#include "mainwidget.h" #include "dataseriedialog.h" #include "qchartseries.h" #include "qpieseries.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QTCOMMERCIALCHART_USE_NAMESPACE MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { m_chartWidget = new QChartView(this); m_chartWidget->setRubberBandPolicy(QChartView::HorizonalRubberBand); // Grid layout for the controls for configuring the chart widget QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(); QPushButton *addSeriesButton = new QPushButton("Add series"); connect(addSeriesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addSeries())); grid->addWidget(addSeriesButton, 0, 1); initBackroundCombo(grid); initScaleControls(grid); initThemeCombo(grid); QCheckBox *zoomCheckBox = new QCheckBox("Drag'n drop Zoom"); connect(zoomCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_chartWidget, SLOT(setZoomEnabled(bool))); zoomCheckBox->setChecked(true); grid->addWidget(zoomCheckBox, grid->rowCount(), 0); // add row with empty label to make all the other rows static grid->addWidget(new QLabel(""), grid->rowCount(), 0); grid->setRowStretch(grid->rowCount() - 1, 1); // Another grid layout as a main layout QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout(); mainLayout->addLayout(grid, 0, 0); // Init series type specific controls initPieControls(); mainLayout->addLayout(m_pieLayout, 2, 0); // Scatter series specific settings // m_scatterLayout = new QGridLayout(); // m_scatterLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("scatter"), 0, 0); // m_scatterLayout->setEnabled(false); // mainLayout->addLayout(m_scatterLayout, 1, 0); // Add layouts and the chart widget to the main layout mainLayout->addWidget(m_chartWidget, 0, 1, 3, 1); setLayout(mainLayout); // force an update to test data testDataChanged(0); } // Combo box for selecting the chart's background void MainWidget::initBackroundCombo(QGridLayout *grid) { QComboBox *backgroundCombo = new QComboBox(this); backgroundCombo->addItem("Color"); backgroundCombo->addItem("Gradient"); backgroundCombo->addItem("Image"); connect(backgroundCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(backgroundChanged(int))); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("Background:"), grid->rowCount(), 0); grid->addWidget(backgroundCombo, grid->rowCount() - 1, 1); } // Scale related controls (auto-scale vs. manual min-max values) void MainWidget::initScaleControls(QGridLayout *grid) { m_autoScaleCheck = new QCheckBox("Automatic scaling"); connect(m_autoScaleCheck, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(autoScaleChanged(int))); // Allow setting also non-sense values (like -2147483648 and 2147483647) m_xMinSpin = new QSpinBox(); m_xMinSpin->setMinimum(INT_MIN); m_xMinSpin->setMaximum(INT_MAX); m_xMinSpin->setValue(0); connect(m_xMinSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(xMinChanged(int))); m_xMaxSpin = new QSpinBox(); m_xMaxSpin->setMinimum(INT_MIN); m_xMaxSpin->setMaximum(INT_MAX); m_xMaxSpin->setValue(10); connect(m_xMaxSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(xMaxChanged(int))); m_yMinSpin = new QSpinBox(); m_yMinSpin->setMinimum(INT_MIN); m_yMinSpin->setMaximum(INT_MAX); m_yMinSpin->setValue(0); connect(m_yMinSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(yMinChanged(int))); m_yMaxSpin = new QSpinBox(); m_yMaxSpin->setMinimum(INT_MIN); m_yMaxSpin->setMaximum(INT_MAX); m_yMaxSpin->setValue(10); connect(m_yMaxSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(yMaxChanged(int))); grid->addWidget(m_autoScaleCheck, grid->rowCount(), 0); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("x min:"), grid->rowCount(), 0); grid->addWidget(m_xMinSpin, grid->rowCount() - 1, 1); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("x max:"), grid->rowCount(), 0); grid->addWidget(m_xMaxSpin, grid->rowCount() - 1, 1); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("y min:"), grid->rowCount(), 0); grid->addWidget(m_yMinSpin, grid->rowCount() - 1, 1); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("y max:"), grid->rowCount(), 0); grid->addWidget(m_yMaxSpin, grid->rowCount() - 1, 1); m_autoScaleCheck->setChecked(true); } // Combo box for selecting theme void MainWidget::initThemeCombo(QGridLayout *grid) { QComboBox *chartTheme = new