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fixed example paths in barchart documentation
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@@ -1,39 +1,39
1 1 /*!
2 \example example/barchart
2 \example examples/barchart
3 3 \title BarChart Example
4 4 \subtitle
5 5
6 6 The example shows how to create simple bar chart. Barchart shows the data in sets as separate bars, which are grouped in categories.
7 7
8 8 \image barchart.png
9 9
10 10 First we define categories.
11 11
12 \snippet ../example/barchart/main.cpp 1
12 \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 1
13 13
14 14 Data that barchart visualizes, is defined by QBarSet instances. Here we create some sets and append data
15 15 we want to visulaize to them.
16 16
17 \snippet ../example/barchart/main.cpp 2
17 \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 2
18 18
19 19 To combine the sets and categories to a chart, we need to create QBarSeries instance. When creating
20 20 the QBarSeries, the categories must be known. Sets can be added later. For example purposes the sets
21 21 are added to series here.
22 22
23 \snippet ../example/barchart/main.cpp 3
23 \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 3
24 24
25 25 We want our barchart to behave so, that when mouse is hovered over bar, the name of set which the bar
26 26 represents is shown as tooltip.
27 27 Also when we click the bar, floating values for the set are toggled. Floating values are the data values
28 28 that are drawn on top of bars.
29 29
30 \snippet ../example/barchart/main.cpp 4
30 \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 4
31 31
32 32 Here we create the view and add our series to it. Also we set the title and theme we want our chart to use
33 33
34 \snippet ../example/barchart/main.cpp 5
34 \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 5
35 35
36 36 For barchart, we don't need X-axis to be visible, so it can be disabled.
37 37
38 \snippet ../example/barchart/main.cpp 6
38 \snippet ../examples/barchart/main.cpp 6
39 39 */ No newline at end of file
@@ -1,39 +1,39
1 1 /*!
2 \example example/percentbarchart
2 \example examples/percentbarchart
3 3 \title PercentBarChart Example
4 4 \subtitle
5 5
6 6 The example shows how to create simple percent bar chart. Percent bar chart shows the data in set as percentage of all sets, per category.
7 7
8 8 \image percentbarchart.png
9 9
10 10 First we define categories.
11 11
12 \snippet ../example/percentbarchart/main.cpp 1
12 \snippet ../examples/percentbarchart/main.cpp 1
13 13
14 14 Data that barchart visualizes, is defined by QBarSet instances. Here we create some sets and append data
15 15 we want to visulaize to them.
16 16
17 \snippet ../example/percentbarchart/main.cpp 2
17 \snippet ../examples/percentbarchart/main.cpp 2
18 18
19 19 To combine the sets and categories to a chart, we need to create QBarSeries instance. When creating
20 20 the QBarSeries, the categories must be known. Sets can be added later. For example purposes the sets
21 21 are added to series here.
22 22
23 \snippet ../example/percentbarchart/main.cpp 3
23 \snippet ../examples/percentbarchart/main.cpp 3
24 24
25 25 We want our barchart to behave so, that when mouse is hovered over bar, the name of set which the bar
26 26 represents is shown as tooltip.
27 27 Also when we click the bar, floating values for the set are toggled. Floating values are the data values
28 28 that are drawn on top of bars.
29 29
30 \snippet ../example/percentbarchart/main.cpp 4
30 \snippet ../examples/percentbarchart/main.cpp 4
31 31
32 32 Here we create the view and add our series to it. Also we set the title and theme we want our chart to use
33 33
34 \snippet ../example/percentbarchart/main.cpp 5
34 \snippet ../examples/percentbarchart/main.cpp 5
35 35
36 36 For barchart, we don't need X-axis to be visible, so it can be disabled.
37 37
38 \snippet ../example/percentbarchart/main.cpp 6
38 \snippet ../examples/percentbarchart/main.cpp 6
39 39 */ No newline at end of file
@@ -1,42 +1,42
1 1 /*!
2 \example example/stackedbarchartdrilldown
2 \example examples/stackedbarchartdrilldown
3 3 \title StackedBarChart Drilldown Example
4 4 \subtitle
5 5
6 6 The example shows how to implement drilldown using stacked barchart. In drilldown example we create stacked barchart, which shows the harvest of various chili peppers during season. In season view the harvest is grouped by month. To drill down to weekly view, user clicks selected month with right mouse button. On weekly view, the harvest of clicked month is shown by week. For example purposes each month is 4 weeks long :)
7 7
8 8 Season view looks like this:
9 9 \image stackedbarchart_drilldown_season.png
10 10
11 11 Right mouse button clicked on august, shows the harvest from august:
12 12 \image stackedbarchart_drilldown_august.png
13 13
14 14 Here we define a drilldown series, which adds mapping for categories to other drilldown series.
