##// END OF EJS Templates
Added new peripheral view.
jeandet -
r18:9790824220ca default
parent child
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@@ -0,0 +1,25
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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25 </svg> No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,48
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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48 </svg> No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,6
1 <RCC>
2 <qresource prefix="/img">
3 <file>Gnome-list-add.svg</file>
4 <file>Gnome-list-remove.svg</file>
5 </qresource>
6 </RCC>
@@ -0,0 +1,102
1 #include "collapsableperipheralwidget.h"
2 #include "ui_collapsableperipheralwidget.h"
3 #include <QCursor>
6 CollapsablePeripheralWidget::CollapsablePeripheralWidget(peripheralWidget *periph, QWidget *parent) :
7 QWidget(parent),
8 ui(new Ui::CollapsablePeripheralWidget)
9 {
10 m_periph=0;
11 m_collapsed = true;
12 ui->setupUi(this);
13 tthidetmr.setSingleShot(true);
14 tthidetmr.setInterval(200);
15 connect(this->ui->collapseQpb,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(collapse()));
16 connect(this->ui->periphName,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(collapse()));
17 connect(this->ui->periphName,SIGNAL(enter()),this,SLOT(showTooltip()));
18 connect(this->ui->periphName,SIGNAL(leave()),&this->tthidetmr,SLOT(start()));
19 connect(&this->tthidetmr,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(hideTooltip()));
20 setPeripheralWidget(periph);
21 }
23 CollapsablePeripheralWidget::~CollapsablePeripheralWidget()
24 {
25 delete ui;
26 }
28 void CollapsablePeripheralWidget::setPeripheralWidget(peripheralWidget *periph)
29 {
30 if(periph)
31 {
32 this->m_periph = periph;
33 this->ui->gridLayout->addWidget(periph,1,0,1,-1);
34 this->ui->periphName->setText(periph->name());
35 this->m_periph->setVisible(false);
36 }
37 }
39 peripheralWidget *CollapsablePeripheralWidget::getPeripheralWidget()
40 {
41 return m_periph;
42 }
44 void CollapsablePeripheralWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
45 {
46 QWidget::changeEvent(e);
47 switch (e->type()) {
48 case QEvent::LanguageChange:
49 ui->retranslateUi(this);
50 break;
51 default:
52 break;
53 }
54 }
56 void CollapsablePeripheralWidget::collapse()
57 {
58 this->m_periph->setVisible(m_collapsed);
59 if(this->m_collapsed)
60 {
61 this->ui->collapseQpb->setIcon(QIcon(":/img/Gnome-list-remove.svg"));
62 }
63 else
64 {
65 this->ui->collapseQpb->setIcon(QIcon(":/img/Gnome-list-add.svg"));
66 }
67 m_collapsed = !m_collapsed;
68 }
70 void CollapsablePeripheralWidget::setName(const QString &name)
71 {
72 if(m_periph)
73 {
74 this->ui->periphName->setText(name);
75 }
76 }
78 void CollapsablePeripheralWidget::showTooltip()
79 {
80 if(!m_periph->isVisible() && m_collapsed)
81 {
82 m_periph->show();
83 }
84 }
86 void CollapsablePeripheralWidget::hideTooltip()
87 {
88 if(m_periph->isVisible() && m_collapsed)
89 {
90 QRect temprect = this->geometry();
91 temprect.moveTo(this->mapToGlobal(mapFromParent(QPoint(this->x(),this->y()))));
92 if(temprect.contains(QCursor::pos()))
93 {
94 this->tthidetmr.start();
95 }
96 else
97 {
98 m_periph->hide();
99 }
100 }
101 }
@@ -0,0 +1,56
4 #include <QWidget>
5 #include <peripheralwidget.h>
6 #include <QTimer>