QComboBox(); chartTheme->addItem("Default"); chartTheme->addItem("Vanilla"); chartTheme->addItem("Icy"); chartTheme->addItem("Grayscale"); chartTheme->addItem("Scientific"); chartTheme->addItem("Unnamed1"); connect(chartTheme, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeChartTheme(int))); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("Chart theme:"), 8, 0); grid->addWidget(chartTheme, 8, 1); } void MainWidget::initPieControls() { // Pie series specific settings // Pie size factory QDoubleSpinBox *pieSizeSpin = new QDoubleSpinBox(); pieSizeSpin->setMinimum(LONG_MIN); pieSizeSpin->setMaximum(LONG_MAX); pieSizeSpin->setValue(1.0); pieSizeSpin->setSingleStep(0.1); connect(pieSizeSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setPieSizeFactor(double))); // Pie position QComboBox *piePosCombo = new QComboBox(this); piePosCombo->addItem("Maximized"); piePosCombo->addItem("Top left"); piePosCombo->addItem("Top right"); piePosCombo->addItem("Bottom left"); piePosCombo->addItem("Bottom right"); connect(piePosCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setPiePosition(int))); m_pieLayout = new QGridLayout(); m_pieLayout->setEnabled(false); m_pieLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Pie size factor"), 0, 0); m_pieLayout->addWidget(pieSizeSpin, 0, 1); m_pieLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Pie position"), 1, 0); m_pieLayout->addWidget(piePosCombo, 1, 1); } void MainWidget::addSeries() { DataSerieDialog dialog(m_defaultSeriesName, this); connect(&dialog, SIGNAL(accepted(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(addSeries(QString, QString))); dialog.exec(); } void MainWidget::addSeries(QString series, QString data) { qDebug() << "addSeries: " << series << " data: " << data; m_defaultSeriesName = series; // TODO: a dedicated data class for storing x and y values QList x; QList y; QList data0; QList data1; QList data2; QList data3; QList data4; if (data == "linear") { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { x.append(i); y.append(i); } } else if (data == "linear, 1M") { // 1 million data points from 0.0001 to 100 // TODO: What is the requirement? Should we be able to show this kind of data with // reasonable performance, or can we expect the application developer to do "data mining" // for us, so that the count of data points given to QtCommercial Chart is always // reasonable? for (qreal i = 0; i < 100; i += 0.0001) { x.append(i); y.append(20); } } else if (data == "SIN") { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { x.append(i); y.append(abs(sin(3.14159265358979 / 50 * i) * 100)); } } else if (data == "SIN + random") { for (qreal i = 0; i < 100; i += 0.1) { x.append(i + (rand() % 5)); y.append(abs(sin(3.14159265358979 / 50 * i) * 100) + (rand() % 5)); } } else if (data == "Table, 5 series"){ // Create some test data to chart data0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 << 7 << 8 << 9 << 10 << 5; data1 << 5 << 0 << 0 << 4 << 0 << 7 << 8 << 9 << 9 << 0 << 4; data2 << 3 << 5 << 8 << 13 << 8 << 5 << 3 << 2 << 1 << 1 << 3; data3 << 5 << 6 << 7 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 8 << 9 << 10 << 5 << 2; data4 << 9 << 7 << 5 << 3 << 1 << 2 << 4 << 6 << 8 << 10 << 1; } else { // TODO: check if data has a valid file name Q_ASSERT(false); } // TODO: color of the series QChartSeries *newSeries = 0; if (series == "Scatter") { newSeries = m_chartWidget->createSeries(QChartSeries::SeriesTypeScatter); Q_ASSERT(newSeries->setData(x, y)); } else if (series == "Pie") { newSeries = m_chartWidget->createSeries(QChartSeries::SeriesTypePie); Q_ASSERT(newSeries->setData(y)); } else if (series == "Line") { // TODO: adding data to an existing line series does not give any visuals for some reason // newSeries = m_chartWidget->createSeries(QChartSeries::SeriesTypeLine); // QXYChartSeries *lineSeries = static_cast(newSeries); // lineSeries->setColor(Qt::blue); // for (int i(0); i < x.count() && i < y.count(); i++) { // lineSeries->add(x.at(i), y.at(i)); // } //Q_ASSERT(newSeries->setData(x, y)); QLineChartSeries* series0 = new QLineChartSeries(); for (int i(0); i < x.count() && i < y.count(); i++) series0->add(x.at(i), y.at(i)); m_chartWidget->addSeries(series0); newSeries = series0; } else if (series == "Bar") { qDebug() << "Bar chart series"; BarChartSeries* series0 = new