##// END OF EJS Templates
minor. barchart layout fix
minor. barchart layout fix

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Marek Rosa
Corrected the path to SQlite data
r219 /*!
\class Widget
\brief Ui for the application.
Tero Ahola
Started documenting QChart
r264 \internal
Marek Rosa
Corrected the path to SQlite data
r219 */
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 #include "widget.h"
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <qscatterseries.h>
#include <qchartview.h>
#include <qchartaxis.h>
#include <qbarset.h>
#include <QListWidget>
Marek Rosa
Added chart printing to pdf
r244 #include <QPrinter>
#include <QPrintDialog>
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 #include <QRadioButton>
replaced qbarcategory with qstringlist
r377 #include <QStringList>
Marek Rosa
merge fix
r385 #include <qbarseries.h>
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
Michal Klocek
Compilation fix
r232 {
Marek Rosa
Copy database to bin directory
r242 setGeometry(100, 100, 1000, 600);
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
// right panel layout
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 barChartRadioButton = new QRadioButton(tr("Bar chart"));
scatterChartRadioButton = new QRadioButton(tr("Scatter chart"));
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 countrieslist = new QListWidget;
Marek Rosa
Doc update
r382 //list of years widget
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 yearslist = new QListWidget;
for (int i = 1990; i < 2011; i++)
QPushButton* refreshButton = new QPushButton(tr("Refresh"));
connect(refreshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(refreshChart()));
Marek Rosa
Added chart printing to pdf
r244 QPushButton* printButton = new QPushButton(tr("Print chart"));
connect(printButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(printChart()));
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 QVBoxLayout* rightPanelLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 rightPanelLayout->addWidget(barChartRadioButton);
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 rightPanelLayout->addWidget(countrieslist);
Marek Rosa
Added chart printing to pdf
r244 rightPanelLayout->addWidget(printButton);
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 rightPanelLayout->setStretch(0, 1);
rightPanelLayout->setStretch(1, 0);
// main layout
chartArea = new QChartView(this);
chartArea->setChartTitle("GDP by country");
QGridLayout* mainLayout = new QGridLayout;
mainLayout->addWidget(chartArea, 0, 0);
mainLayout->addLayout(rightPanelLayout, 0, 1);
// connect to the database
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
Marek Rosa
Copy database to bin directory
r242 db.setDatabaseName("gdpData");
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 if(!db.open())
qDebug() << "could not open database. SQLite db file missing (?)";
// get the list of all countires and regions.
QSqlQuery query;
query.exec("SELECT DISTINCT country FROM gdp2");
// add the countries to the country filter
while (query.next()) {
// hide axis X labels
Michal Klocek
Compilation fix
r232 QChartAxis* axis = chartArea->axisX();
Marek Rosa
Spline chart example added
r434 // axis->
Marek Rosa
merge fix
r383 // axis->setLabelsVisible(false);
Marek Rosa
Added chart printing to pdf
r244 // newAxis.setLabelsOrientation(QChartAxis::LabelsOrientationSlide);
Michal Klocek
Compilation fix
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 }
Marek Rosa
Corrected the path to SQlite data
r219 /*!
refreshes the chart
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 void Widget::refreshChart()
Marek Rosa
else clause added to QChartView mousePressEvent. Added some more docs to QChart and QChartView
r285 chartArea->removeAllSeries();
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 // selected countries items list is not sorted. copy the values to QStringlist and sort them.
QStringList selectedCountriesStrings;
QList<QListWidgetItem*> selectedCountriesItems = countrieslist->selectedItems();
for (int i = 0; i < selectedCountriesItems.size(); i++)
QSqlQuery query;
Marek Rosa
Doc update
r382 // selected years items list is not sorted. copy the values to QList<int> and sort them.