8 namespace Ui {
9 class CollapsablePeripheralWidget;
10 }
12 class QRegToolTipLabel : public QLabel
13 {
15 public:
16 QRegToolTipLabel(QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0):QLabel(parent,f){}
17 QRegToolTipLabel(const QString & text, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0):QLabel(text,parent,f){}
18 signals:
19 void enter();
20 void leave();
21 void clicked();
22 protected:
23 void enterEvent(QEvent* event){emit enter();QLabel::enterEvent(event);}
24 void leaveEvent(QEvent* event){emit leave();QLabel::leaveEvent(event);}
25 void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * event){emit clicked();QLabel::mousePressEvent(event);}
26 };
28 class CollapsablePeripheralWidget : public QWidget
29 {
32 public:
33 explicit CollapsablePeripheralWidget(peripheralWidget* periph,QWidget *parent = 0);
34 ~CollapsablePeripheralWidget();
35 void setPeripheralWidget(peripheralWidget* periph);
36 peripheralWidget* getPeripheralWidget();
37 protected:
38 void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
40 public slots:
41 void collapse();
42 void setName(const QString& name);
43 void showTooltip();
44 void hideTooltip();
45 signals:
46 void clicked(peripheralWidget* sender);
47 void upSig(peripheralWidget* sender,int cursorIndex);
48 void downSig(peripheralWidget* sender,int cursorIndex);
49 private:
50 Ui::CollapsablePeripheralWidget *ui;
51 peripheralWidget* m_periph;
52 bool m_collapsed;
53 QTimer tthidetmr;
54 };
@@ -0,0 +1,89
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <ui version="4.0">
3 <class>CollapsablePeripheralWidget</class>
4 <widget class="QWidget" name="CollapsablePeripheralWidget">
5 <property name="geometry">
6 <rect>
7 <x>0</x>
8 <y>0</y>
9 <width>845</width>
10 <height>249</height>
11 </rect>
12 </property>
13 <property name="sizePolicy">
14 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
15 <horstretch>0</horstretch>
16 <verstretch>0</verstretch>
17 </sizepolicy>
18 </property>
19 <property name="windowTitle">
20 <string>Form</string>
21 </property>
22 <property name="styleSheet">
23 <string notr="true">QWidget#CollapsablePeripheralWidget {
24 border: 1px solid gray;
25 border-radius: 9px;
26 }</string>
27 </property>
28 <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
29 <item row="0" column="2">
30 <widget class="QPushButton" name="collapseQpb">
31 <property name="sizePolicy">
32 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
33 <horstretch>0</horstretch>
34 <verstretch>0</verstretch>
35 </sizepolicy>
36 </property>
37 <property name="text">
38 <string/>
39 </property>
40 <property name="icon">
41 <iconset resource="../ressources/peripheralwidget.qrc">
42 <normaloff>:/img/Gnome-list-add.svg</normaloff>
43 <normalon>:/img/Gnome-list-remove.svg</normalon>:/img/Gnome-list-add.svg</iconset>
44 </property>
45 <property name="flat">
46 <bool>true</bool>
47 </property>
48 </widget>
49 </item>
50 <item row="0" column="0">
51 <widget class="QRegToolTipLabel" name="periphName">
52 <property name="sizePolicy">
53 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Preferred">
54 <horstretch>0</horstretch>
55 <verstretch>0</verstretch>
56 </sizepolicy>
57 </property>
58 <property name="text">
59 <string>PeriphName</string>
60 </property>
61 </widget>
62 </item>
63 <item row="0" column="1">
