-------------------------------- Commercial Charts Add-on Beta -------------------------------- Whats in Qt Commercial Charts ============================= Directory structure: src/ Source code of the Qt Commercial Charts plugins/ QML bindings plugin and QtCreator plugin examples/ Some examples of using Qt Commercial Charts demos/ More versatile example applications showing how to customize charts, combine several chart types and implement interaction in charts doc/ Documentation licenses/ Licensing infromation Building ======== Configure project with qmake: qmake CONFIG+=release Build poject with make: (Linux) make (Windows with MinGw) mingw32-make (Visual Studio) namke If you want to install the libraries to your Qt library directory use: make install If you want to uninstall the libraries make uninstall Documentation ============= The documentation can be generated with "make docs". It will be placed into "doc/html" in the build directory. KNOWN ISSUES ============ * The beta version of Qt Commercial Charts is still under development and thus should not be used in e.g. product development * The Charts API might change between the Beta and the first official release * Mutliple axis are not suported at the moment. * Logartmic, polar axis are not supported at the moment. * If using QAbstractiItemModel derived model with QBarSeries, data manipulation with QBarSeries/QBarSet APIs does not synchronize the data into the model * Model support requires more thorough testing. * Some QObject properties are missing * Some notifications missing from QObject properties * Legend layout does not work correctly with several labels * Animations with Bar Charts can cause crashes in certain situations * Automatic scaling of the axes is only done when you add a series on a chart * The QML Bindings are still under development * Mouse and touch interactions not complete on the QML API * Missing documentation for QML API; the QML demo applications serve as documentation instead * Setting bar width is not possible on QBarSeries derived classes (the width is affected with setMargin, but it has limitations) * API for Animations state (signaling started, finished) and setting duration etc. are missing Main changes between Technology Preview and Beta release ======================================================== * QBarSeries now enables defining both values and bar placement in X-Axis. Previous implementation of QBarSeries is now new series type: QGroupedBarSeries * QML API now defined and mostly implemented * Q_PROPERTY definitions have been added to the API * Model API  refactored and moved from Series Classes to separate Model Mapper Classes * First version of Qt Designer plugin included * Example for handling Gestures included (ZoomLineChart example)