/*! \example demos/qmlaxes \title Qml Axes \subtitle This is a demonstration of how to use axes in your QML application. \table \row \o \br We begin with a chart that has a line series and a scatter series with random data. Both series' use the same axes. \br \br \snippet ../demos/qmlaxes/qml/qmlaxes/View1.qml 1 \o \inlineimage demos_qmlaxes1.png \endtable \table \row \o \br The next example shows a chart with some accurate historical data that makes us to use a DateTimeAxis. \br \br \snippet ../demos/qmlaxes/qml/qmlaxes/View2.qml 1 \o \inlineimage demos_qmlaxes2.png \endtable \table \row \o \br And the final example with a chart that uses a CategoryAxis to make the data easier to understand. \br \br \snippet ../demos/qmlaxes/qml/qmlaxes/View3.qml 1 \o \inlineimage demos_qmlaxes3.png \endtable */