64 <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
65 <property name="orientation">
66 <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
67 </property>
68 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
69 <size>
70 <width>40</width>
71 <height>20</height>
72 </size>
73 </property>
74 </spacer>
75 </item>
76 </layout>
77 </widget>
78 <customwidgets>
79 <customwidget>
80 <class>QRegToolTipLabel</class>
81 <extends>QLabel</extends>
82 <header location="global">collapsableperipheralwidget.h</header>
83 </customwidget>
84 </customwidgets>
85 <resources>
86 <include location="../ressources/peripheralwidget.qrc"/>
87 </resources>
88 <connections/>
89 </ui>
@@ -0,0 +1,107
1 #include "socregsviewernew.h"
2 #include "ui_socregsviewernew.h"
4 SocRegsViewerNew::SocRegsViewerNew(const QString &name,QWidget *parent) :
5 QWidget(parent),
6 ui(new Ui::SocRegsViewerNew)
7 {
8 ui->setupUi(this);
9 this->ui->socName->setText(name);
10 }
12 SocRegsViewerNew::~SocRegsViewerNew()
13 {
14 delete ui;
15 }
17 peripheralWidget *SocRegsViewerNew::peripheral(int index)
18 {
19 if(index>=0 && index<p_peripherals.count())
20 {
21 return p_peripherals.at(index);
22 }
23 return NULL;
24 }
26 void SocRegsViewerNew::addPeripheral(peripheralWidget *peripheral)
27 {
28 if(peripheral!=NULL)
29 {
30 CollapsablePeripheralWidget* cperiph = new CollapsablePeripheralWidget(peripheral);
31 cperiph->setPeripheralWidget(peripheral);
32 p_peripherals.append(peripheral);
33 p_CPeripherals.append(cperiph);
34 this->ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout()->addWidget(cperiph);
35 connect(cperiph,SIGNAL(clicked(peripheralWidget*)),this,SLOT(periphClicked(peripheralWidget*)));
36 connect(cperiph,SIGNAL(upSig(peripheralWidget*,int)),this,SLOT(periphUp(peripheralWidget*,int)));
37 connect(cperiph,SIGNAL(downSig(peripheralWidget*,int)),this,SLOT(periphDown(peripheralWidget*,int)));
38 }
39 }
41 void SocRegsViewerNew::periphClicked(peripheralWidget *sender)
42 {
43 peripheralWidget * item;
44 if(sender!=NULL)
45 {
46 for(int i=0;i<p_peripherals.count();i++)
47 {
48 item = p_peripherals.at(i);
49 if(item!=sender)
50 {
51 item->leave();
52 }
53 }
54 }
55 }
57 void SocRegsViewerNew::periphUp(peripheralWidget *sender, int cursorIndex)
58 {
59 int index,senderIndex;
60 if(sender!=NULL)
61 {
62 index =senderIndex= p_peripherals.indexOf(sender);
63 while(index!=-1 && index!=0)
64 {
65 if(p_peripherals.at(index-1)->count()>0)
66 {
67 p_peripherals.at(senderIndex)->leave();
68 p_peripherals.at(index-1)->enter(cursorIndex,false);
69 // ensureWidgetVisible(p_peripherals.at(index-1));
70 break;
71 }
72 index--;
73 }
74 }
75 }
77 void SocRegsViewerNew::periphDown(peripheralWidget *sender, int cursorIndex)
78 {
79 int index,senderIndex;
80 if(sender!=NULL)
81 {
82 index=senderIndex= p_peripherals.indexOf(sender);
83 while((index!=-1) && (index<(p_peripherals.count()-1)))
84 {
85 if(p_peripherals.at(index+1)->count()>0)
86 {
87 p_peripherals.at(senderIndex)->leave();
88 p_peripherals.at(index+1)->enter(cursorIndex);
89 // ensureWidgetVisible(p_peripherals.at(index+1));
90 break;
91 }
92 index++;
93 }
94 }
95 }
97 void SocRegsViewerNew::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
98 {
99 QWidget::changeEvent(e);
100 switch (e->type()) {
101 case QEvent::LanguageChange:
