/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ** This file is part of the Qt Commercial Charts Add-on. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE$ ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qboxplotseries.h" #include "qboxplotseries_p.h" #include "qboxplotlegendmarker.h" #include "qbarcategoryaxis.h" #include "boxplotchartitem_p.h" #include "chartdataset_p.h" #include "charttheme_p.h" #include "qvalueaxis.h" #include "charttheme_p.h" #include "boxplotanimation_p.h" #include "qchart_p.h" #include "qboxset.h" #include "qboxset_p.h" #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \class QBoxPlotSeries \brief Series for creating stacked bar chart \mainclass QBoxPlotSeries represents a series of data shown as bars. The purpose of this class is to draw bars as stacks, where bars in same category are stacked on top of each other. QBoxPlotSeries groups the data from sets to categories, which are defined by QStringList. See the \l {BoxPlotChart Example} {stacked bar chart example} to learn how to create a stacked bar chart. \image examples_boxplotchart.png \sa QBoxSet, QPercentBarSeries, QAbstractBarSeries */ /*! \qmlclass BoxPlotSeries QBoxPlotSeries \inherits AbstractBarSeries The following QML shows how to create a simple stacked bar chart: \snippet ../demos/qmlchart/qml/qmlchart/View7.qml 1 \beginfloatleft \image demos_qmlchart7.png \endfloat \clearfloat */ /*! Constructs empty QBoxPlotSeries. QBoxPlotSeries is QObject which is a child of a \a parent. */ QBoxPlotSeries::QBoxPlotSeries(QObject *parent) : QAbstractSeries(*new QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate(this), parent) { } /*! Destructor. Removes series from chart. */ QBoxPlotSeries::~QBoxPlotSeries() { qDebug() << "QBoxPlotSeries::~QBoxPlotSeries"; Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); if (d->m_chart) d->m_chart->removeSeries(this); } /*! Adds a single box and whiskers item to series. Takes ownership of \a the box. If the box is null or is already in series, it won't be appended. Returns true, if appending succeeded. */ bool QBoxPlotSeries::append(QBoxSet *set) { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); bool success = d->append(set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); set->setParent(this); emit boxsetsAdded(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Removes boxset from the series. Releases ownership of the \a set. Deletes the set, if remove was successful. Returns true, if the set was removed. */ bool QBoxPlotSeries::remove(QBoxSet *set) { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); bool success = d->remove(set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); set->setParent(0); emit boxsetsRemoved(sets); emit countChanged(); delete set; set = 0; } return success; } /*! Takes a single \a set from the series. Does not delete the boxset object. NOTE: The series remains as the boxset's parent object. You must set the parent object to take full ownership. Returns true if take was successful. */ bool QBoxPlotSeries::take(QBoxSet *set) { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); bool success = d->remove(set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); emit boxsetsRemoved(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Adds a list of boxsets to series. Takes ownership of the \a sets. Returns true, if all sets were appended successfully. If any of the sets is null or is already appended to series, nothing is appended and function returns false. If any of the sets is in list more than once, nothing is appended and function returns false. */ bool QBoxPlotSeries::append(QList sets) { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); bool success = d->append(sets); if (success) { emit boxsetsAdded(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Insert a set of bars to series at \a index postion. Takes ownership of \a set. If the set is null or is already in series, it won't be appended. Returns true, if inserting succeeded. */ bool QBoxPlotSeries::insert(int index, QBoxSet *set) { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); bool success = d->insert(index, set); if (success) { QList sets; sets.append(set); emit boxsetsAdded(sets); emit countChanged(); } return success; } /*! Removes all boxsets from the series. Deletes removed sets. */ void QBoxPlotSeries::clear() { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); QList sets = boxSets(); bool success = d->remove(sets); if (success) { emit boxsetsRemoved(sets); emit countChanged(); foreach (QBoxSet *set, sets) delete set; } } /*! Returns number of sets in series. */ int QBoxPlotSeries::count() const { Q_D(const QBoxPlotSeries); return d->m_boxSets.count(); } /*! Returns a list of sets in series. Keeps ownership of sets. */ QList QBoxPlotSeries::boxSets() const { Q_D(const QBoxPlotSeries); return d->m_boxSets; } /*! Returns QChartSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot. */ QAbstractSeries::SeriesType