15 15 Purpose of drilldown series is to contain knowledge of the drilldown structure. The mapDrilldownSeries function maps the category to given series. We can ask the mapping for category with drilldownSeries(QString category) function.
16 16
17 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 1
17 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 1
18 18
19 19 To enable drilldown we create own view, which implements handler for right click. All QBarSeries derived classes send out rightClicked(QBarSet*, QString) signal when series is clicked with right mouse button. The parameters QBarSet and QString contain the pointer to clicked bar set and name of category, where click occured.
20 20
21 21 In our DrilldownChart we implement handler, which selects the drilldown chart with the category.
22 22
23 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 2
23 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 2
24 24
25 25 Here we define data, which we use to construct the chart.
26 26
27 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 3
27 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 3
28 28
29 29 To create the drilldown structure, we first create our top level series, which we call seasonSeries. For each month in seasonSeries we create a drilldown series, called weeklySeries which contains more detailed data for that month.
30 30 In weeklySeries, we use the drilldown handler to bring us back to seasonSeries. To do this we add mapping to the series. The seasonSeries is mapped to weeklySeries for each month. Every weeklySeries is mapped back to the seasonSeries.
31 31 To make mapping work, we connect the rightClicked signals from our series to the drilldownChart.
32 32
33 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 4
33 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 4
34 34
35 35 When we have our drilldown structure ready, we can add the data to it. Here we generate random crop for each plant in each week. The monthly crop is calculated from weekly crops. To enable floating values, we connect the clicked signal to toggle the value of corresponding set.
36 36
37 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 5
37 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 5
38 38
39 39 Here we set the chart to show top level series initially.
40 40
41 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 6
41 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchartdrilldown/main.cpp 6
42 42 */ No newline at end of file
@@ -1,39 +1,39
1 1 /*!
2 2 \example example/stackedbarchart
3 3 \title StackedBarChart Example
4 4 \subtitle
5 5
6 6 The example shows how to create simple stacked bar chart. Stacked bar chart shows the data in sets as bars that are stacked on top of each other. The stacking is done per category.
7 7
8 8 \image stackedbarchart.png
9 9
10 10 First we define categories.
11 11
12 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 1
12 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 1
13 13
14 14 Data that barchart visualizes, is defined by QBarSet instances. Here we create some sets and append data
15 15 we want to visulaize to them.
16 16
17 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 2
17 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 2
18 18
19 19 To combine the sets and categories to a chart, we need to create QBarSeries instance. When creating
20 20 the QBarSeries, the categories must be known. Sets can be added later. For example purposes the sets
21 21 are added to series here.
22 22
23 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 3
23 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 3
24 24
25 25 We want our barchart to behave so, that when mouse is hovered over bar, the name of set which the bar
26 26 represents is shown as tooltip.
27 27 Also when we click the bar, floating values for the set are toggled. Floating values are the data values
28 28 that are drawn on top of bars.
29 29
30 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 4
30 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 4
31 31
32 32 Here we create the view and add our series to it. Also we set the title and theme we want our chart to use
33 33
34 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 5
34 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 5
35 35
36 36 For barchart, we don't need X-axis to be visible, so it can be disabled.
37 37
38 \snippet ../example/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 6
38 \snippet ../examples/stackedbarchart/main.cpp 6
39 39 */ No newline at end of file
@@ -1,173 +1,175
1 1 #include "qbarset.h"
2 2 #include <QDebug>
3 3 #include <QToolTip>
4 4
6 6
7 7 /*!
8 8 \class QBarSet
9 9 \brief part of QtCommercial chart API.
10 10
11 11 QBarSet represents one set of bars. Set of bars contains one data value for each category.
12 12 First value of set is assumed to belong to first category, second to second category and so on.
13 13 If set has fewer values than there are categories, then the missing values are assumed to be
14 14 at the end of set. For missing values in middle of a set, numerical value of zero is used.
15 15
16 16 \mainclass
17 17
18 18 \sa QBarSeries, QStackedBarSeries, QPercentBarSeries
19 19 */
20 20
21 21 /*!