102 ui->retranslateUi(this);
103 break;
104 default:
105 break;
106 }
107 }
@@ -0,0 +1,38
4 #include <QWidget>
5 #include <peripheralwidget.h>
6 #include <collapsableperipheralwidget.h>
8 namespace Ui {
9 class SocRegsViewerNew;
10 }
12 class SocRegsViewerNew : public QWidget
13 {
16 public:
17 explicit SocRegsViewerNew(const QString &name, QWidget *parent = 0);
18 ~SocRegsViewerNew();
20 peripheralWidget *peripheral(int index);
22 signals:
24 public slots:
25 void addPeripheral(peripheralWidget* peripheral);
26 void periphClicked(peripheralWidget* sender);
27 void periphUp(peripheralWidget* sender,int cursorIndex);
28 void periphDown(peripheralWidget* sender,int cursorIndex);
29 protected:
30 void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
32 private:
33 Ui::SocRegsViewerNew *ui;
34 QList<peripheralWidget*> p_peripherals;
35 QList<CollapsablePeripheralWidget*> p_CPeripherals;
36 };
@@ -0,0 +1,60
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <ui version="4.0">
3 <class>SocRegsViewerNew</class>
4 <widget class="QWidget" name="SocRegsViewerNew">
5 <property name="geometry">
6 <rect>
7 <x>0</x>
8 <y>0</y>
9 <width>713</width>
10 <height>357</height>
11 </rect>
12 </property>
13 <property name="windowTitle">
14 <string>Form</string>
15 </property>
16 <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
17 <item row="0" column="1">
18 <widget class="QComboBox" name="rootPluginCmbBx"/>
19 </item>
20 <item row="2" column="0" colspan="2">
21 <widget class="QScrollArea" name="PeriphList">
22 <property name="widgetResizable">
23 <bool>true</bool>
24 </property>
25 <widget class="QWidget" name="scrollAreaWidgetContents">
26 <property name="geometry">
27 <rect>
28 <x>0</x>
29 <y>0</y>
30 <width>693</width>
31 <height>302</height>
32 </rect>
33 </property>
34 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
35 <item>
36 <widget class="QLabel" name="socName">
37 <property name="text">
38 <string>SocName</string>
39 </property>
40 <property name="alignment">
41 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
42 </property>
43 </widget>
44 </item>
45 </layout>
46 </widget>
47 </widget>
48 </item>
49 <item row="0" column="0">
50 <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
51 <property name="text">
52 <string>Root Plugin</string>
53 </property>
54 </widget>
55 </item>
56 </layout>
57 </widget>
58 <resources/>
59 <connections/>
60 </ui>
@@ -1,14 +1,23
1 1
3 3 src/peripheralwidget.cpp \
4 4 src/registerwidget.cpp \
5 src/socregsviewer.cpp
5 src/socregsviewer.cpp \
6 src/socregsviewernew.cpp \
7 src/collapsableperipheralwidget.cpp
7 8
8 9
10 11 src/peripheralwidget.h \
11 12 src/registerwidget.h \
12 src/socregsviewer.h
13 src/socregsviewer.h \
14 src/socregsviewernew.h \
15 src/collapsableperipheralwidget.h
13 16
18 src/socregsviewernew.ui \
19 src/collapsableperipheralwidget.ui
14 20
22 $$PWD/ressources/peripheralwidget.qrc
@@ -1,279 +1,293
1 1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 -- This file is a part of the SocExplorer Software
3 3 -- Copyright (C) 2014, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS
4 4 --
5 5 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 6 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 7 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 8 -- (at your option) any later version.