BarChartSeries(this); series0->addData(data0); series0->addData(data1); series0->addData(data2); series0->addData(data3); series0->addData(data4); QList labels; labels << "Jan" << "Feb" << "Mar" << "Apr" << "May" << "June" << "Jul" << "Aug" << "Sep" << "Nov" << "Dec"; series0->setLabels(labels); m_chartWidget->addSeries(series0); newSeries = series0; } else if (series == "StackedBar") { qDebug() << "Bar chart series"; StackedBarChartSeries* series0 = new StackedBarChartSeries(this); series0->addData(data0); series0->addData(data1); series0->addData(data2); series0->addData(data3); series0->addData(data4); QList labels; labels << "Jan" << "Feb" << "Mar" << "Apr" << "May" << "June" << "Jul" << "Aug" << "Sep" << "Nov" << "Dec"; series0->setLabels(labels); m_chartWidget->addSeries(series0); newSeries = series0; } else if (series == "PercentBar") { qDebug() << "Bar chart series"; PercentBarChartSeries* series0 = new PercentBarChartSeries(this); series0->addData(data0); series0->addData(data1); series0->addData(data2); series0->addData(data3); series0->addData(data4); QList labels; labels << "Jan" << "Feb" << "Mar" << "Apr" << "May" << "June" << "Jul" << "Aug" << "Sep" << "Nov" << "Dec"; series0->setLabels(labels); m_chartWidget->addSeries(series0); newSeries = series0; } else { qDebug() << "Something weird going on in MainWidget::addSeries"; } setCurrentSeries(newSeries); } void MainWidget::setCurrentSeries(QChartSeries *series) { m_currentSeries = series; switch (m_currentSeries->type()) { case QChartSeries::SeriesTypeLine: break; case QChartSeries::SeriesTypeScatter: break; case QChartSeries::SeriesTypePie: break; case QChartSeries::SeriesTypeBar: qDebug() << "setCurrentSeries (bar)"; break; case QChartSeries::SeriesTypeStackedBar: qDebug() << "setCurrentSeries (Stackedbar)"; break; case QChartSeries::SeriesTypePercentBar: qDebug() << "setCurrentSeries (Percentbar)"; break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } void MainWidget::testDataChanged(int itemIndex) { qDebug() << "testDataChanged: " << itemIndex; // switch (itemIndex) { // case 0: { // QList data; // for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { // data.append(QChartDataPoint() << x << x / 2); // } // m_chartWidget->setData(data); // break; // } // case 1: { // QList data; // for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++) { // data.append(QChartDataPoint() << x - 200 << 2 * (uint(sin(3.14159/50*x)*80) % 100)); // } // m_chartWidget->setData(data); // break; // } // case 2: { // QList data; // for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++) { // data.append(QChartDataPoint() << x - 200 << 2 * (uint(sin(3.14159/50*x)*80) % 100) + (rand() % 100 * 0.2)); // data.append(QChartDataPoint() << x - 200 << 2 * (uint(sin(3.14159/50*x)*80) % 100) + (rand() % 100 * 0.2)); // data.append(QChartDataPoint() << x - 200 << 2 * (uint(sin(3.14159/50*x)*80) % 100) + (rand() % 100 * 0.2)); // } // m_chartWidget->setData(data); // break; // } // default: // break; // } } void MainWidget::backgroundChanged(int itemIndex) { qDebug() << "backgroundChanged: " << itemIndex; } void MainWidget::autoScaleChanged(int value) { if (value) { // TODO: enable auto scaling } else { // TODO: set scaling manually (and disable auto scaling) } m_xMinSpin->setEnabled(!value); m_xMaxSpin->setEnabled(!value); m_yMinSpin->setEnabled(!value); m_yMaxSpin->setEnabled(!value); } void MainWidget::xMinChanged(int value) { qDebug() << "xMinChanged: " << value; } void MainWidget::xMaxChanged(int value) { qDebug() << "xMaxChanged: " << value; } void MainWidget::yMinChanged(int value) { qDebug() << "yMinChanged: " << value; } void MainWidget::yMaxChanged(int value) { qDebug() << "yMaxChanged: " << value; } void MainWidget::changeChartTheme(int themeIndex) { qDebug() << "changeChartTheme: " << themeIndex; m_chartWidget->setChartTheme((QChart::ChartTheme) themeIndex); //TODO: remove this hack. This is just to make it so that theme change is seen immediately. QSize s = size(); s.setWidth(s.width()+1); resize(s); } void MainWidget::setPieSizeFactor(double size) { QPieSeries *pie = qobject_cast(m_currentSeries); if (pie) pie->setSizeFactor(qreal(size)); } void MainWidget::setPiePosition(int position) { QPieSeries *pie = qobject_cast(m_currentSeries); if (pie) pie->setPosition((QPieSeries::PiePosition) position); }