From 95d60d3807f49fe5d4a0a7800c4ba49ef0a8c066 2012-06-05 08:38:01 From: Marek Rosa Date: 2012-06-05 08:38:01 Subject: [PATCH] Updated mapper classes descriptions --- diff --git a/src/barchart/qbarmodelmapper.cpp b/src/barchart/qbarmodelmapper.cpp index 3dd28ef..d190dca 100644 --- a/src/barchart/qbarmodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/barchart/qbarmodelmapper.cpp @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. The instance of this class cannot be created directly. QHBarModelMapper of QVBarModelMapper should be used instead. This class is used to create a connection between QBarSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object. Curently it is NOT possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QBarSeries model API. When the series is set to the mapper the QBarSeries and QBarSet API that affect the data (append, setValue, remove) should not be used. diff --git a/src/barchart/qhbarmodelmapper.cpp b/src/barchart/qhbarmodelmapper.cpp index 7e78af0..ee10113 100644 --- a/src/barchart/qhbarmodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/barchart/qhbarmodelmapper.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. Horizontal model mapper is used to create a connection between QBarSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object. Curently it is NOT possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QBarSeries model API. When the series is set to the mapper the QBarSeries and QBarSet API that affect the data (append, setValue, remove) should not be used. diff --git a/src/barchart/qvbarmodelmapper.cpp b/src/barchart/qvbarmodelmapper.cpp index 448f412..10dfdd7 100644 --- a/src/barchart/qvbarmodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/barchart/qvbarmodelmapper.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. Vertical model mapper is used to create a connection between QBarSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object. Curently it is NOT possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QBarSeries model API. When the series is set to the mapper the QBarSeries and QBarSet API that affect the data (append, setValue, remove) should not be used. diff --git a/src/piechart/qhpiemodelmapper.cpp b/src/piechart/qhpiemodelmapper.cpp index bac494b..387253d 100644 --- a/src/piechart/qhpiemodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/piechart/qhpiemodelmapper.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. Horizontal model mapper is used to create a connection between QPieSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object that keeps the consecutive pie slices data in rows. It is possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QPieSeries model API. QHPieModelMapper makes sure that Pie and the model are kept in sync. NOTE: used model has to support adding/removing rows/columns and modifying the data of the cells. diff --git a/src/piechart/qpiemodelmapper.cpp b/src/piechart/qpiemodelmapper.cpp index eec9034..425cd3c 100644 --- a/src/piechart/qpiemodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/piechart/qpiemodelmapper.cpp @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. The instance of this class cannot be created directly. QHPieModelMapper of QVPieModelMapper should be used instead. This class is used to create a connection between QPieSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object. It is possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QPieSeries model API. QPieModelMapper makes sure that Pie and the model are kept in sync. NOTE: used model has to support adding/removing rows/columns and modifying the data of the cells. diff --git a/src/piechart/qvpiemodelmapper.cpp b/src/piechart/qvpiemodelmapper.cpp index 44eaa1a..27f1c8b 100644 --- a/src/piechart/qvpiemodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/piechart/qvpiemodelmapper.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. Vertical model mapper is used to create a connection between QPieSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object that keeps the consecutive pie slices data in columns. It is possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QPieSeries model API. QVPieModelMapper makes sure that Pie and the model are kept in sync. NOTE: used model has to support adding/removing rows/columns and modifying the data of the cells. diff --git a/src/xychart/qhxymodelmapper.cpp b/src/xychart/qhxymodelmapper.cpp index a221744..e058dac 100644 --- a/src/xychart/qhxymodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/xychart/qhxymodelmapper.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. Horizontal model mapper is used to create a connection between QXYSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object. It is possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QXYSeries model API. QXYModelMapper makes sure that QXYSeries and the model are kept in sync. NOTE: used model has to support adding/removing rows/columns and modifying the data of the cells. diff --git a/src/xychart/qvxymodelmapper.cpp b/src/xychart/qvxymodelmapper.cpp index 62a7d85..5eec5b1 100644 --- a/src/xychart/qvxymodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/xychart/qvxymodelmapper.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. Vertical model mapper is used to create a connection between QXYSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object. It is possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QXYSeries model API. QXYModelMapper makes sure that QXYSeries and the model are kept in sync. NOTE: used model has to support adding/removing rows/columns and modifying the data of the cells. diff --git a/src/xychart/qxymodelmapper.cpp b/src/xychart/qxymodelmapper.cpp index b39f98a..eb44c11 100644 --- a/src/xychart/qxymodelmapper.cpp +++ b/src/xychart/qxymodelmapper.cpp @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ QTCOMMERCIALCHART_BEGIN_NAMESPACE \brief part of QtCommercial chart API. \mainclass + Model mappers allow you to use QAbstractItemModel derived models as a data source for a chart series. The instance of this class cannot be created directly. QHXYModelMapper of QVXYModelMapper should be used instead. This class is used to create a connection between QXYSeries and QAbstractItemModel derived model object. It is possible to use both QAbstractItemModel and QXYSeries model API. QXYModelMapper makes sure that QXYSeries and the model are kept in sync. NOTE: used model has to support adding/removing rows/columns and modifying the data of the cells.