9 9 --
10 10 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 11 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 13 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
14 14 --
15 15 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 16 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 17 -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 19 /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet
20 20 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@member.fsf.org
21 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 22 #include "peripheralwidget.h"
23 23
24 peripheralWidget::peripheralWidget(const QString &name, qint32 baseAddress, QWidget *parent) :
24 peripheralWidget::peripheralWidget(const QString &name, qint32 baseAddress, readWriteProxy *proxy, QWidget *parent) :
25 25 QWidget(parent)
26 26 {
27 27 p_name = name;
28 28 p_timer = new QTimer(this);
29 29 p_timer->setInterval(500);
30 30 p_baseAddress = baseAddress;
31 31 p_header = p_name + QString(" @0x%1").arg((uint)p_baseAddress,8,16);
32 p_proxy = proxy;
32 33 setAttribute(Qt::WA_AlwaysShowToolTips);
33 34 setMouseTracking(true);
34 35 setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
35 36 selectedReg = -1;
36 37 registersWdgts.clear();
37 38 connect(p_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(blinkCursor()));
38 39 setFont(QFont("Utopia", 14,QFont::Bold));
40 setMinimumSize(400,100);
41 updateGeometry();
39 42 }
40 43
41 44 int peripheralWidget::count()
42 45 {
43 46 return registersWdgts.count();
44 47 }
45 48
49 const QString &peripheralWidget::name()
50 {
51 return this->p_name;
52 }
46 54 void peripheralWidget::blinkCursor()
47 55 {
48 56 if(selectedReg!=-1)
49 57 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->blinkCursor();
50 58 repaint();
51 59 }
52 60
53 61 void peripheralWidget::addRegister(const QString &name, qint32 address)
54 62 {
55 63 /*TODO Should regs by address*/
56 64 registersWdgts.append(new registerWidget(name,address));
57 65 connect(registersWdgts.last(),SIGNAL(repaint()),this,SLOT(repaint()));
58 66 }
59 67
60 68 void peripheralWidget::leave()
61 69 {
62 70 if(selectedReg!=-1)
63 71 {
64 72 p_timer->stop();
65 73 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->leave();
66 74 selectedReg = -1;
67 75 repaint();
68 76 }
69 77 }
70 78
71 79 void peripheralWidget::enter(int cursorIndex, bool fromTop)
72 80 {
73 81 if(cursorIndex>=0 && cursorIndex<32)
74 82 {
75 83 if(fromTop)
76 84 {
77 85 registersWdgts.at(0)->enter(cursorIndex);
78 86 selectedReg = 0;
79 87 }
80 88 else
81 89 {
82 90 registersWdgts.at(registersWdgts.count()-1)->enter(cursorIndex);
83 91 selectedReg = registersWdgts.count()-1;
84 92 }
85 93 p_timer->start();
86 94 this->setFocus();
87 95 }
88 96 }
89 97
98 void peripheralWidget::setReadWriteProxy(peripheralWidget::readWriteProxy *proxy)
99 {
100 this->p_proxy = proxy;
101 }
90 103 void peripheralWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
91 104 {
92 105 p_timer->stop();
93 106 if(selectedReg!=-1)
94 107 {
95 108 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->leave();
96 109 selectedReg = -1;
97 110 }
98 111 for(int i=0; i<registersWdgts.count();i++)
99 112 {
100 113 if(registersWdgts.at(i)->contains(event->pos()))
101 114 {
102 115 registersWdgts.at(i)->enter(registersWdgts.at(i)->cursorIndex(event->pos().x()));
103 116 selectedReg = i;
104 117 p_timer->start();
105 118 emit clicked(this);
106 119 }
107 120 }
108 121 repaint();
109 122 }
110 123
111 124 void peripheralWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
112 125 {
113 126 bool match=false;
114 127 if(event->buttons()==Qt::LeftButton)
115 128 {
116 129 for(int i=0; i<registersWdgts.count();i++)
117 130 {
118 131 if(registersWdgts.at(i)->contains(event->pos()))
119 132 {
120 133 registersWdgts.at(i)->updateSelection(registersWdgts.at(i)->cursorIndex(event->pos().x()));
121 134 }
122 135 }
123 136 }
124 137 else
125 138 {
126 139 for(int i=0; i<registersWdgts.count();i++)
127 140 {
128 141 if(registersWdgts.at(i)->contains(event->pos()))
129 142 {
130 143 match = true;
131 144 int bitfieldIndex=registersWdgts.at(i)->cursorIndex(event->pos().x());
133 145 QString toolTipText ="<b>< font color='Black'>"+registersWdgts.at(i)->bitFieldName(bitfieldIndex) +"</b><br />";
134 146 toolTipText+= "Hexadecimal=<b>< font color='Blue'>"+registersWdgts.at(i)->bitFieldToHex(bitfieldIndex)+"</b>";
135 147 toolTipText+= " Decimal=<b>< font color='BlueViolet'>"+registersWdgts.at(i)->bitFieldToDec(bitfieldIndex)+"</b><br />";
