/*! \example examples/areachart \title AreaChart Example \subtitle The example shows how to create simple area chart. \image examples_areachart.png To create area charts, we need two QLineSeries instances. They are going to define upper and lower boundary of the area. \snippet ../examples/areachart/main.cpp 1 We add data to both series, we use stream operator. \snippet ../examples/areachart/main.cpp 2 Now we create QAreaSeries instance using two line series objects. We set the custom gradient fill and width of the outline. \snippet ../examples/areachart/main.cpp 3 In the end we create QChartView instance, set title, set anti-aliasing and add area series. We also set the specific range for axes. \snippet ../examples/areachart/main.cpp 4 Chart is ready to be shown. \snippet ../examples/areachart/main.cpp 5 */