/** Functions related to the SpaceWire interface. * * @file * @author P. LEROY * * A group of functions to handle SpaceWire transmissions: * - configuration of the SpaceWire link * - SpaceWire related interruption requests processing * - transmission of TeleMetry packets by a dedicated RTEMS task * - reception of TeleCommands by a dedicated RTEMS task * */ #include "fsw_spacewire.h" rtems_name semq_name; rtems_id semq_id; //*********** // RTEMS TASK rtems_task spiq_task(rtems_task_argument unused) { /** This RTEMS task is awaken by an rtems_event sent by the interruption subroutine of the SpaceWire driver. * * @param unused is the starting argument of the RTEMS task * */ rtems_event_set event_out; rtems_status_code status; int linkStatus; BOOT_PRINTF("in SPIQ *** \n") while(true){ rtems_event_receive(SPW_LINKERR_EVENT, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT, &event_out); // wait for an SPW_LINKERR_EVENT PRINTF("in SPIQ *** got SPW_LINKERR_EVENT\n") // [0] SUSPEND RECV AND SEND TASKS status = rtems_task_suspend( Task_id[ TASKID_RECV ] ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF("in SPIQ *** ERR suspending RECV Task\n") } status = rtems_task_suspend( Task_id[ TASKID_SEND ] ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF("in SPIQ *** ERR suspending SEND Task\n") } // [1] CHECK THE LINK status = ioctl(fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_GET_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus); // get the link status (1) if ( linkStatus != 5) { PRINTF1("in SPIQ *** linkStatus %d, wait...\n", linkStatus) status = rtems_task_wake_after( SY_LFR_DPU_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ); // wait SY_LFR_DPU_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 1000 ms } // [2] RECHECK THE LINK AFTER SY_LFR_DPU_CONNECT_TIMEOUT status = ioctl(fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_GET_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus); // get the link status (2) if ( linkStatus != 5 ) // [2.a] not in run state, reset the link { spacewire_compute_stats_offsets(); status = spacewire_reset_link( ); } else // [2.b] in run state, start the link { status = spacewire_stop_start_link( fdSPW ); // start the link if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in SPIQ *** ERR spacewire_start_link %d\n", status) } } // [3] COMPLETE RECOVERY ACTION AFTER SY_LFR_DPU_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS if ( status == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) // [3.a] the link is in run state and has been started successfully { status = rtems_task_restart( Task_id[ TASKID_SEND ], 1 ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF("in SPIQ *** ERR resuming SEND Task\n") } status = rtems_task_restart( Task_id[ TASKID_RECV ], 1 ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF("in SPIQ *** ERR resuming RECV Task\n") } } else // [3.b] the link is not in run state, go in STANDBY mode { status = stop_current_mode(); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF1("in SPIQ *** ERR stop_current_mode *** code %d\n", status) } status = enter_mode( LFR_MODE_STANDBY ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF1("in SPIQ *** ERR enter_standby_mode *** code %d\n", status) } // wake the WTDG task up to wait for the link recovery status = rtems_event_send ( Task_id[TASKID_WTDG], RTEMS_EVENT_0 ); status = rtems_task_suspend( RTEMS_SELF ); } } } rtems_task recv_task( rtems_task_argument unused ) { /** This RTEMS task is dedicated to the reception of incoming TeleCommands. * * @param unused is the starting argument of the RTEMS task * * The RECV task blocks on a call to the read system call, waiting for incoming SpaceWire data. When unblocked: * 1. It reads the incoming data. * 2. Launches the acceptance procedure. * 3. If the Telecommand is valid, sends it to a dedicated RTEMS message queue. * */ int len; ccsdsTelecommandPacket_t currentTC; unsigned char computed_CRC[ 2 ]; unsigned char currentTC_LEN_RCV[ 2 ]; unsigned char destinationID; unsigned int currentTC_LEN_RCV_AsUnsignedInt; unsigned int parserCode; unsigned char time[6]; rtems_status_code status; rtems_id queue_recv_id; rtems_id queue_send_id; initLookUpTableForCRC(); // the table is used to compute Cyclic Redundancy Codes status = get_message_queue_id_recv( &queue_recv_id ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in RECV *** ERR get_message_queue_id_recv %d\n", status) } status = get_message_queue_id_send( &queue_send_id ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in RECV *** ERR get_message_queue_id_send %d\n", status) } BOOT_PRINTF("in RECV *** \n") while(1) { len = read( fdSPW, (char*) ¤tTC, CCSDS_TC_PKT_MAX_SIZE ); // the call to read is blocking if (len == -1){ // error during the read call PRINTF1("in RECV *** last read call returned -1, ERRNO %d\n", errno) } else { if ( (len+1) < CCSDS_TC_PKT_MIN_SIZE ) { PRINTF("in RECV *** packet lenght too short\n") } else { currentTC_LEN_RCV_AsUnsignedInt = (unsigned int) (len - CCSDS_TC_TM_PACKET_OFFSET - 3); // => -3 is for Prot ID, Reserved and User App bytes currentTC_LEN_RCV[ 0 ] = (unsigned char) (currentTC_LEN_RCV_AsUnsignedInt >> 8); currentTC_LEN_RCV[ 1 ] = (unsigned char) (currentTC_LEN_RCV_AsUnsignedInt ); // CHECK THE TC parserCode = tc_parser( ¤tTC, currentTC_LEN_RCV_AsUnsignedInt, computed_CRC ) ; if ( (parserCode == ILLEGAL_APID) || (parserCode == WRONG_LEN_PKT) || (parserCode == INCOR_CHECKSUM) || (parserCode == ILL_TYPE) || (parserCode == ILL_SUBTYPE) || (parserCode == WRONG_APP_DATA) || (parserCode == WRONG_SRC_ID) ) { // send TM_LFR_TC_EXE_CORRUPTED if ( !