# --------- PythonQt profile ------------------- # Last changed by $Author: florian $ # $Id: PythonQt.pro 35381 2006-03-16 13:05:52Z florian $ # $Source$ # -------------------------------------------------- TARGET = PythonQt TEMPLATE = lib DESTDIR = ../lib CONFIG += qt CONFIG -= flat # allow to choose static linking through the environment variable PYTHONQT_STATIC PYTHONQT_STATIC = $$(PYTHONQT_STATIC) isEmpty(PYTHONQT_STATIC) { CONFIG += dll } else { CONFIG += static } contains(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) { QT += widgets } mac { OTHER_FILES += ../scripts/osx-fix-dylib.sh } CONFIG += BUILDING_PYTHONQT include ( ../build/pythonqt.prf ) include ( src.pri ) #Install PythonQt as Qt feature pythoncfg.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/mkspecs/features pythoncfg.files = ../build/rpm/pythonqt.prf isEmpty(RPMBUILDING){ pythoncfg.files = ../build/pythonqt.prf } target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] isEmpty(target.path) { target.path = $(QTDIR)/lib } header.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/PythonQt header.files = *.h isEmpty(header.path) { header.path = $(QTDIR)/include/PythonQt header.files = *.h } guiheader.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/PythonQt/gui guiheader.files = gui/*.h isEmpty(guiheader.path) { guiheader.path = $(QTDIR)/include/PythonQt/gui guiheader.files = gui/*.h } INSTALLS += header target guiheader pythoncfg