/*! \example examples/customchart \title Custom chart example \subtitle This example shows how to customize the appearance of the different elements on a chart. \image examples_customchart.png We begin by creating a simple line series and a chart object. \snippet ../examples/customchart/main.cpp 1 Let the customization begin. First we customize the series and the chart's title and background. \snippet ../examples/customchart/main.cpp 2 Then we customize the axes. \snippet ../examples/customchart/main.cpp 3 And the axis label values and ranges. Once the axes are ready we set them to be used by the chart. \snippet ../examples/customchart/main.cpp 4 Finally we create a view containing the chart. \snippet ../examples/customchart/main.cpp 5 Now we are ready to show the chart on a main window. \snippet ../examples/customchart/main.cpp 6 */