( (currentTC.serviceType==TC_TYPE_TIME) && (currentTC.serviceSubType==TC_SUBTYPE_UPDT_TIME) ) && !( (currentTC.serviceType==TC_TYPE_GEN) && (currentTC.serviceSubType==TC_SUBTYPE_UPDT_INFO)) ) { if ( parserCode == WRONG_SRC_ID ) { destinationID = SID_TC_GROUND; } else { destinationID = currentTC.sourceID; } getTime( time ); close_action( ¤tTC, LFR_DEFAULT, queue_send_id ); send_tm_lfr_tc_exe_corrupted( ¤tTC, queue_send_id, computed_CRC, currentTC_LEN_RCV, destinationID ); } } else { // send valid TC to the action launcher status = rtems_message_queue_send( queue_recv_id, ¤tTC, currentTC_LEN_RCV_AsUnsignedInt + CCSDS_TC_TM_PACKET_OFFSET + 3); } } } } } rtems_task send_task( rtems_task_argument argument) { /** This RTEMS task is dedicated to the transmission of TeleMetry packets. * * @param unused is the starting argument of the RTEMS task * * The SEND task waits for a message to become available in the dedicated RTEMS queue. When a message arrives: * - if the first byte is equal to CCSDS_DESTINATION_ID, the message is sent as is using the write system call. * - if the first byte is not equal to CCSDS_DESTINATION_ID, the message is handled as a spw_ioctl_pkt_send. After * analyzis, the packet is sent either using the write system call or using the ioctl call SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SEND, depending on the * data it contains. * */ rtems_status_code status; // RTEMS status code char incomingData[ACTION_MSG_PKTS_MAX_SIZE]; // incoming data buffer spw_ioctl_pkt_send *spw_ioctl_send; size_t size; // size of the incoming TC packet u_int32_t count; rtems_id queue_id; status = get_message_queue_id_send( &queue_id ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in HOUS *** ERR get_message_queue_id_send %d\n", status) } BOOT_PRINTF("in SEND *** \n") while(1) { status = rtems_message_queue_receive( queue_id, incomingData, &size, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT ); if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in SEND *** (1) ERR = %d\n", status) } else { if ( incomingData[0] == CCSDS_DESTINATION_ID) // the incoming message is a ccsds packet { status = write( fdSPW, incomingData, size ); if (status == -1){ PRINTF2("in SEND *** (2.a) ERRNO = %d, size = %d\n", errno, size) } } else // the incoming message is a spw_ioctl_pkt_send structure { spw_ioctl_send = (spw_ioctl_pkt_send*) incomingData; status = ioctl( fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SEND, spw_ioctl_send ); if (status == -1){ PRINTF2("in SEND *** (2.b) ERRNO = %d, RTEMS = %d\n", errno, status) } } } status = rtems_message_queue_get_number_pending( queue_id, &count ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in SEND *** (3) ERR = %d\n", status) } else { if (count > maxCount) { maxCount = count; } } } } rtems_task wtdg_task( rtems_task_argument argument ) { rtems_event_set event_out; rtems_status_code status; int linkStatus; BOOT_PRINTF("in WTDG ***\n") while(1) { // wait for an RTEMS_EVENT rtems_event_receive( RTEMS_EVENT_0, RTEMS_WAIT | RTEMS_EVENT_ANY, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT, &event_out); PRINTF("in WTDG *** wait for the link\n") status = ioctl(fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_GET_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus); // get the link status while( linkStatus != 5) // wait for the link { rtems_task_wake_after( 10 ); status = ioctl(fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_GET_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus); // get the link status } status = spacewire_stop_start_link( fdSPW ); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { PRINTF1("in WTDG *** ERR link not started %d\n", status) } else { PRINTF("in WTDG *** OK link started\n") } // restart the SPIQ task status = rtems_task_restart( Task_id[TASKID_SPIQ], 1 ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF("in SPIQ *** ERR restarting SPIQ Task\n") } // restart RECV and SEND status = rtems_task_restart( Task_id[ TASKID_SEND ], 1 ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF("in SPIQ *** ERR restarting SEND Task\n") } status = rtems_task_restart( Task_id[ TASKID_RECV ], 1 ); if ( status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL ) { PRINTF("in SPIQ *** ERR restarting RECV Task\n") } } } //**************** // OTHER FUNCTIONS int spacewire_open_link( void ) { /** This function opens the SpaceWire link. * * @return a valid file descriptor in case of success, -1 in case of a failure * */ rtems_status_code status; fdSPW = open(GRSPW_DEVICE_NAME, O_RDWR); // open the device. the open call resets the hardware if ( fdSPW < 0 ) { PRINTF1("ERR *** in configure_spw_link *** error opening "GRSPW_DEVICE_NAME" with ERR %d\n", errno) } else { status = RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } return status; } int spacewire_start_link( int fd ) { rtems_status_code status; status = ioctl( fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_START, -1); // returns successfuly if the link is started // -1 default hardcoded driver timeout return status; } int spacewire_stop_start_link( int fd ) { rtems_status_code status; status = ioctl( fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_STOP); // start fails if link pDev->running != 0 status = ioctl( fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_START, -1); // returns successfuly if the link is started // -1 default hardcoded driver timeout return status; } int spacewire_configure_link( int