/*! \example examples/donutbreakdown \title Donut chart breakdown example \subtitle This example shows how to use create a donut breakdown chart using QPieSeries API. \image examples_donutbreakdown.png Let's start by defining some data for the chart. \snippet ../examples/donutbreakdown/main.cpp 1 Then we create a chart where we add the data. Note that this this is our own chart derived from QChart. \snippet ../examples/donutbreakdown/main.cpp 2 Our own chart works so that in the constructor we create a main series which aggregates the data provided by the breakdown series. This is the piechart in the center. \snippet ../examples/donutbreakdown/donutbreakdownchart.cpp 1 When a breakdown series is added the data is used to create a slice in the main series and the breakdown series itself is used to create a segment of a donut positioned so that it is aligned with the corresponding slice in the main series. \snippet ../examples/donutbreakdown/donutbreakdownchart.cpp 2 Here's how the start and end angles for the donut segments are calculated. \snippet ../examples/donutbreakdown/donutbreakdownchart.cpp 3 And now that we have our chart defined we can finally create a QChartView and show the chart. \snippet ../examples/donutbreakdown/main.cpp 3 */