** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc
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** This file is part of the Qt Commercial Charts Add-on.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
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#include "qxyseries.h"
#include "qxyseries_p.h"
#include "domain_p.h"
#include "legendmarker_p.h"
\class QXYSeries
\brief The QXYSeries class is a base class for line, spline and scatter series.
\qmlclass XYSeries
\brief The XYSeries class is a base class for line, spline and scatter series.
The class cannot be instantiated directly.
\property QXYSeries::pointsVisible
Controls if the data points are visible and should be drawn.
\qmlproperty bool XYSeries::pointsVisible
Controls if the data points are visible and should be drawn.
\fn QPen QXYSeries::pen() const
\brief Returns pen used to draw points for series.
\sa setPen()
\fn QBrush QXYSeries::brush() const
\brief Returns brush used to draw points for series.
\sa setBrush()
\property QXYSeries::color
The color of the series. This is line (pen) color in case of QLineSeries or QSplineSeries and
fill (brush) color in case of QScatterSeries or QAreaSeries.
\sa QXYSeries::pen(), QXYSeries::brush()
\qmlproperty color XYSeries::color
The color of the series. This is line (pen) color in case of LineSeries or SplineSeries and
fill (brush) color in case of ScatterSeries or AreaSeries.
\fn void QXYSeries::clicked(const QPointF& point)
\brief Signal is emitted when user clicks the \a point on chart.
\qmlsignal XYSeries::onClicked(QPointF point)
Signal is emitted when user clicks the \a point on chart. For example:
LineSeries {
XyPoint { x: 0; y: 0 }
XyPoint { x: 1.1; y: 2.1 }
onClicked: console.log("onClicked: " + point.x + ", " + point.y);
\fn void QXYSeries::pointReplaced(int index)
Signal is emitted when a point has been replaced at \a index.
\sa replace()
\qmlsignal XYSeries::pointReplaced(int index)
Signal is emitted when a point has been replaced at \a index.
\fn void QXYSeries::pointAdded(int index)
Signal is emitted when a point has been added at \a index.
\sa append(), insert()
\qmlsignal XYSeries::pointAdded(int index)
Signal is emitted when a point has been added at \a index.
\fn void QXYSeries::pointRemoved(int index)
Signal is emitted when a point has been removed from \a index.
\sa remove()
\qmlsignal XYSeries::pointRemoved(int index)
Signal is emitted when a point has been removed from \a index.
\fn void QXYSeries::colorChanged(QColor color)
\brief Signal is emitted when the line (pen) color has changed to \a color.
\qmlsignal XYSeries::colorChanged(QColor color)
Signal is emitted when the line (pen) color has changed to \a color.
\fn void QXYSeriesPrivate::updated()
\brief \internal
\qmlmethod XyPoint XYSeries::at(int index)
Constructs empty series object which is a child of \a parent.
When series object is added to QChartView or QChart instance ownerships is transferred.
QXYSeries::QXYSeries(QXYSeriesPrivate &d,QObject *parent) : QAbstractSeries(d, parent)
Destroys the object. Series added to QChartView or QChart instances are owned by those,
and are deleted when mentioned object are destroyed.
Adds data point \a x \a y to the series. Points are connected with lines on the chart.
void QXYSeries::append(qreal x,qreal y)
This is an overloaded function.
Adds data \a point to the series. Points are connected with lines on the chart.
void QXYSeries::append(const QPointF &point)
// emit d->pointAdded(d->m_points.count()-1);
emit pointAdded(d->m_points.count()-1);
This is an overloaded function.
Adds list of data \a points to the series. Points are connected with lines on the chart.
void QXYSeries::append(const QList<QPointF> &points)
foreach(const QPointF& point , points) {
Replaces data point \a oldX \a oldY with data point \a newX \a newY.
void QXYSeries::replace(qreal oldX,qreal oldY,qreal newX,qreal newY)
Replaces \a oldPoint with \a newPoint.
void QXYSeries::replace(const QPointF &oldPoint,const QPointF &newPoint)
int index = d->m_points.indexOf(oldPoint);
if(index==-1) return;
d->m_points[index] = newPoint;
// emit d->pointReplaced(index);
emit pointReplaced(index);
Removes current \a x and \a y value.
void QXYSeries::remove(qreal x,qreal y)
Removes current \a point x value.
Note: point y value is ignored.
void QXYSeries::remove(const QPointF &point)
int index = d->m_points.indexOf(point);
if(index==-1) return;
// emit d->pointRemoved(index);
emit pointRemoved(index);
Inserts a \a point in the series at \a index position.
void QXYSeries::insert(int index, const QPointF &point)
d->m_points.insert(index, point);
// emit d->pointAdded(index);
emit pointAdded(index);
Removes all points from the series.
void QXYSeries::clear()
for (int i = d->m_points.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
\internal \a pos
QList<QPointF> QXYSeries::points() const
Q_D(const QXYSeries);
return d->m_points.toList();
Returns number of data points within series.
int QXYSeries::count() const
Q_D(const QXYSeries);
return d->m_points.count();
Sets \a pen used for drawing points on the chart. If the pen is not defined, the
pen from chart theme is used.
\sa QChart::setTheme()
void QXYSeries::setPen(const QPen &pen)
if (d->m_pen!=pen) {
d->m_pen = pen;
emit d->updated();
QPen QXYSeries::pen() const
Q_D(const QXYSeries);
return d->m_pen;
Sets \a brush used for drawing points on the chart. If the brush is not defined, brush
from chart theme setting is used.
\sa QChart::setTheme()
void QXYSeries::setBrush(const QBrush &brush)
if (d->m_brush!=brush) {
d->m_brush = brush;
emit d->updated();
QBrush QXYSeries::brush() const
Q_D(const QXYSeries);
return d->m_brush;
void QXYSeries::setColor(const QColor &color)
QPen p = pen();
if (p.color() != color) {
emit colorChanged(color);
QColor QXYSeries::color() const
return pen().color();
void QXYSeries::setPointsVisible(bool visible)
if (d->m_pointsVisible != visible){
d->m_pointsVisible = visible;
emit d->updated();
bool QXYSeries::pointsVisible() const
Q_D(const QXYSeries);
return d->m_pointsVisible;
Stream operator for adding a data \a point to the series.
\sa append()
QXYSeries& QXYSeries::operator<< (const QPointF &point)
return *this;
Stream operator for adding a list of \a points to the series.
\sa append()
QXYSeries& QXYSeries::operator<< (const QList<QPointF>& points)
return *this;
QXYSeriesPrivate::QXYSeriesPrivate(QXYSeries *q) :
void QXYSeriesPrivate::scaleDomain(Domain& domain)
qreal minX(domain.minX());
qreal minY(domain.minY());
qreal maxX(domain.maxX());
qreal maxY(domain.maxY());
int tickXCount(domain.tickXCount());
int tickYCount(domain.tickYCount());
const QList<QPointF>& points = q->points();
for (int i = 0; i < points.count(); i++)
qreal x = points[i].x();
qreal y = points[i].y();
minX = qMin(minX, x);
minY = qMin(minY, y);
maxX = qMax(maxX, x);
maxY = qMax(maxY, y);
QList<LegendMarker*> QXYSeriesPrivate::createLegendMarker(QLegend* legend)
QList<LegendMarker*> list;
return list << new XYLegendMarker(q,legend);
#include "moc_qxyseries.cpp"
#include "moc_qxyseries_p.cpp"