#include #include int configure_timer(gptimer_regs_t *gptimer_regs, unsigned char timer, unsigned int clock_divider, unsigned char interrupt_level, rtems_isr (*timer_isr)() ) { // configure the timer for the waveforms simulation rtems_status_code status; rtems_isr_entry old_isr_handler; status = rtems_interrupt_catch( timer_isr, interrupt_level, &old_isr_handler) ; // see sparcv8.pdf p.76 for interrupt levels if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF("in configure_timer *** ERR rtems_interrupt_catch\n") } timer_set_clock_divider( gptimer_regs, timer, clock_divider); return 1; } int timer_start(gptimer_regs_t *gptimer_regs, unsigned char timer) { gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl | 0x00000010; // clear pending IRQ if any gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl | 0x00000004; // LD load value from the reload register gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl | 0x00000001; // EN enable the timer gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl | 0x00000002; // RS restart gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl | 0x00000008; // IE interrupt enable return 1; } int timer_stop(gptimer_regs_t *gptimer_regs, unsigned char timer) { gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl & 0xfffffffe; // EN enable the timer gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl & 0xffffffef; // IE interrupt enable gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl = gptimer_regs->timer[timer].ctrl | 0x00000010; // clear pending IRQ if any return 1; } int timer_set_clock_divider(gptimer_regs_t *gptimer_regs, unsigned char timer, unsigned int clock_divider) { gptimer_regs->timer[timer].reload = clock_divider; // base clock frequency is 1 MHz return 1; } void update_spacewire_statistics() { rtems_status_code status; spw_stats spacewire_stats_grspw; status = ioctl( fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_GET_STATISTICS, &spacewire_stats_grspw ); spacewire_stats.packets_received = spacewire_stats_backup.packets_received + spacewire_stats_grspw.packets_received; spacewire_stats.packets_sent = spacewire_stats_backup.packets_sent + spacewire_stats_grspw.packets_sent; spacewire_stats.parity_err = spacewire_stats_backup.parity_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.parity_err; spacewire_stats.disconnect_err = spacewire_stats_backup.disconnect_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.disconnect_err; spacewire_stats.escape_err = spacewire_stats_backup.escape_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.escape_err; spacewire_stats.credit_err = spacewire_stats_backup.credit_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.credit_err; spacewire_stats.write_sync_err = spacewire_stats_backup.write_sync_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.write_sync_err; spacewire_stats.rx_rmap_header_crc_err = spacewire_stats_backup.rx_rmap_header_crc_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.rx_rmap_header_crc_err; spacewire_stats.rx_rmap_data_crc_err = spacewire_stats_backup.rx_rmap_data_crc_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.rx_rmap_data_crc_err; spacewire_stats.early_ep = spacewire_stats_backup.early_ep + spacewire_stats_grspw.early_ep; spacewire_stats.invalid_address = spacewire_stats_backup.invalid_address + spacewire_stats_grspw.invalid_address; spacewire_stats.rx_eep_err = spacewire_stats_backup.rx_eep_err + spacewire_stats_grspw.rx_eep_err; spacewire_stats.rx_truncated = spacewire_stats_backup.rx_truncated + spacewire_stats_grspw.rx_truncated; //spacewire_stats.tx_link_err; //**************************** // DPU_SPACEWIRE_IF_STATISTICS housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_pkt_rcv_cnt[0] = (unsigned char) (spacewire_stats.packets_received >> 8); housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_pkt_rcv_cnt[1] = (unsigned char) (spacewire_stats.packets_received); housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_pkt_sent_cnt[0] = (unsigned char) (spacewire_stats.packets_sent >> 8); housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_pkt_sent_cnt[1] = (unsigned