/*! \example demos/qmlcustomizations \title Qml Customizations \subtitle \image demos_qmlcustomizations.png This application shows you how to customize different visual properties of a ChartView and series. It shows a wheel of fortune by customizing a pie series. First we create the ChartView and a couple of series. \snippet ../demos/qmlcustomizations/qml/qmlcustomizations/main.qml 1 The application data is generated in Component.onCompleted of the main rectangle: \snippet ../demos/qmlcustomizations/qml/qmlcustomizations/main.qml 2 The following customizations are done repeatedly with a timer. To highlight one of the pie slices at time we modify its exploded property: \snippet ../demos/qmlcustomizations/qml/qmlcustomizations/main.qml 3 Then an animation using a scatter series with one data point: \snippet ../demos/qmlcustomizations/qml/qmlcustomizations/main.qml 4 When the wheel of fortune has stopped, we make the active slice blink by modifying its colors. \snippet ../demos/qmlcustomizations/qml/qmlcustomizations/main.qml 5 */