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 QList<int> selectedYearsInts;
QList<QListWidgetItem*> selectedYearsItems = yearslist->selectedItems();
for (int i = 0; i < selectedYearsItems.size(); i++)
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 qSort(selectedYearsInts.begin(), selectedYearsInts.end(), qGreater<int>());
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 if (barChartRadioButton->isChecked())
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 {
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 // use the sorted selected coutries list to initialize BarCategory
replaced qbarcategory with qstringlist
r377 QStringList category;
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 for (int i = 0; i < selectedCountriesStrings.size(); i++)
replaced qbarcategory with qstringlist
r377 category << selectedCountriesStrings[i];
Marek Rosa
merge fix
r385 QBarSeries* series0 = new QBarSeries(category);
Naming convention change for barcharts. QBarChartSeries is now QBarSeries etc.
r338 series0 = new QBarSeries(category);
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
// prepare the selected counries SQL query
QString countriesQuery = "country IN (";
for (int i = 0; i < selectedCountriesStrings.size(); i++)
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 {
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 countriesQuery.append("'" + selectedCountriesStrings[i] + "'");
if ( i < selectedCountriesStrings.size() - 1)
// perform a query for each selected year
for (int i = 0; i < selectedYearsInts.size(); i++)
query.exec("SELECT country,gdpvalue FROM gdp2 where year=" + QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]) + " AND " + countriesQuery);
Tero Ahola
Fixed compilation of example apps with QBarSets
r284 QBarSet* barSet = new QBarSet("Barset" + QString::number(i));
Marek Rosa
Merge branch 'master' of https://git.it.local/repos/QtCommercialDevel-13049/charts...
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 // while (query.next()) {
// qDebug() << query.value(0).toString() << " : " << query.value(1).toString();
// }
// the data for some of the coutries for some years might be missing.
// QBarChart needs bars to have same size
for (int k = 0; k < selectedCountriesStrings.size(); k++)
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 {
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 if (selectedCountriesStrings[k] == query.value(0).toString())
*barSet << query.value(1).toReal();
qDebug() << query.value(0).toString() << query.value(1).toReal() << " : " << QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]);
// data missing, put 0
*barSet << 0.0f;
Marek Rosa
Doc update
r382 qDebug() << "Putting 0 for the missing data" << " : " << QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]);
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 }
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 }
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 series0->addBarSet(barSet);
// add the serie to the chart
else if (scatterChartRadioButton->isChecked())
QString yearsQuery = "year IN (";
for (int i = 0; i < selectedYearsInts.size(); i++)
yearsQuery.append("'" + QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]) + "'");
if ( i < selectedYearsInts.size() - 1)
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 else
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 yearsQuery.append(")");
Marek Rosa
Doc update
r382 // perform a query for each selected country
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 for (int i = 0; i < selectedCountriesStrings.size(); i++)
query.exec("SELECT year,gdpvalue FROM gdp2 where country='" + selectedCountriesStrings[i] + "' AND " + yearsQuery);
QScatterSeries* series = new QScatterSeries;
// the data for some of the coutries for some years might be missing.
for (int k = 0; k < selectedYearsInts.size(); k++)
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 {
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 if (selectedYearsInts[k] == query.value(0).toInt())
*series << QPointF(query.value(0).toInt() , query.value(1).toReal());
qDebug() << query.value(0).toString() << query.value(1).toReal() << " : " << QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[k]);
// data missing, put 0
*series << QPointF(selectedYearsInts[k] , 0.0f);
Marek Rosa
Doc update
r382 qDebug() << "Putting 0 for the missing data" << " : " << QString("%1").arg(selectedYearsInts[i]) << " " << query.value(0).toInt();
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 }
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 }
Marek Rosa
merge fix
r383 // chartArea->axisX()->setRange(selectedYearsInts[selectedYearsInts.size() - 1] + 1, selectedYearsInts[0] - 1);
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 chartArea->addSeries(series);
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 }
Marek Rosa
Spline chart example added
r434 chartArea->axisX()->setRange(selectedYearsInts[selectedYearsInts.size() - 1] - 1, selectedYearsInts[0] + 1);
Marek Rosa
Initial commit for gdpBarChart example.
r205 }
Marek Rosa
Added chart printing to pdf
void Widget::printChart()
QPrinter printer;
Marek Rosa
Added another chart type choice
r268 // QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
Marek Rosa
Added chart printing to pdf
r244 printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat);
QPainter painter;