char) (spacewire_stats.packets_sent); //housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_tick_out_cnt; //housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_last_timc; //****************************************** // ERROR COUNTERS / SPACEWIRE / LOW SEVERITY housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_parity = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.parity_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_disconnect = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.disconnect_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_escape = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.escape_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_credit = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.credit_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_write_sync = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.write_sync_err; // housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_rx_ahb; // housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_tx_ahb; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_header_crc = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.rx_rmap_header_crc_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_data_crc = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.rx_rmap_data_crc_err; //********************************************* // ERROR COUNTERS / SPACEWIRE / MEDIUM SEVERITY housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_early_eop = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.early_ep; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_invalid_addr = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.invalid_address; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_eep = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.rx_eep_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_rx_too_big = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.rx_truncated; } int send_console_outputs_on_apbuart_port( void ) // Send the console outputs on the apbuart port { struct apbuart_regs_str *apbuart_regs = (struct apbuart_regs_str *) REGS_ADDR_APBUART; apbuart_regs->ctrl = apbuart_regs->ctrl & APBUART_CTRL_REG_MASK_DB; PRINTF("\n\n\n\n\nIn INIT *** Now the console is on port COM1\n") return 0; } int set_apbuart_scaler_reload_register(unsigned int regs, unsigned int value) { struct apbuart_regs_str *apbuart_regs = (struct apbuart_regs_str *) regs; apbuart_regs->scaler = value; BOOT_PRINTF1("OK *** apbuart port scaler reload register set to 0x%x\n", value) return 0; } //************ // RTEMS TASKS rtems_task stat_task(rtems_task_argument argument) { int i; int j; i = 0; j = 0; BOOT_PRINTF("in STAT *** \n") while(1){ rtems_task_wake_after(1000); PRINTF1("%d\n", j) if (i == CPU_USAGE_REPORT_PERIOD) { // #ifdef PRINT_TASK_STATISTICS // rtems_cpu_usage_report(); // rtems_cpu_usage_reset(); // #endif i = 0; } else i++; j++; } } rtems_task hous_task(rtems_task_argument argument) { rtems_status_code status; spw_ioctl_pkt_send spw_ioctl_send; rtems_id queue_id; spw_ioctl_send.hlen = 0; spw_ioctl_send.hdr = NULL; spw_ioctl_send.dlen = PACKET_LENGTH_HK + CCSDS_TC_TM_PACKET_OFFSET + CCSDS_PROTOCOLE_EXTRA_BYTES; spw_ioctl_send.data = (char*) &housekeeping_packet; spw_ioctl_send.options = 0; status = rtems_message_queue_ident( misc_name[QUEUE_PKTS], 0, &queue_id ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in HOUS *** ERR %d\n", status) } BOOT_PRINTF("in HOUS ***\n") if (rtems_rate_monotonic_ident( HK_name, &HK_id) != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { status = rtems_rate_monotonic_create( HK_name, &HK_id ); if( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF1( "rtems_rate_monotonic_create failed with status of %d\n", status ) } } housekeeping_packet.targetLogicalAddress = CCSDS_DESTINATION_ID; housekeeping_packet.protocolIdentifier = CCSDS_PROTOCOLE_ID; housekeeping_packet.reserved = DEFAULT_RESERVED; housekeeping_packet.userApplication = CCSDS_USER_APP; housekeeping_packet.packetID[0] = (unsigned char) (TM_PACKET_ID_HK >> 8); housekeeping_packet.packetID[1] = (unsigned char) (TM_PACKET_ID_HK); housekeeping_packet.packetSequenceControl[0] = TM_PACKET_SEQ_CTRL_STANDALONE; housekeeping_packet.packetSequenceControl[1] = TM_PACKET_SEQ_CNT_DEFAULT; housekeeping_packet.packetLength[0] = (unsigned char) (PACKET_LENGTH_HK >> 8); housekeeping_packet.packetLength[1] = (unsigned char) (PACKET_LENGTH_HK ); housekeeping_packet.spare1_pusVersion_spare2 = DEFAULT_SPARE1_PUSVERSION_SPARE2; housekeeping_packet.serviceType = TM_TYPE_HK; housekeeping_packet.serviceSubType = TM_SUBTYPE_HK; housekeeping_packet.destinationID = TM_DESTINATION_ID_GROUND; status = rtems_rate_monotonic_cancel(HK_id); if( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF1( "ERR *** in HOUS *** rtems_rate_monotonic_cancel(HK_id) ***code: %d\n", status ) } else { DEBUG_PRINTF("OK *** in HOUS *** rtems_rate_monotonic_cancel(HK_id)\n") } while(1){ // launch the rate monotonic task status = rtems_rate_monotonic_period( HK_id, HK_PERIOD ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF1( "ERR *** in HOUS *** rtems_rate_monotonic_period *** code %d\n", status); } else { housekeeping_packet.time[0] = (unsigned char) (time_management_regs->coarse_time>>24); housekeeping_packet.time[1] = (unsigned char) (time_management_regs->coarse_time>>16); housekeeping_packet.time[2] = (unsigned char) (time_management_regs->coarse_time>>8); housekeeping_packet.time[3] = (unsigned char) (time_management_regs->coarse_time); housekeeping_packet.time[4] = (unsigned char) (time_management_regs->fine_time>>8); housekeeping_packet.time[5] = (unsigned char) (time_management_regs->fine_time); housekeeping_packet.sid = SID_HK; update_spacewire_statistics(); // SEND PACKET status = rtems_message_queue_send( queue_id, &spw_ioctl_send, ACTION_MSG_SPW_IOCTL_SEND_SIZE); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in HOUS *** ERR %d\n", status) } } } PRINTF("in HOUS *** deleting task\n") status = rtems_task_delete( RTEMS_SELF ); // should not return printf( "rtems_task_delete returned with status of %d.\n", status ); exit( 1 ); } rtems_task send_task( rtems_task_argument argument) { rtems_status_code status; // RTEMS status code char incomingData[ACTION_MSG_PKTS_MAX_SIZE]; // incoming data buffer spw_ioctl_pkt_send *spw_ioctl_send; size_t size; // size of the incoming TC packet u_int32_t count; rtems_id queue_id; status = rtems_message_queue_ident( misc_name[QUEUE_PKTS], 0, &queue_id ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in SEND *** ERR getting queue id, %d\n", status) } BOOT_PRINTF("in SEND *** \n") while(1) { status = rtems_message_queue_receive( queue_id, incomingData, &size, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT ); if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in SEND *** (1) ERR = %d\n", status) } else { if ( incomingData[0] == CCSDS_DESTINATION_ID) // the incoming message is a ccsds packet { status = write( fdSPW, incomingData, size ); if (status == -1){ PRINTF2("in SEND *** (2.a) ERR = %d, size = %d\n", status, size) } } else // the incoming message is a spw_ioctl_pkt_send structure { spw_ioctl_send = (spw_ioctl_pkt_send*) incomingData; if (spw_ioctl_send->hlen == 0) { status = write( fdSPW, spw_ioctl_send->data, spw_ioctl_send->dlen ); if (status == -1){ PRINTF2("in SEND *** (2.b) ERR = %d, dlen = %d\n", status, spw_ioctl_send->dlen) } } else { status = ioctl( fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SEND, spw_ioctl_send ); if (status == -1){ PRINTF2("in SEND *** (2.c) ERR = %d, dlen = %d\n", status, spw_ioctl_send->dlen) PRINTF1(" hlen = %d\n", spw_ioctl_send->hlen) } } } } status = rtems_message_queue_get_number_pending( queue_id, &count ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in SEND *** (3) ERR = %d\n", status) } else { if (count > maxCount) { maxCount = count; } } } } rtems_id get_pkts_queue_id( void ) { rtems_id queue_id; rtems_status_code status; status = rtems_message_queue_ident( misc_name[QUEUE_PKTS], 0, &queue_id ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in get_pkts_queue_id *** ERR %d\n", status) } return queue_id; }