22 22 \fn void QBarSet::clicked(QString category)
23 23 \brief signals that set has been clicked
24 24 Parameter \a category describes on which category was clicked
25 25 */
26 26
27 27 /*!
28 28 \fn void QBarSet::rightClicked(QString category)
29 29 \brief signals that set has been clicked with right mouse button
30 30 Parameter \a category describes on which category was clicked
31 31 */
32 32
33 33 /*!
34 34 \fn void QBarSet::hoverEnter(QPoint pos)
35 35 \brief signals that mouse has entered over the set at position \a pos.
36 36 */
37 37
38 38 /*!
39 39 \fn void QBarSet::hoverLeave()
40 40 \brief signals that mouse has left from the set.
41 41 */
42 42
43 43 /*!
44 44 \fn void QBarSet::toggleFloatingValues()
45 45 \brief \internal
46 46 */
47 47
48 48 /*!
49 49 \fn void QBarSet::showToolTip(QPoint pos, QString tip)
50 50 \brief \internal \a pos \a tip
51 51 */
52 52
53 53
54 54 /*!
55 55 Constructs QBarSet with a name of \a name and with parent of \a parent
56 56 */
57 57 QBarSet::QBarSet(QString name, QObject *parent)
58 58 : QObject(parent)
59 59 ,mName(name)
60 60 {
61 61 }
62 62
63 63 /*!
64 64 Sets new \a name for set.
65 65 */
66 66 void QBarSet::setName(QString name)
67 67 {
68 68 mName = name;
69 69 }
70 70
71 71 /*!
72 72 Returns name of the set.
73 73 */
74 74 QString QBarSet::name()
75 75 {
76 76 return mName;
77 77 }
78 78
79 79 /*!
80 80 Appends new value \a value to the end of set.
81 81 */
82 82 QBarSet& QBarSet::operator << (const qreal &value)
83 83 {
84 84 mValues.append(value);
85 85 return *this;
86 86 }
87 87
88 88 /*!
89 89 Returns count of values in set.
90 90 */
91 91 int QBarSet::count()
92 92 {
93 93 return mValues.count();
94 94 }
95 95
96 96 /*!
97 97 Returns value of set indexed by \a index
98 98 */
99 99 qreal QBarSet::valueAt(int index)
100 100 {
101 101 return mValues.at(index);
102 102 }
103 103
104 104 /*!
105 105 Sets a new value \a value to set, indexed by \a index
106 106 */
107 107 void QBarSet::setValue(int index, qreal value)
108 108 {
109 109 mValues.replace(index,value);
110 110 }
111 111
112 /*!
113 Returns total sum of all values in barset.
114 */
112 115 qreal QBarSet::total()
113 116 {
114 117 qreal total(0);
115 118 for (int i=0; i<mValues.count(); i++) {
116 119 total += mValues.at(i);
117 120 }
118 121 return total;
119 122 }
120 123
122 124 /*!
123 125 Sets pen for set. Bars of this set are drawn using \a pen
124 126 */
125 127 void QBarSet::setPen(const QPen pen)
126 128 {
127 129 mPen = pen;
128 130 }
129 131
130 132 /*!
131 133 Returns pen of the set.
132 134 */
133 135 QPen QBarSet::pen() const
134 136 {
135 137 return mPen;
136 138 }
137 139
138 140 /*!
139 141 Sets brush for the set. Bars of this set are drawn using \a brush
140 142 */
141 143 void QBarSet::setBrush(const QBrush brush)
142 144 {
143 145 mBrush = brush;
144 146 }
145 147
146 148 /*!
147 149 Returns brush of the set.
148 150 */
149 151 QBrush QBarSet::brush() const
150 152 {
151 153 return mBrush;
152 154 }
153 155
154 156 /*!
155 157 \internal \a pos
156 158 */
157 159 void QBarSet::barHoverEnterEvent(QPoint pos)
158 160 {
159 161 emit showToolTip(pos, mName);
160 162 emit hoverEnter(pos);
161 163 }
162 164
163 165 /*!
164 166 \internal
165 167 */
166 168 void QBarSet::barHoverLeaveEvent()
167 169 {
168 170 // Emit signal to user of charts
169 171 emit hoverLeave();
170 172 }
171 173
172 174 #include "moc_qbarset.cpp"
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