** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc
** All rights reserved.
** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com
** This file is part of the Qt Commercial Charts Add-on.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Digia.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
** contact form at http://qt.digia.com
#include "qpieseries.h"
#include "chartitem_p.h"
#include "piesliceitem_p.h"
class QGraphicsItem;
class QPieSlice;
class ChartPresenter;
typedef QHash<PieSliceItem*, PieSliceData> PieLayout;
class PieChartItem : public ChartItem
// TODO: use a generic data class instead of x and y
PieChartItem(QPieSeries *series, ChartPresenter *presenter);
public: // from QGraphicsItem
QRectF boundingRect() const { return m_rect; }
void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *);
public Q_SLOTS:
void initialize();
void handleSlicesAdded(QList<QPieSlice*> slices);
void handleSlicesRemoved(QList<QPieSlice*> slices);
void handlePieLayoutChanged();
void handleSliceChanged();
void handleDomainChanged(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal);
void handleGeometryChanged(const QRectF& rect);
void calculatePieLayout();
PieSliceData sliceData(QPieSlice *slice);
PieLayout calculateLayout();
void applyLayout(const PieLayout &layout);
void updateLayout(PieSliceItem *sliceItem, const PieSliceData &sliceData);
void setLayout(const PieLayout &layout);
void setLayout(PieSliceItem *sliceItem, const PieSliceData &sliceData);
friend class PieSliceItem;
QHash<QPieSlice*, PieSliceItem*> m_slices;
QPieSeries *m_series;
QRectF m_rect;
QPointF m_pieCenter;
qreal m_pieRadius;