/*! \example examples/splinechart \title SplineChart Example \subtitle The example shows how to create a simple spline chart. \image examples_splinechart.png To create spline charts we need to put our data into QSplineSeries. QSplineSeries automatically calculates spline segment control points that are needed to properly draw the spline. \snippet ../examples/splinechart/main.cpp 1 Now let's add some data points to the series. \snippet ../examples/splinechart/main.cpp 2 The data series has been populated. To display it on a chart we create a QChart object and add the data series to it. We also set the title and the values range on the y-axis, so that our chart's visibility is better. \snippet ../examples/splinechart/main.cpp 3 Then we create a QChartView object with QChart as a parameter. This way we don't need to create a QGraphicsView scene ourselves. We also set the Antialiasing on to have the rendered lines look nicer. \snippet ../examples/splinechart/main.cpp 4 Finally, we set the QChartView as the windows's central widget. \snippet ../examples/splinechart/main.cpp 5 */