0); i < m_barSets.count(); i++) { int colorIndex = (index + i) % gradients.count(); if (i > 0 && i %gradients.count() == 0) { // There is no dedicated base color for each sets, generate more colors takeAtPos += step; if (takeAtPos == 1.0) takeAtPos += step; takeAtPos -= (int) takeAtPos; } if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultBrush() == m_barSets.at(i)->d_ptr->m_brush) m_barSets.at(i)->setBrush(ChartThemeManager::colorAt(gradients.at(colorIndex), takeAtPos)); // Pick label color from the opposite end of the gradient. // 0.3 as a boundary seems to work well. if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultBrush() == m_barSets.at(i)->d_ptr->m_labelBrush) { if (takeAtPos < 0.3) m_barSets.at(i)->setLabelBrush(ChartThemeManager::colorAt(gradients.at(index % gradients.size()), 1)); else m_barSets.at(i)->setLabelBrush(ChartThemeManager::colorAt(gradients.at(index % gradients.size()), 0)); } if (forced || QChartPrivate::defaultPen() == m_barSets.at(i)->d_ptr->m_pen) { QColor c = ChartThemeManager::colorAt(gradients.at(index % gradients.size()), 0.0); m_barSets.at(i)->setPen(c); } } m_blockBarUpdate = false; emit updatedBars(); } void QAbstractBarSeriesPrivate::initializeAnimations(QChart::AnimationOptions options) { AbstractBarChartItem *bar = static_cast(m_item.data()); Q_ASSERT(bar); if (bar->animation()) bar->animation()->stopAndDestroyLater(); if (options.testFlag(QChart::SeriesAnimations)) bar->setAnimation(new BarAnimation(bar)); else bar->setAnimation(0); QAbstractSeriesPrivate::initializeAnimations(options); } #include "moc_qabstractbarseries.cpp" #include "moc_qabstractbarseries_p.cpp" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE