##// END OF EJS Templates
added quick fileName generation for data export, and fixed wrong date reading...
added quick fileName generation for data export, and fixed wrong date reading on cassini data files.

File last commit:

r5:92e4585e8fab default
r10:63067c6877ba default
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433 lines | 12.9 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
Added Python Console and some Wrappers....
r5 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Command line interface.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2012 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import sys
import getopt
from textwrap import dedent
from pygments import __version__, highlight
from pygments.util import ClassNotFound, OptionError, docstring_headline
from pygments.lexers import get_all_lexers, get_lexer_by_name, get_lexer_for_filename, \
find_lexer_class, guess_lexer, TextLexer
from pygments.formatters import get_all_formatters, get_formatter_by_name, \
get_formatter_for_filename, find_formatter_class, \
TerminalFormatter # pylint:disable-msg=E0611
from pygments.filters import get_all_filters, find_filter_class
from pygments.styles import get_all_styles, get_style_by_name
USAGE = """\
Usage: %s [-l <lexer> | -g] [-F <filter>[:<options>]] [-f <formatter>]
[-O <options>] [-P <option=value>] [-o <outfile>] [<infile>]
%s -S <style> -f <formatter> [-a <arg>] [-O <options>] [-P <option=value>]
%s -L [<which> ...]
%s -N <filename>
%s -H <type> <name>
%s -h | -V
Highlight the input file and write the result to <outfile>.
If no input file is given, use stdin, if -o is not given, use stdout.
<lexer> is a lexer name (query all lexer names with -L). If -l is not
given, the lexer is guessed from the extension of the input file name
(this obviously doesn't work if the input is stdin). If -g is passed,
attempt to guess the lexer from the file contents, or pass through as
plain text if this fails (this can work for stdin).
Likewise, <formatter> is a formatter name, and will be guessed from
the extension of the output file name. If no output file is given,
the terminal formatter will be used by default.
With the -O option, you can give the lexer and formatter a comma-
separated list of options, e.g. ``-O bg=light,python=cool``.
The -P option adds lexer and formatter options like the -O option, but
you can only give one option per -P. That way, the option value may
contain commas and equals signs, which it can't with -O, e.g.
``-P "heading=Pygments, the Python highlighter".
With the -F option, you can add filters to the token stream, you can
give options in the same way as for -O after a colon (note: there must
not be spaces around the colon).
The -O, -P and -F options can be given multiple times.
With the -S option, print out style definitions for style <style>
for formatter <formatter>. The argument given by -a is formatter
The -L option lists lexers, formatters, styles or filters -- set
`which` to the thing you want to list (e.g. "styles"), or omit it to
list everything.
The -N option guesses and prints out a lexer name based solely on
the given filename. It does not take input or highlight anything.
If no specific lexer can be determined "text" is returned.
The -H option prints detailed help for the object <name> of type <type>,
where <type> is one of "lexer", "formatter" or "filter".
The -h option prints this help.
The -V option prints the package version.
def _parse_options(o_strs):
opts = {}
if not o_strs:
return opts
for o_str in o_strs:
if not o_str:
o_args = o_str.split(',')
for o_arg in o_args:
o_arg = o_arg.strip()
o_key, o_val = o_arg.split('=')
o_key = o_key.strip()
o_val = o_val.strip()
except ValueError:
opts[o_arg] = True
opts[o_key] = o_val
return opts
def _parse_filters(f_strs):
filters = []
if not f_strs:
return filters
for f_str in f_strs:
if ':' in f_str:
fname, fopts = f_str.split(':', 1)
filters.append((fname, _parse_options([fopts])))
filters.append((f_str, {}))
return filters
def _print_help(what, name):
if what == 'lexer':
cls = find_lexer_class(name)
print "Help on the %s lexer:" % cls.name
print dedent(cls.__doc__)
elif what == 'formatter':
cls = find_formatter_class(name)
print "Help on the %s formatter:" % cls.name
print dedent(cls.__doc__)
elif what == 'filter':
cls = find_filter_class(name)
print "Help on the %s filter:" % name
print dedent(cls.__doc__)
except AttributeError:
print >>sys.stderr, "%s not found!" % what
def _print_list(what):
if what == 'lexer':
print "Lexers:"
print "~~~~~~~"
info = []
for fullname, names, exts, _ in get_all_lexers():
tup = (', '.join(names)+':', fullname,
exts and '(filenames ' + ', '.join(exts) + ')' or '')
for i in info:
print ('* %s\n %s %s') % i
elif what == 'formatter':
print "Formatters:"
print "~~~~~~~~~~~"
info = []
for cls in get_all_formatters():
doc = docstring_headline(cls)
tup = (', '.join(cls.aliases) + ':', doc, cls.filenames and
'(filenames ' + ', '.join(cls.filenames) + ')' or '')
for i in info:
print ('* %s\n %s %s') % i
elif what == 'filter':
print "Filters:"
print "~~~~~~~~"
for name in get_all_filters():
cls = find_filter_class(name)
print "* " + name + ':'
print " %s" % docstring_headline(cls)
elif what == 'style':
print "Styles:"
print "~~~~~~~"
for name in get_all_styles():
cls = get_style_by_name(name)
print "* " + name + ':'
print " %s" % docstring_headline(cls)
def main(args=sys.argv):
Main command line entry point.
