** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc
** All rights reserved.
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** This file is part of the Qt Enterprise Charts Add-on.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Digia.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
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#include "qscatterseries.h"
#include "declarativexyseries.h"
#include "declarativeaxes.h"
#include "shared_defines.h"
#include <QtQml/QQmlListProperty>
#include <QtQml/QQmlParserStatus>
#include <QtDeclarative/QDeclarativeListProperty>
#include <QtDeclarative/QDeclarativeParserStatus>
class DeclarativeScatterSeries : public QScatterSeries, public DeclarativeXySeries, public QDECLARATIVE_PARSER_STATUS
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractAxis *axisX READ axisX WRITE setAxisX NOTIFY axisXChanged REVISION 1)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractAxis *axisY READ axisY WRITE setAxisY NOTIFY axisYChanged REVISION 1)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractAxis *axisXTop READ axisXTop WRITE setAxisXTop NOTIFY axisXTopChanged REVISION 2)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractAxis *axisYRight READ axisYRight WRITE setAxisYRight NOTIFY axisYRightChanged REVISION 2)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractAxis *axisAngular READ axisAngular WRITE setAxisAngular NOTIFY axisAngularChanged REVISION 3)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractAxis *axisRadial READ axisRadial WRITE setAxisRadial NOTIFY axisRadialChanged REVISION 3)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal borderWidth READ borderWidth WRITE setBorderWidth NOTIFY borderWidthChanged REVISION 1)
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<QObject> declarativeChildren READ declarativeChildren)
Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeListProperty<QObject> declarativeChildren READ declarativeChildren)
Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "declarativeChildren")
explicit DeclarativeScatterSeries(QObject *parent = 0);
QXYSeries *xySeries() { return this; }
QAbstractAxis *axisX() { return m_axes->axisX(); }
void setAxisX(QAbstractAxis *axis) { m_axes->setAxisX(axis); }
QAbstractAxis *axisY() { return m_axes->axisY(); }
void setAxisY(QAbstractAxis *axis) { m_axes->setAxisY(axis); }
Q_REVISION(2) QAbstractAxis *axisXTop() { return m_axes->axisXTop(); }
Q_REVISION(2) void setAxisXTop(QAbstractAxis *axis) { m_axes->setAxisXTop(axis); }
Q_REVISION(2) QAbstractAxis *axisYRight() { return m_axes->axisYRight(); }
Q_REVISION(2) void setAxisYRight(QAbstractAxis *axis) { m_axes->setAxisYRight(axis); }
Q_REVISION(3) QAbstractAxis *axisAngular() { return m_axes->axisX(); }
Q_REVISION(3) void setAxisAngular(QAbstractAxis *axis) { m_axes->setAxisX(axis); }
Q_REVISION(3) QAbstractAxis *axisRadial() { return m_axes->axisY(); }
Q_REVISION(3) void setAxisRadial(QAbstractAxis *axis) { m_axes->setAxisY(axis); }
qreal borderWidth() const;
void setBorderWidth(qreal borderWidth);
QDECLARATIVE_LIST_PROPERTY<QObject> declarativeChildren();
public: // from QDeclarativeParserStatus
void classBegin() { DeclarativeXySeries::classBegin(); }
void componentComplete() { DeclarativeXySeries::componentComplete(); }
Q_INVOKABLE void append(qreal x, qreal y) { DeclarativeXySeries::append(x, y); }
Q_INVOKABLE void replace(qreal oldX, qreal oldY, qreal newX, qreal newY) { DeclarativeXySeries::replace(oldX, oldY, newX, newY); }
Q_REVISION(3) Q_INVOKABLE void replace(int index, qreal newX, qreal newY) { DeclarativeXySeries::replace(index, newX, newY); }
Q_INVOKABLE void remove(qreal x, qreal y) { DeclarativeXySeries::remove(x, y); }
Q_REVISION(3) Q_INVOKABLE void remove(int index) { DeclarativeXySeries::remove(index); }
Q_INVOKABLE void insert(int index, qreal x, qreal y) { DeclarativeXySeries::insert(index, x, y); }
Q_INVOKABLE void clear() { DeclarativeXySeries::clear(); }
Q_INVOKABLE QPointF at(int index) { return DeclarativeXySeries::at(index); }
void countChanged(int count);
Q_REVISION(1) void axisXChanged(QAbstractAxis *axis);
Q_REVISION(1) void axisYChanged(QAbstractAxis *axis);
Q_REVISION(1) void borderWidthChanged(qreal width);
Q_REVISION(2) void axisXTopChanged(QAbstractAxis *axis);
Q_REVISION(2) void axisYRightChanged(QAbstractAxis *axis);
Q_REVISION(3) void axisAngularChanged(QAbstractAxis *axis);
Q_REVISION(3) void axisRadialChanged(QAbstractAxis *axis);
public Q_SLOTS:
static void appendDeclarativeChildren(QDECLARATIVE_LIST_PROPERTY<QObject> *list, QObject *element);
void handleCountChanged(int index);
DeclarativeAxes *m_axes;