QBoxPlotSeries::type() const { return QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot; } void QBoxPlotSeries::setBrush(const QBrush &brush) { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); if (d->m_brush != brush) { d->m_brush = brush; emit d->updated(); } } QBrush QBoxPlotSeries::brush() const { Q_D(const QBoxPlotSeries); return d->m_brush; } void QBoxPlotSeries::setPen(const QPen &pen) { Q_D(QBoxPlotSeries); if (d->m_pen != pen) { d->m_pen = pen; emit d->updated(); } } QPen QBoxPlotSeries::pen() const { Q_D(const QBoxPlotSeries); return d->m_pen; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate(QBoxPlotSeries *q) : QAbstractSeriesPrivate(q), m_pen(QPen(Qt::NoPen)), m_brush(QBrush(Qt::NoBrush)) { } QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::~QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate() { qDebug() << "QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::~QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate()"; disconnect(this, 0, 0, 0); } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::initializeDomain() { qreal minX(domain()->minX()); qreal minY(domain()->minY()); qreal maxX(domain()->maxX()); qreal maxY(domain()->maxY()); qreal x = m_boxSets.count(); minX = qMin(minX, - (qreal)0.5); minY = qMin(minY, bottom()); maxX = qMax(maxX, x - (qreal)0.5); maxY = qMax(maxY, max()); domain()->setRange(minX, maxX, minY, maxY); } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::initializeAxes() { foreach (QAbstractAxis* axis, m_axes) { if (axis->type() == QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory) { if (axis->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) populateCategories(qobject_cast(axis)); else qDebug() << "ALERT: QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::initializeAxes implement #1"; } } } QAbstractAxis::AxisType QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::defaultAxisType(Qt::Orientation orientation) const { if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeBarCategory; return QAbstractAxis::AxisTypeValue; } QAbstractAxis* QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::createDefaultAxis(Qt::Orientation orientation) const { Q_UNUSED(orientation); // This is not implemented even in barseries, keep in touch if something needs this qDebug() << "ALERT: QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::createDefaultAxis implement"; return 0; } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::populateCategories(QBarCategoryAxis *axis) { QStringList categories; if (axis->categories().isEmpty()) { for (int i(1); i < m_boxSets.count() + 1; i++) categories << QString::number(i); axis->append(categories); } } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::initializeGraphics(QGraphicsItem* parent) { Q_Q(QBoxPlotSeries); BoxPlotChartItem *boxPlot = new BoxPlotChartItem(q,parent); m_item.reset(boxPlot); QAbstractSeriesPrivate::initializeGraphics(parent); if (m_chart) { connect(m_chart->d_ptr->m_dataset, SIGNAL(seriesAdded(QAbstractSeries*)), this, SLOT(handleSeriesChange(QAbstractSeries*)) ); connect(m_chart->d_ptr->m_dataset, SIGNAL(seriesRemoved(QAbstractSeries*)), this, SLOT(handleSeriesRemove(QAbstractSeries*)) ); QList serieses = m_chart->series(); // Tries to find this series from the Chart's list of serieses and deduce the index int index = 0; foreach (QAbstractSeries *s, serieses) { if (s->type() == QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot) { if (q == static_cast(s)) { boxPlot->m_seriesIndex = index; m_index = index; } index++; } } boxPlot->m_seriesCount = index; } // Make BoxPlotChartItem to instantiate box & whisker items boxPlot->handleDataStructureChanged(); } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::initializeTheme(int index, ChartTheme* theme, bool forced) { Q_Q(QBoxPlotSeries); qDebug() << "QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::initializeTheme"; const QList gradients = theme->seriesGradients(); if (forced || m_brush == QBrush(Qt::NoBrush)) { QColor brushColor = ChartThemeManager::colorAt(gradients.at(index % gradients.size()), 0.5); q->setBrush(brushColor); } if (forced || m_pen == QPen(Qt::NoPen)) { QPen pen = theme->outlinePen(); pen.setCosmetic(true); q->setPen(pen); } } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::initializeAnimations(QtCommercialChart::QChart::AnimationOptions options) { BoxPlotChartItem *item = static_cast(m_item.data()); Q_ASSERT(item); if (options.testFlag(QChart::SeriesAnimations)) { item->setAnimation(new BoxPlotAnimation(item)); }else{ item->setAnimation((BoxPlotAnimation *)0); } QAbstractSeriesPrivate::initializeAnimations(options); } QList QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::createLegendMarkers(QLegend *legend) { Q_Q(QBoxPlotSeries); QList list; return list << new QBoxPlotLegendMarker(q, legend); } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::handleSeriesRemove(QAbstractSeries *series) { qDebug() << "QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::handleSeriesRemove"; Q_Q(QBoxPlotSeries); QBoxPlotSeries *removedSeries = static_cast(series); QObject::disconnect(m_chart->d_ptr->m_dataset, 0, removedSeries->d_func(), 0); // Test if series removed is me, then don't do anything if (q != removedSeries) { BoxPlotChartItem *item = static_cast(m_item.data()); if (item) { item->m_seriesCount = item->m_seriesCount - 1; if (removedSeries->d_func()->m_index < m_index) { m_index--; item->m_seriesIndex = m_index; } item->handleDataStructureChanged(); } } } void QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::handleSeriesChange(QAbstractSeries *series) { Q_UNUSED(series); Q_Q(QBoxPlotSeries); BoxPlotChartItem *boxPlot = static_cast(m_item.data()); if (m_chart) { QList serieses = m_chart->series(); // Tries to find this series from the Chart's list of serieses and deduce the index int index = 0; foreach (QAbstractSeries *s, serieses) { if (s->type() == QAbstractSeries::SeriesTypeBoxPlot) { if (q == static_cast(s)) { boxPlot->m_seriesIndex = index; m_index = index; } index++; } } boxPlot->m_seriesCount = index; } boxPlot->handleDataStructureChanged(); } bool QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::append(QBoxSet *set) { if ((m_boxSets.contains(set)) || (set == 0)) return false; // Fail if set is already in list or set is null. m_boxSets.append(set); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBox()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBoxes())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBox()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBoxes())); emit restructuredBoxes(); // this notifies boxplotchartitem return true; } bool QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::remove(QBoxSet *set) { if (!m_boxSets.contains(set)) return false; // Fail if set is not in list m_boxSets.removeOne(set); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBox()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBoxes())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBox()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBoxes())); emit restructuredBoxes(); // this notifies boxplotchartitem return true; } bool QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::append(QList sets) { foreach (QBoxSet *set, sets) { if ((set == 0) || (m_boxSets.contains(set))) return false; // Fail if any of the sets is null or is already appended. if (sets.count(set) != 1) return false; // Also fail if same set is more than once in given list. } foreach (QBoxSet *set, sets) { m_boxSets.append(set); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBox()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBoxes())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBox()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBoxes())); } emit restructuredBoxes(); // this notifies boxplotchartitem return true; } bool QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::remove(QList sets) { if (sets.count() == 0) return false; foreach (QBoxSet *set, sets) { if ((set == 0) || (!m_boxSets.contains(set))) return false; // Fail if any of the sets is null or is not in series if (sets.count(set) != 1) return false; // Also fail if same set is more than once in given list. } foreach (QBoxSet *set, sets) { m_boxSets.removeOne(set); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBox()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBoxes())); QObject::disconnect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBox()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBoxes())); } emit restructuredBoxes(); // this notifies boxplotchartitem return true; } bool QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::insert(int index, QBoxSet *set) { if ((m_boxSets.contains(set)) || (set == 0)) return false; // Fail if set is already in list or set is null. m_boxSets.insert(index, set); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedLayout()), this, SIGNAL(updatedLayout())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(updatedBox()), this, SIGNAL(updatedBoxes())); QObject::connect(set->d_ptr.data(), SIGNAL(restructuredBox()), this, SIGNAL(restructuredBoxes())); emit restructuredBoxes(); // this notifies boxplotchartitem return true; } QBoxSet *QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::boxsetAt(int index) { return m_boxSets.at(index); } qreal QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::bottom() { // Returns bottom of all boxes qreal bottom(0); foreach (QBoxSet *set, m_boxSets) { for (int i = 0; i < set->count(); i++) { if (set->at(i) < bottom) bottom = set->at(i); } } return bottom; } qreal QBoxPlotSeriesPrivate::max() { if (m_boxSets.count() <= 0) return 0; qreal max = INT_MIN; foreach (QBoxSet *set, m_boxSets) { for (int i = 0; i < set->count(); i++) { if (set->at(i) > max) max = set->at(i); } } return max; } #include "moc_qboxplotseries.cpp" #include "moc_qboxplotseries_p.cpp" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE