/* * * Copyright (C) 2010 MeVis Medical Solutions AG All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement * or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or * otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with * other software, or any other product whatsoever. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Contact information: MeVis Medical Solutions AG, Universitaetsallee 29, * 28359 Bremen, Germany or: * * http://www.mevis.de * */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! // \file PythonQt.cpp // \author Florian Link // \author Last changed by $Author: florian $ // \date 2006-05 */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "PythonQtClassInfo.h" #include "PythonQtMethodInfo.h" #include "PythonQt.h" #include #include #include QHash PythonQtMethodInfo::_parameterTypeDict; PythonQtClassInfo::PythonQtClassInfo() { _meta = NULL; _constructors = NULL; _destructor = NULL; _decoratorProvider = NULL; _decoratorProviderCB = NULL; _pythonQtClassWrapper = NULL; _shellSetInstanceWrapperCB = NULL; _metaTypeId = -1; _typeSlots = 0; _isQObject = false; _enumsCreated = false; } PythonQtClassInfo::~PythonQtClassInfo() { clearCachedMembers(); if (_constructors) { _constructors->deleteOverloadsAndThis(); } if (_destructor) { _destructor->deleteOverloadsAndThis(); } Q_FOREACH(PythonQtSlotInfo* info, _decoratorSlots) { info->deleteOverloadsAndThis(); } } void PythonQtClassInfo::setupQObject(const QMetaObject* meta) { // _wrappedClassName is already set earlier in the class setup _isQObject = true; _meta = meta; } void PythonQtClassInfo::setupCPPObject(const QByteArray& classname) { _isQObject = false; _wrappedClassName = classname; _metaTypeId = QMetaType::type(classname); } void PythonQtClassInfo::clearCachedMembers() { QHashIterator i(_cachedMembers); while (i.hasNext()) { PythonQtMemberInfo member = i.next().value(); if (member._type== PythonQtMemberInfo::Slot || member._type== PythonQtMemberInfo::Signal) { PythonQtSlotInfo* info = member._slot; while (info) { PythonQtSlotInfo* next = info->nextInfo(); delete info; info = next; } } } } int PythonQtClassInfo::findCharOffset(const char* sigStart, char someChar) { const char* sigEnd = sigStart; char c; do { c = *sigEnd++; } while (c!=someChar && c!=0); return sigEnd-sigStart-1; } bool PythonQtClassInfo::lookForPropertyAndCache(const char* memberName) { if (!_meta) return false; bool found = false; bool nameMapped = false; const char* attributeName = memberName; // look for properties int i = _meta->indexOfProperty(attributeName); if (i==-1) { // try to map name to objectName if (qstrcmp(attributeName, "name")==0) { attributeName = "objectName"; nameMapped = true; i = _meta->indexOfProperty(attributeName); } } if (i!=-1) { PythonQtMemberInfo newInfo(_meta->property(i)); _cachedMembers.insert(attributeName, newInfo); if (nameMapped) { _cachedMembers.insert(memberName, newInfo); } #ifdef PYTHONQT_DEBUG std::cout << "caching property " << memberName << " on " << _meta->className() << std::endl; #endif found = true; } return found; } PythonQtSlotInfo* PythonQtClassInfo::recursiveFindDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(const char* memberName, PythonQtSlotInfo* inputInfo, bool &found, QHash& memberCache, int upcastingOffset) { inputInfo = findDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(memberName, inputInfo, found, memberCache, upcastingOffset); Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { inputInfo = info._parent->recursiveFindDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(memberName, inputInfo, found, memberCache, upcastingOffset+info._upcastingOffset); } return inputInfo; } PythonQtSlotInfo* PythonQtClassInfo::findDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(const char* memberName, PythonQtSlotInfo* tail, bool &found, QHash& memberCache, int upcastingOffset) { QObject* decoratorProvider = decorator(); int memberNameLen = static_cast(strlen(memberName)); if (decoratorProvider) { //qDebug()<< "looking " << decoratorProvider->metaObject()->className() << " " << memberName << " " << upcastingOffset; const QMetaObject* meta = decoratorProvider->metaObject(); int numMethods = meta->methodCount(); int startFrom = QObject::staticMetaObject.methodCount(); for (int i = startFrom; i < numMethods; i++) { QMetaMethod m = meta->method(i); if ((m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Method || m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) && m.access() == QMetaMethod::Public) { #if( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) ) QByteArray sigStart = m.methodSignature(); #else QByteArray sigStart = m.signature(); #endif bool isClassDeco = false; if (sigStart.startsWith("static_")) { // skip the static_classname_ part of the string sigStart.remove(0,7+strlen(className())+1); isClassDeco = true; } else if (sigStart.startsWith("new_")) { isClassDeco = true; } else if (sigStart.startsWith("delete_")) { isClassDeco = true; } // find the first '(' int offset = findCharOffset(sigStart, '('); // XXX no checking is currently done if the slots have correct first argument or not... // check if same length and same name if (memberNameLen == offset && qstrncmp(memberName, sigStart, offset)==0) { found = true; PythonQtSlotInfo* info = new PythonQtSlotInfo(this, m, i, decoratorProvider, isClassDeco?PythonQtSlotInfo::ClassDecorator:PythonQtSlotInfo::InstanceDecorator); info->setUpcastingOffset(upcastingOffset); //qDebug()<< "adding " << decoratorProvider->metaObject()->className() << " " << memberName << " " << upcastingOffset; if (tail) { tail->setNextInfo(info); } else { PythonQtMemberInfo newInfo(info); memberCache.insert(memberName, newInfo); } tail = info; } } } } tail = findDecoratorSlots(memberName, memberNameLen, tail, found, memberCache, upcastingOffset); // now look for slots/signals/methods on this level of the meta object if (_meta) { int numMethods = _meta->methodCount(); // start from methodOffset, to only add slots which are located in this class, // and not in the parent class, which is traversed recursively later on. // (if the class in not a QObject, we are working with a script wrapper QObject // and need to read all slots/signals starting from 0). int methodOffset = _isQObject?_meta->methodOffset():0; for (int i = methodOffset; i < numMethods; i++) { QMetaMethod m = _meta->method(i); if (((m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Method || m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) && m.access() == QMetaMethod::Public) || m.methodType()==QMetaMethod::Signal) { #if( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) ) QByteArray sigStart = m.methodSignature(); #else QByteArray sigStart = m.signature(); #endif // find the first '(' int offset = findCharOffset(sigStart, '('); // check if same length and same name if (memberNameLen == offset && qstrncmp(memberName, sigStart, offset)==0) { found = true; PythonQtSlotInfo* info = new PythonQtSlotInfo(this, m, i); if (tail) { tail->setNextInfo(info); } else { PythonQtMemberInfo newInfo(info); memberCache.insert(memberName, newInfo); } tail = info; } } } } return tail; } bool PythonQtClassInfo::lookForMethodAndCache(const char* memberName) { bool found = false; PythonQtSlotInfo* tail = NULL; // look for dynamic decorators in this class and in derived classes // (do this first to allow overloading of existing slots with generated wrappers, // e.g. QDialog::accept is overloaded with PythonQtWrapper_QDialog::accept decorator) tail = recursiveFindDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(memberName, tail, found, _cachedMembers, 0); return found; } bool PythonQtClassInfo::lookForEnumAndCache(const QMetaObject* meta, const char* memberName) { bool found = false; // look for enum values int enumCount = meta->enumeratorCount(); for (int i=0;ienumerator(i); // we do not want flags, they will cause our values to appear two times if (e.isFlag()) continue; for (int j=0; j < e.keyCount(); j++) { if (qstrcmp(e.key(j), memberName)==0) { PyObject* enumType = findEnumWrapper(e.name()); if (enumType) { PythonQtObjectPtr enumValuePtr; enumValuePtr.setNewRef(PythonQtPrivate::createEnumValueInstance(enumType, e.value(j))); PythonQtMemberInfo newInfo(enumValuePtr); _cachedMembers.insert(memberName, newInfo); #ifdef PYTHONQT_DEBUG std::cout << "caching enum " << memberName << " on " << meta->className() << std::endl; #endif found = true; break; } else { std::cout << "enum " << e.name() << " not found on " << className() << std::endl; } } } } return found; } PythonQtMemberInfo PythonQtClassInfo::member(const char* memberName) { PythonQtMemberInfo info = _cachedMembers.value(memberName); if (info._type != PythonQtMemberInfo::Invalid) { return info; } else { bool found = false; found = lookForPropertyAndCache(memberName); if (!found) { found = lookForMethodAndCache(memberName); } if (!found) { if (_meta) { // check enums in our meta object directly found = lookForEnumAndCache(_meta, memberName); } if (!found) { // check enums in the class hierachy of CPP classes // look for dynamic decorators in this class and in derived classes QList decoObjects; recursiveCollectDecoratorObjects(decoObjects); Q_FOREACH(QObject* deco, decoObjects) { // call on ourself for caching, but with different metaObject(): found = lookForEnumAndCache(deco->metaObject(), memberName); if (found) { break; } } } } if (!found) { // maybe it is an enum wrapper? PyObject* p = findEnumWrapper(memberName); if (p) { info._type = PythonQtMemberInfo::EnumWrapper; info._enumWrapper = p; _cachedMembers.insert(memberName, info); found = true; } } if (!found) { // since python keywords can not be looked up, we check if the name contains a single trailing _ // and remove that and look again, so that we e.g. find exec on an exec_ lookup QByteArray mbrName(memberName); if ((mbrName.length()>2) && (mbrName.at(mbrName.length()-1) == '_') && (mbrName.at(mbrName.length()-2) != '_')) { mbrName = mbrName.mid(0,mbrName.length()-1); found = lookForMethodAndCache(mbrName.constData()); if (found) { return _cachedMembers.value(mbrName); } } } if (!found) { // we store a NotFound member, so that we get a quick result for non existing members (e.g. operator_equal lookup) info._type = PythonQtMemberInfo::NotFound; _cachedMembers.insert(memberName, info); } } return _cachedMembers.value(memberName); } void PythonQtClassInfo::recursiveCollectDecoratorObjects(QList& decoratorObjects) { QObject* deco = decorator(); if (deco) { decoratorObjects.append(deco); } Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { info._parent->recursiveCollectDecoratorObjects(decoratorObjects); } } void PythonQtClassInfo::recursiveCollectClassInfos(QList& classInfoObjects) { classInfoObjects.append(this); Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { info._parent->recursiveCollectClassInfos(classInfoObjects); } } PythonQtSlotInfo* PythonQtClassInfo::findDecoratorSlots(const char* memberName, int memberNameLen, PythonQtSlotInfo* tail, bool &found, QHash& memberCache, int upcastingOffset) { QListIterator it(_decoratorSlots); while (it.hasNext()) { PythonQtSlotInfo* infoOrig = it.next(); #if( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) ) QByteArray sigStart = infoOrig->metaMethod()->methodSignature(); #else QByteArray sigStart = infoOrig->metaMethod()->signature(); #endif if (sigStart.startsWith("static_")) { sigStart.remove(0,7); int offset = findCharOffset(sigStart, '_'); sigStart.remove(0,offset+1); } int offset = findCharOffset(sigStart, '('); if (memberNameLen == offset && qstrncmp(memberName, sigStart, offset)==0) { //make a copy, otherwise we will have trouble on overloads! PythonQtSlotInfo* info = new PythonQtSlotInfo(*infoOrig); info->setUpcastingOffset(upcastingOffset); found = true; if (tail) { tail->setNextInfo(info); } else { PythonQtMemberInfo newInfo(info); memberCache.insert(memberName, newInfo); } tail = info; } } return tail; } void PythonQtClassInfo::listDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(QStringList& list, bool metaOnly) { QObject* decoratorProvider = decorator(); if (decoratorProvider) { const QMetaObject* meta = decoratorProvider->metaObject(); int numMethods = meta->methodCount(); int startFrom = QObject::staticMetaObject.methodCount(); for (int i = startFrom; i < numMethods; i++) { QMetaMethod m = meta->method(i); if ((m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Method || m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) && m.access() == QMetaMethod::Public) { #if( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) ) QByteArray sigStart = m.methodSignature(); #else QByteArray sigStart = m.signature(); #endif bool isClassDeco = false; if (sigStart.startsWith("static_")) { // skip the static_classname_ part of the string sigStart.remove(0,7+strlen(className())+1); isClassDeco = true; } else if (sigStart.startsWith("new_")) { continue; } else if (sigStart.startsWith("delete_")) { continue; } else if (sigStart.startsWith("py_")) { // hide everything that starts with py_ continue; } // find the first '(' int offset = findCharOffset(sigStart, '('); // XXX no checking is currently done if the slots have correct first argument or not... if (!metaOnly || isClassDeco) { list << QString::fromLatin1(sigStart, offset); } } } } // look for global decorator slots QListIterator it(_decoratorSlots); while (it.hasNext()) { PythonQtSlotInfo* slot = it.next(); if (metaOnly) { if (slot->isClassDecorator()) { QByteArray first = slot->slotName(); if (first.startsWith("static_")) { int idx = first.indexOf('_'); idx = first.indexOf('_', idx+1); first = first.mid(idx+1); } list << first; } } else { list << slot->slotName(); } } } QStringList PythonQtClassInfo::propertyList() { QStringList l; if (_isQObject && _meta) { int i; int numProperties = _meta->propertyCount(); for (i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) { QMetaProperty p = _meta->property(i); l << QString(p.name()); } } return l; } QStringList PythonQtClassInfo::memberList() { decorator(); QStringList l; QString h; // normal slots of QObject (or wrapper QObject) if (_meta) { int numMethods = _meta->methodCount(); bool skipQObj = !_isQObject; for (int i = skipQObj?QObject::staticMetaObject.methodCount():0; i < numMethods; i++) { QMetaMethod m = _meta->method(i); if (((m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Method || m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) && m.access() == QMetaMethod::Public) || m.methodType()==QMetaMethod::Signal) { #if( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) ) QByteArray signa(m.methodSignature()); #else QByteArray signa(m.signature()); #endif signa = signa.left(signa.indexOf('(')); l << signa; } } } { // look for dynamic decorators in this class and in derived classes QList infos; recursiveCollectClassInfos(infos); Q_FOREACH(PythonQtClassInfo* info, infos) { info->listDecoratorSlotsFromDecoratorProvider(l, false); } } // List enumerator keys... QList enumMetaObjects; if (_meta) { enumMetaObjects << _meta; } // check enums in the class hierachy of CPP classes QList decoObjects; recursiveCollectDecoratorObjects(decoObjects); Q_FOREACH(QObject* deco, decoObjects) { enumMetaObjects << deco->metaObject(); } Q_FOREACH(const QMetaObject* meta, enumMetaObjects) { for (int i = 0; ienumeratorCount(); i++) { QMetaEnum e = meta->enumerator(i); l << e.name(); // we do not want flags, they will cause our values to appear two times if (e.isFlag()) continue; for (int j=0; j < e.keyCount(); j++) { l << QString(e.key(j)); } } } return QSet::fromList(l).toList(); } const char* PythonQtClassInfo::className() { return _wrappedClassName.constData(); } void* PythonQtClassInfo::castTo(void* ptr, const char* classname) { if (ptr==NULL) { return NULL; } if (_wrappedClassName == classname) { return ptr; } Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { void* result = info._parent->castTo((char*)ptr + info._upcastingOffset, classname); if (result) { return result; } } return NULL; } bool PythonQtClassInfo::inherits(const char* name) { if (_wrappedClassName == name) { return true; } Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { if (info._parent->inherits(name)) { return true; } } return false; } bool PythonQtClassInfo::inherits(PythonQtClassInfo* classInfo) { if (classInfo == this) { return true; } Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { if (info._parent->inherits(classInfo)) { return true; } } return false; } QString PythonQtClassInfo::help() { decorator(); QString h; h += QString("--- ") + QString(className()) + QString(" ---\n"); if (!_doc.isNull()) h += "Description:\n" + _doc + "\n"; if (_isQObject) { h += "Properties:\n"; int i; int numProperties = _meta->propertyCount(); for (i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) { QMetaProperty p = _meta->property(i); h += QString(p.name()) + " (" + QString(p.typeName()) + " )\n"; } } if (constructors()) { h += "Constructors:\n"; PythonQtSlotInfo* constr = constructors(); while (constr) { h += constr->fullSignature() + "\n"; constr = constr->nextInfo(); } } h += "Slots:\n"; h += "QString help()\n"; h += "QString className()\n"; if (_meta) { int numMethods = _meta->methodCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; i++) { QMetaMethod m = _meta->method(i); if ((m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Method || m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) && m.access() == QMetaMethod::Public) { PythonQtSlotInfo slot(this, m, i); h += slot.fullSignature()+ "\n"; } } } // TODO xxx : decorators and enums from decorator() are missing... // maybe we can reuse memberlist()? if (_meta && _meta->enumeratorCount()) { h += "Enums:\n"; for (int i = 0; i<_meta->enumeratorCount(); i++) { QMetaEnum e = _meta->enumerator(i); h += QString(e.name()) + " {"; for (int j=0; j < e.keyCount(); j++) { if (j) { h+= ", "; } h += e.key(j); } h += " }\n"; } } if (_isQObject && _meta) { int numMethods = _meta->methodCount(); if (numMethods>0) { h += "Signals:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; i++) { QMetaMethod m = _meta->method(i); if (m.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) { #if( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) ) h += QString(m.methodSignature()) + "\n"; #else h += QString(m.signature()) + "\n"; #endif } } } } return h; } PythonQtSlotInfo* PythonQtClassInfo::constructors() { if (!_constructors) { // force creation of lazy decorator, which will register the decorators decorator(); } return _constructors; } PythonQtSlotInfo* PythonQtClassInfo::destructor() { if (!_destructor) { // force creation of lazy decorator, which will register the decorators decorator(); } return _destructor; } void PythonQtClassInfo::addConstructor(PythonQtSlotInfo* info) { PythonQtSlotInfo* prev = constructors(); if (prev) { info->setNextInfo(prev->nextInfo()); prev->setNextInfo(info); } else { _constructors = info; } } void PythonQtClassInfo::addDecoratorSlot(PythonQtSlotInfo* info) { _decoratorSlots.append(info); } void PythonQtClassInfo::setDestructor(PythonQtSlotInfo* info) { if (_destructor) { _destructor->deleteOverloadsAndThis(); } _destructor = info; } void PythonQtClassInfo::setMetaObject(const QMetaObject* meta) { _meta = meta; clearCachedMembers(); } QObject* PythonQtClassInfo::decorator() { if (!_decoratorProvider && _decoratorProviderCB) { _decoratorProvider = (*_decoratorProviderCB)(); if (_decoratorProvider) { _decoratorProvider->setParent(PythonQt::priv()); // setup enums early, since they might be needed by the constructor decorators: if (!_enumsCreated) { createEnumWrappers(); } PythonQt::priv()->addDecorators(_decoratorProvider, PythonQtPrivate::ConstructorDecorator | PythonQtPrivate::DestructorDecorator); } } // check if enums need to be created and create them if they are not yet created if (!_enumsCreated) { createEnumWrappers(); } return _decoratorProvider; } void* PythonQtClassInfo::recursiveCastDownIfPossible(void* ptr, const char** resultClassName) { if (!