# pylint: disable-msg=R0911,R0912,R0915
usage = USAGE % ((args[0],) * 6)
popts, args = getopt.getopt(args[1:], "l:f:F:o:O:P:LS:a:N:hVHg")
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
opts = {}
O_opts = []
P_opts = []
F_opts = []
for opt, arg in popts:
if opt == '-O':
elif opt == '-P':
elif opt == '-F':
opts[opt] = arg
if not opts and not args:
print usage
return 0
if opts.pop('-h', None) is not None:
print usage
return 0
if opts.pop('-V', None) is not None:
print 'Pygments version %s, (c) 2006-2011 by Georg Brandl.' % __version__
return 0
# handle ``pygmentize -L``
L_opt = opts.pop('-L', None)
if L_opt is not None:
if opts:
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
# print version
main(['', '-V'])
if not args:
args = ['lexer', 'formatter', 'filter', 'style']
for arg in args:
return 0
# handle ``pygmentize -H``
H_opt = opts.pop('-H', None)
if H_opt is not None:
if opts or len(args) != 2:
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
what, name = args
if what not in ('lexer', 'formatter', 'filter'):
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
_print_help(what, name)
return 0
# parse -O options
parsed_opts = _parse_options(O_opts)
opts.pop('-O', None)
# parse -P options
for p_opt in P_opts:
name, value = p_opt.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
parsed_opts[p_opt] = True
parsed_opts[name] = value
opts.pop('-P', None)
# handle ``pygmentize -N``
infn = opts.pop('-N', None)
if infn is not None:
lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(infn, **parsed_opts)
except ClassNotFound, err:
lexer = TextLexer()
except OptionError, err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
return 1
print lexer.aliases[0]
return 0
# handle ``pygmentize -S``
S_opt = opts.pop('-S', None)
a_opt = opts.pop('-a', None)
if S_opt is not None:
f_opt = opts.pop('-f', None)
if not f_opt:
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
if opts or args:
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
parsed_opts['style'] = S_opt
fmter = get_formatter_by_name(f_opt, **parsed_opts)
except ClassNotFound, err:
print >>sys.stderr, err
return 1
arg = a_opt or ''
print fmter.get_style_defs(arg)
except Exception, err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
return 1
return 0
# if no -S is given, -a is not allowed
if a_opt is not None:
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
# parse -F options
F_opts = _parse_filters(F_opts)
opts.pop('-F', None)
# select formatter
outfn = opts.pop('-o', None)
fmter = opts.pop('-f', None)
if fmter:
fmter = get_formatter_by_name(fmter, **parsed_opts)
except (OptionError, ClassNotFound), err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
return 1
if outfn:
if not fmter:
fmter = get_formatter_for_filename(outfn, **parsed_opts)
except (OptionError, ClassNotFound), err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
return 1
outfile = open(outfn, 'wb')
except Exception, err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: cannot open outfile:', err
return 1
if not fmter:
fmter = TerminalFormatter(**parsed_opts)
outfile = sys.stdout
# select lexer
lexer = opts.pop('-l', None)
if lexer:
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lexer, **parsed_opts)
except (OptionError, ClassNotFound), err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
return 1
if args:
if len(args) > 1:
print >>sys.stderr, usage
return 2
infn = args[0]
code = open(infn, 'rb').read()
except Exception, err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: cannot read infile:', err
return 1
if not lexer:
lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(infn, code, **parsed_opts)
except ClassNotFound, err:
if '-g' in opts:
lexer = guess_lexer(code)
except ClassNotFound:
lexer = TextLexer()
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
return 1
except OptionError, err:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
return 1
if '-g' in opts:
code = sys.stdin.read()
lexer = guess_lexer(code)
except ClassNotFound:
lexer = TextLexer()
elif not lexer:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: no lexer name given and reading ' + \
'from stdin (try using -g or -l <lexer>)'
return 2
code = sys.stdin.read()
# No encoding given? Use utf-8 if output file given,
# stdin/stdout encoding otherwise.
# (This is a compromise, I'm not too happy with it...)
if 'encoding' not in parsed_opts and 'outencoding' not in parsed_opts:
if outfn:
# encoding pass-through
fmter.encoding = 'utf-8'
if sys.version_info < (3,):
# use terminal encoding; Python 3's terminals already do that
lexer.encoding = getattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding',
None) or 'utf-8'
fmter.encoding = getattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding',
None) or 'utf-8'
elif not outfn and sys.version_info > (3,):
# output to terminal with encoding -> use .buffer
outfile = sys.stdout.buffer
# ... and do it!
# process filters
for fname, fopts in F_opts:
lexer.add_filter(fname, **fopts)
highlight(code, lexer, fmter, outfile)
except Exception, err:
import traceback
info = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
msg = info[-1].strip()
if len(info) >= 3:
# extract relevant file and position info
msg += '\n (f%s)' % info[-2].split('\n')[0].strip()[1:]
print >>sys.stderr
print >>sys.stderr, '*** Error while highlighting:'
print >>sys.stderr, msg
return 1
return 0