136 148 toolTipText+= registersWdgts.at(i)->bitFieldDesc(bitfieldIndex);
137 149 QToolTip::showText(event->globalPos(),toolTipText,(QWidget*)this);
138 150 }
139 151 }
140 152 if(!match)QToolTip::hideText();
141 153 }
142 154 }
143 155
144 156 void peripheralWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
145 157 {
146 158 Q_UNUSED(event)
147 159 }
148 160
149 161 void peripheralWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
150 162 {
151 163 if(this->selectedReg!=-1){
152 164 if(event->modifiers()==Qt::ControlModifier)
153 165 {
154 166 switch(event->key())
155 167 {
156 168 case Qt::Key_Up:
157 169 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->set(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
158 170 break;
159 171 case Qt::Key_Down:
160 172 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->clear(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
161 173 break;
162 174 case Qt::Key_W:
163 emit writeRegSig(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address(),registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->value());
175 p_proxy->writeReg(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address(),registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->value());
164 176 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->setUpdated(true);
165 177 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->repaint();
166 178 break;
167 179 case Qt::Key_R:
168 180 qint32 value;
169 value = emit readRegSig(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address());
181 value = p_proxy->readReg(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address());
170 182 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->setValue(value);
171 183 break;
172 184 default:
173 185 break;
174 186 }
175 187 }
176 188 else
177 189 {
178 190 switch(event->key())
179 191 {
180 192 case Qt::Key_0:
181 193 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->clear(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
182 194 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->moveCursorRight(1);
183 195 break;
184 196 case Qt::Key_1:
185 197 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->set(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
186 198 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->moveCursorRight(1);
187 199 break;
188 200 case Qt::Key_Right:
189 201 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->moveCursorRight(1);
190 202 this->repaint();
191 203 break;
192 204 case Qt::Key_Left:
193 205 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->moveCursorLeft(1);
194 206 this->repaint();
195 207 break;
196 208 case Qt::Key_Up:
197 209 up();
198 210 break;
199 211 case Qt::Key_Down:
200 212 down();
201 213 break;
202 214 case Qt::Key_W:
203 emit writeRegSig(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address(),registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->value());
215 p_proxy->writeReg(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address(),registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->value());
204 216 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->setUpdated(true);
205 217 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->repaint();
206 218 break;
207 219 case Qt::Key_R:
208 220 qint32 value;
209 value = emit readRegSig(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address());
221 value = p_proxy->readReg(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->address());
210 222 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->setValue(value);
211 223 break;
212 224 default:
213 225 break;
214 226 }
215 227 }
216 228
217 229 }
218 230 }
219 231
220 232 void peripheralWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
221 233 {
222 234 Q_UNUSED(event)
223 235
224 236 QPainter painter(this);
225 237 QPoint offset=QPoint(0,0);
226 238 int nameWidth = fontMetrics().width(p_header);
227 239 if(registersWdgts.count()==0)
228 240 {
229 241 setMinimumSize(2*nameWidth+10,fontMetrics().height()+10);
230 242 }
231 243 painter.drawText((this->minimumWidth()/2)-nameWidth,4,fontMetrics().width(p_header),fontMetrics().height()+4,Qt::AlignCenter,p_header);
232 244 offset+=QPoint(0,fontMetrics().height()+8);
233 245 for(int i=0;i<registersWdgts.count();i++)
234 246 {
235 247 offset = registersWdgts.at(i)->paint(&painter,offset);
236 248 }
237 249 if(registersWdgts.count()>0)
238 250 {
239 setMinimumSize(registersWdgts.first()->boundingRect().width(),offset.y());
