#include "qchart.h" #include "qchartaxis.h" #include "qlegend.h" #include "chartpresenter_p.h" #include "chartdataset_p.h" #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \enum QChart::ChartTheme This enum describes the theme used by the chart. \value ChartThemeDefault \value ChartThemeVanilla \value ChartThemeIcy \value ChartThemeGrayscale \value ChartThemeScientific */ /*! \enum QChart::AnimationOption For enabling/disabling animations. Defaults to NoAnimation. \value NoAnimation \value GridAxisAnimations \value SeriesAnimations \value AllAnimations */ /*! \class QChart \brief QtCommercial chart API. QChart is a QGraphicsWidget that you can show in a QGraphicsScene. It manages the graphical representation of different types of QChartSeries and other chart related objects like QChartAxis and QChartLegend. If you simply want to show a chart in a layout, you can use the convenience class QChartView instead of QChart. \sa QChartView */ /*! Constructs a chart object which is a child of a\a parent. Parameter \a wFlags is passed to the QGraphicsWidget constructor. */ QChart::QChart(QGraphicsItem *parent, Qt::WindowFlags wFlags) : QGraphicsWidget(parent,wFlags), m_backgroundItem(0), m_titleItem(0), m_legend(new QLegend(this)), m_dataset(new ChartDataSet(this)), m_presenter(new ChartPresenter(this,m_dataset)) { connect(m_dataset,SIGNAL(seriesAdded(QSeries*,Domain*)),m_legend,SLOT(handleSeriesAdded(QSeries*,Domain*))); connect(m_dataset,SIGNAL(seriesRemoved(QSeries*)),m_legend,SLOT(handleSeriesRemoved(QSeries*))); } /*! Destroys the object and it's children, like QChartSeries and QChartAxis object added to it. */ QChart::~QChart() { disconnect(m_dataset,SIGNAL(seriesAdded(QSeries*,Domain*)),m_legend,SLOT(handleSeriesAdded(QSeries*,Domain*))); disconnect(m_dataset,SIGNAL(seriesRemoved(QSeries*)),m_legend,SLOT(handleSeriesRemoved(QSeries*))); } /*! Adds the \a series and optional \a axisY onto the chart and takes the ownership of the objects. If auto scaling is enabled, re-scales the axes the series is bound to (both the x axis and the y axis). */ void QChart::addSeries(QSeries* series, QChartAxis* axisY) { m_dataset->addSeries(series, axisY); } /*! Removes the \a series specified in a perameter from the QChartView. It releses its ownership of the specified QChartSeries object. It does not delete the pointed QChartSeries data object \sa addSeries(), removeAllSeries() */ void QChart::removeSeries(QSeries* series) { m_dataset->removeSeries(series); } /*! Removes all the QChartSeries that have been added to the QChartView It also deletes the pointed QChartSeries data objects \sa addSeries(), removeSeries() */ void QChart::removeAllSeries() { m_dataset->removeAllSeries(); } /*! Sets the \a brush that is used for painting the background of the chart area. */ void QChart::setChartBackgroundBrush(const QBrush& brush) { createChartBackgroundItem(); m_backgroundItem->setBrush(brush); m_backgroundItem->update(); } /*! Sets the \a pen that is used for painting the background of the chart area. */ void QChart::setChartBackgroundPen(const QPen& pen) { createChartBackgroundItem(); m_backgroundItem->setPen(pen); m_backgroundItem->update(); } /*! Sets the chart \a title. The description text that is drawn above the chart. */ void QChart::setChartTitle(const QString& title) { createChartTitleItem(); m_titleItem->setText(title); updateLayout(); } /*! Returns the chart title. The description text that is drawn above the chart. */ QString QChart::chartTitle() const { if(m_titleItem) return m_titleItem->text(); else return QString(); } /*! Sets the \a font that is used for rendering the description text that is rendered above the chart. */ void QChart::setChartTitleFont(const QFont& font) { createChartTitleItem(); m_titleItem->setFont(font); updateLayout(); } /*! Sets the \a brush used for rendering the title text. */ void QChart::setChartTitleBrush(const QBrush &brush) { createChartTitleItem(); m_titleItem->setBrush(brush); updateLayout(); } /*! Returns the brush used for rendering the title text. */ QBrush QChart::chartTitleBrush() { createChartTitleItem(); return m_titleItem->brush(); } void QChart::createChartBackgroundItem() { if(!m_backgroundItem) { m_backgroundItem = new QGraphicsRectItem(this); m_backgroundItem->setPen(Qt::NoPen); m_backgroundItem->setZValue(ChartPresenter::BackgroundZValue); } } void QChart::createChartTitleItem() { if(!m_titleItem) { m_titleItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(this); m_titleItem->setZValue(ChartPresenter::BackgroundZValue); } } /*! Returns the chart margin, which is the distance between the widget edge and the part of the chart where the actual data can be displayed. \sa setMargin() */ int QChart::margin() const { return m_presenter->margin(); } /*! Sets the chart \a margin, which is the distance between the widget edge and the part of the chart where the actual data can be displayed. \sa margin() */ void QChart::setMargin(int margin) { m_presenter->setMargin(margin); updateLayout(); } /*! Sets the \a theme used by the chart for rendering the graphical representation of the data \sa ChartTheme, chartTheme() */ void QChart::setChartTheme(QChart::ChartTheme theme) { m_presenter->setChartTheme(theme); } /*! Returns the theme enum used by the chart. \sa ChartTheme, setChartTheme() */ QChart::ChartTheme QChart::chartTheme() const { return m_presenter->chartTheme(); } /*! Zooms in the view by a factor of 2 */ void QChart::zoomIn() { m_presenter->zoomIn(); } /*! Zooms in the view to a maximum level at which \a rect is still fully visible. */ void QChart::zoomIn(const QRectF& rect) { if(!rect.isValid()) return; m_presenter->zoomIn(rect); } /*! Restores the view zoom level to the previous one. */ void QChart::zoomOut() { m_presenter->zoomOut(); } /*! Resets to the default view. */ void QChart::zoomReset() { m_presenter->zoomReset(); } /*! Returns the pointer to the x axis object of the chart */ QChartAxis* QChart::axisX() const { return m_dataset->axisX(); } /*! Returns the pointer to the y axis object of the chart */ QChartAxis* QChart::axisY() const { return m_dataset->axisY(); } /*! Returns the legend object of the chart */ QLegend* QChart::legend() { return m_legend; } /*! Resizes and updates the chart area using the \a event data */ void QChart::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event) { m_rect = QRectF(QPoint(0,0),event->newSize()); updateLayout(); QGraphicsWidget::resizeEvent(event); update(); } /*! Sets animation \a options for the chart */ void QChart::setAnimationOptions(AnimationOptions options) { m_presenter->setAnimationOptions(options); } /*! Returns animation options for the chart */ QChart::AnimationOptions QChart::animationOptions() const { return m_presenter->animationOptions(); } void QChart::scroll(int dx,int dy) { //temporary if(dx>0) m_presenter->scroll(m_presenter->geometry().width()/(axisX()->ticksCount()-1),0); if(dx<0) m_presenter->scroll(-m_presenter->geometry().width()/(axisX()->ticksCount()-1),0); if(dy>0) m_presenter->scroll(0,m_presenter->geometry().width()/(axisY()->ticksCount()-1)); if(dy<0) m_presenter->scroll(0,-m_presenter->geometry().width()/(axisY()->ticksCount()-1)); } void QChart::updateLayout() { if(!m_rect.isValid()) return; QRectF rect = m_rect.adjusted(margin(),margin(), -margin(), -margin()); // recalculate title position if (m_titleItem) { QPointF center = m_rect.center() -m_titleItem->boundingRect().center(); m_titleItem->setPos(center.x(),m_rect.top()/2 + margin()/2); } //recalculate background gradient if (m_backgroundItem) { m_backgroundItem->setRect(rect); } } #include "moc_qchart.cpp" QTCOMMERCIALCHART_END_NAMESPACE