_polymorphicHandlers.isEmpty()) { Q_FOREACH(PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB* cb, _polymorphicHandlers) { void* resultPtr = (*cb)(ptr, resultClassName); if (resultPtr) { return resultPtr; } } } Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { if (!info._parent->isQObject()) { void* resultPtr = info._parent->recursiveCastDownIfPossible((char*)ptr + info._upcastingOffset, resultClassName); if (resultPtr) { return resultPtr; } } } return NULL; } void* PythonQtClassInfo::castDownIfPossible(void* ptr, PythonQtClassInfo** resultClassInfo) { const char* className; // this would do downcasting recursively... // void* resultPtr = recursiveCastDownIfPossible(ptr, &className); // we only do downcasting on the base object, not on the whole inheritance tree... void* resultPtr = NULL; if (!_polymorphicHandlers.isEmpty()) { Q_FOREACH(PythonQtPolymorphicHandlerCB* cb, _polymorphicHandlers) { resultPtr = (*cb)(ptr, &className); if (resultPtr) { break; } } } if (resultPtr) { *resultClassInfo = PythonQt::priv()->getClassInfo(className); } else { *resultClassInfo = this; resultPtr = ptr; } return resultPtr; } PyObject* PythonQtClassInfo::findEnumWrapper(const QByteArray& name, PythonQtClassInfo* localScope, bool* isLocalEnum) { if (isLocalEnum) { *isLocalEnum = true; } int scopePos = name.lastIndexOf("::"); if (scopePos != -1) { if (isLocalEnum) { *isLocalEnum = false; } // split into scope and enum name QByteArray enumScope = name.mid(0,scopePos); QByteArray enumName = name.mid(scopePos+2); PythonQtClassInfo* info = PythonQt::priv()->getClassInfo(enumScope); if (info) { return info->findEnumWrapper(enumName); } else{ return NULL; } } if (localScope) { return localScope->findEnumWrapper(name); } else { return NULL; } } void PythonQtClassInfo::createEnumWrappers(const QMetaObject* meta) { for (int i = meta->enumeratorOffset();ienumeratorCount();i++) { QMetaEnum e = meta->enumerator(i); PythonQtObjectPtr p; p.setNewRef(PythonQtPrivate::createNewPythonQtEnumWrapper(e.name(), _pythonQtClassWrapper)); _enumWrappers.append(p); } } void PythonQtClassInfo::createEnumWrappers() { if (!_enumsCreated) { _enumsCreated = true; if (_meta) { createEnumWrappers(_meta); } if (decorator()) { createEnumWrappers(decorator()->metaObject()); } Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { info._parent->createEnumWrappers(); } } } PyObject* PythonQtClassInfo::findEnumWrapper(const char* name) { // force enum creation if (!_enumsCreated) { createEnumWrappers(); } Q_FOREACH(const PythonQtObjectPtr& p, _enumWrappers) { const char* className = ((PyTypeObject*)p.object())->tp_name; if (qstrcmp(className, name)==0) { return p.object(); } } Q_FOREACH(const ParentClassInfo& info, _parentClasses) { PyObject* p = info._parent->findEnumWrapper(name); if (p) return p; } return NULL; } void PythonQtClassInfo::setDecoratorProvider( PythonQtQObjectCreatorFunctionCB* cb ) { _decoratorProviderCB = cb; _decoratorProvider = NULL; _enumsCreated = false; } void PythonQtClassInfo::clearNotFoundCachedMembers() { // remove all not found entries, since a new decorator means new slots, // which might have been cached as "NotFound" already. QMutableHashIterator it(_cachedMembers); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.value()._type == PythonQtMemberInfo::NotFound) { it.remove(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- PythonQtMemberInfo::PythonQtMemberInfo( PythonQtSlotInfo* info ) { if (info->metaMethod()->methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) { _type = Signal; } else { _type = Slot; } _slot = info; _enumValue = NULL; } PythonQtMemberInfo::PythonQtMemberInfo( const PythonQtObjectPtr& enumValue ) { _type = EnumValue; _slot = NULL; _enumValue = enumValue; _enumWrapper = NULL; } PythonQtMemberInfo::PythonQtMemberInfo( const QMetaProperty& prop ) { _type = Property; _slot = NULL; _enumValue = NULL; _property = prop; _enumWrapper = NULL; }