251 int w=registersWdgts.first()->boundingRect().width();
252 int h=offset.y();
253 setMinimumSize(w,h);
240 254 }
241 255 updateGeometry();
242 256
243 257 }
244 258
245 259 void peripheralWidget::up()
246 260 {
247 261 if(selectedReg!=-1)
248 262 {
249 263 if(selectedReg >0)
250 264 {
251 265 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg-1)->enter(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
252 266 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->leave();
253 267 selectedReg-=1;
254 268 repaint();
255 269 }
256 270 else
257 271 {
258 272 emit upSig(this,registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
259 273 }
260 274 }
261 275 }
262 276
263 277 void peripheralWidget::down()
264 278 {
265 279 if(selectedReg!=-1)
266 280 {
267 281 if(selectedReg <(registersWdgts.count()-1))
268 282 {
269 283 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg+1)->enter(registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
270 284 registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->leave();
271 285 selectedReg+=1;
272 286 repaint();
273 287 }
274 288 else
275 289 {
276 290 emit downSig(this,registersWdgts.at(selectedReg)->cursorIndex());
277 291 }
278 292 }
279 293 }
@@ -1,83 +1,95
1 1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 -- This file is a part of the SocExplorer Software
3 3 -- Copyright (C) 2014, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS
4 4 --
5 5 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 6 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 7 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 8 -- (at your option) any later version.
9 9 --
10 10 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 11 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 13 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
14 14 --
15 15 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 16 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 17 -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 19 /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet
20 20 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@member.fsf.org
21 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
24 24
25 25 #include <QWidget>
26 26 #include <QGroupBox>
27 27 #include <QVBoxLayout>
28 28 #include <QList>
29 29 #include <QTimer>
30 30 #include "registerwidget.h"
31 31 #if defined(SOCEXPLORER_SDK_BUILD)
33 33 #else
35 35 #endif
36 36
37 37 /*
38 38 * TODO ADD an outdated marker
39 39 * Show outdated registers with a different color for example
40 40 */
41 42 class SOCEXPLORER_SDK_EXPORT peripheralWidget : public QWidget
42 43 {
43 44 Q_OBJECT
44 45 public:
45 explicit peripheralWidget(const QString& name,qint32 baseAddress, QWidget *parent = 0);
46 class readWriteProxy
47 {
48 public:
49 readWriteProxy() {}
50 virtual void writeReg(qint32 address,qint32 value)=0;
51 virtual qint32 readReg(qint32 address)=0;
52 };
54 explicit peripheralWidget(const QString& name,qint32 baseAddress,readWriteProxy* proxy=0, QWidget *parent = 0);
46 55 registerWidget* registerAt(int index)
47 56 {
48 57 if(index>=0 && index<registersWdgts.count())
49 58 return registersWdgts.at(index);
50 59 return NULL;
51 60 }
52 61 int count();
62 const QString& name();
53 63 signals:
54 64 void writeRegSig(qint32 address,qint32 value);
55 65 qint32 readRegSig(qint32 address);
56 66 void clicked(peripheralWidget* sender);
57 67 void upSig(peripheralWidget* sender,int cursorIndex);
58 68 void downSig(peripheralWidget* sender,int cursorIndex);
59 69 public slots:
60 70 void blinkCursor();
61 71 void addRegister(const QString& name,qint32 address);
62 72 void leave();
63 73 void enter(int cursorIndex,bool fromTop=true);
74 void setReadWriteProxy(readWriteProxy* proxy);
64 75 protected:
65 76 void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
66 77 void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
67 78 void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
68 79 void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event);
69 80 void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);
70 81
71 82 private:
72 83 void up();
73 84 void down();
74 85 QString p_name;
75 86 QString p_header;
76 87 qint32 p_baseAddress;
77 88 QList<registerWidget*> registersWdgts;
78 89 int selectedReg;
79 90 QTimer* p_timer;
91 readWriteProxy* p_proxy;
80 92
81 93 };
82 94
83 95 #endif // PERIPHERALWIDGET_H
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