##// END OF EJS Templates
Minor fix to README
Minor fix to README
Miikka Heikkinen -
r2441:af1293ebd0a1 RC1_1.2.1
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Commercial Charts Add-on 1.2.1

What's in Qt Commercial Charts

Directory structure:

Source code of the Qt Commercial Charts
QML bindings plugin and QtCreator plugin
Some examples of using Qt Commercial Charts
More versatile example applications showing how to customize charts,
combine several chart types and implement interaction in charts
Licensing information

Please note that if you have already installed a previous version of
QtCommercial Charts, you should first uninstall it with
make uninstall

Configure project with qmake and build project with make:
(Linux) make
(Windows with MinGw) mingw32-make
(Visual Studio) nmake
(OSX) make

For debug builds:
qmake CONFIG+=debug; make
qmake CONFIG+=debug_and_release; make debug

For release builds:
qmake CONFIG+=release ; make
qmake CONFIG+=debug_and_release; make release

For both builds
qmake CONFIG+="debug_and_release build_all"; make

If you want to install the libraries to your Qt library directory use:
make install

If you want to uninstall the libraries
make uninstall

Building as a statically linked library

The same as above applies you will just have to add staticlib to the CONFIG:
qmake CONFIG+=staticlib

Documentation can be found from doc/html and doc/qch directories. The documentation
can also be generated with:
make docs

Main Changes between 1.2.0 and 1.2.1

- Commercial Charts documentation also as *.qch file

Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Crash with NaN, inf, -inf values (values are ignored)
- Fixed: Axis label truncated with multiple axis
- Fixed: Using setLineVisible(false) on a QBarCategoryAxis gives blurry text
- Fixed: Set the range to min and max for default axes from previously added series
- Fixed: Axes use incorrect bounding rectangle to calculate sizeHint when labels are in non-default angle
- Fixed: Axis titles can slightly overlap with axis labels and axis lines
- Fixed: Charts crashes when changing the values to empty model with logarithmic axis
- Fixed: The legend marker for main series in breakdown series piechart couldnt be updated with custom value
- Fixed: Positioning errors with category axis and bar category axis ticks

Known Issues
- Automatic scaling of the axes is only done when you add a series on a chart
- DateTimeAxis is not supported on ARM because of floating point precision
issues (qreals are floats)
- Declarative plugin is available from Qt 4.7.4 onwards because of missing
Q_REVISION macro in the earlier Qt releases
- Defining axis min-max values sometimes affects other axes with the same orientation
- See for example the secondary y-axis of QML Weather demo application
- The work-around is to set axis range dynamically instead of initializing min and
max properties to certain values