fd ) { /** This function configures the SpaceWire link. * * @return GR-RTEMS-DRIVER directive status codes: * - 22 EINVAL - Null pointer or an out of range value was given as the argument. * - 16 EBUSY - Only used for SEND. Returned when no descriptors are avialble in non-blocking mode. * - 88 ENOSYS - Returned for SET_DESTKEY if RMAP command handler is not available or if a non-implemented call is used. * - 116 ETIMEDOUT - REturned for SET_PACKET_SIZE and START if the link could not be brought up. * - 12 ENOMEM - Returned for SET_PACKETSIZE if it was unable to allocate the new buffers. * - 5 EIO - Error when writing to grswp hardware registers. * - 2 ENOENT - No such file or directory */ rtems_status_code status; spacewire_set_NP(1, REGS_ADDR_GRSPW); // [N]o [P]ort force spacewire_set_RE(1, REGS_ADDR_GRSPW); // [R]MAP [E]nable, the dedicated call seems to break the no port force configuration status = ioctl(fd, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_RXBLOCK, 1); // sets the blocking mode for reception if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) PRINTF("in SPIQ *** Error SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_RXBLOCK\n") // status = ioctl(fd, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_EVENT_ID, Task_id[TASKID_SPIQ]); // sets the task ID to which an event is sent when a if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) PRINTF("in SPIQ *** Error SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_EVENT_ID\n") // link-error interrupt occurs // status = ioctl(fd, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_DISABLE_ERR, 0); // automatic link-disabling due to link-error interrupts if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) PRINTF("in SPIQ *** Error SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_DISABLE_ERR\n") // status = ioctl(fd, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_LINK_ERR_IRQ, 1); // sets the link-error interrupt bit if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) PRINTF("in SPIQ *** Error SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_LINK_ERR_IRQ\n") // status = ioctl(fd, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_TXBLOCK, 0); // transmission blocks if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) PRINTF("in SPIQ *** Error SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_TXBLOCK\n") // status = ioctl(fd, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_TXBLOCK_ON_FULL, 1); // transmission blocks when no transmission descriptor is available if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) PRINTF("in SPIQ *** Error SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_TXBLOCK_ON_FULL\n") // status = ioctl(fd, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_TCODE_CTRL, 0x0909); // [Time Rx : Time Tx : Link error : Tick-out IRQ] if (status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) PRINTF("in SPIQ *** Error SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_SET_TCODE_CTRL,\n") return status; } int spacewire_reset_link( void ) { /** This function is executed by the SPIQ rtems_task wehn it has been awaken by an interruption raised by the SpaceWire driver. * * @return RTEMS directive status code: * - RTEMS_UNSATISFIED is returned is the link is not in the running state after 10 s. * - RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL is returned if the link is up before the timeout. * */ rtems_status_code status_spw; int i; for ( i=0; i> 8); housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_pkt_rcv_cnt[1] = (unsigned char) (spacewire_stats.packets_received); housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_pkt_sent_cnt[0] = (unsigned char) (spacewire_stats.packets_sent >> 8); housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_pkt_sent_cnt[1] = (unsigned char) (spacewire_stats.packets_sent); //housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_tick_out_cnt; //housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_last_timc; //****************************************** // ERROR COUNTERS / SPACEWIRE / LOW SEVERITY housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_parity = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.parity_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_disconnect = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.disconnect_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_escape = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.escape_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_credit = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.credit_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_write_sync = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.write_sync_err; //********************************************* // ERROR COUNTERS / SPACEWIRE / MEDIUM SEVERITY housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_early_eop = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.early_ep; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_invalid_addr = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.invalid_address; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_eep = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.rx_eep_err; housekeeping_packet.hk_lfr_dpu_spw_rx_too_big = (unsigned char) spacewire_stats.rx_truncated; } void timecode_irq_handler( void *pDev, void *regs, int minor, unsigned int tc ) { //if (rtems_event_send( Task_id[TASKID_DUMB], RTEMS_EVENT_1 ) != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) { // printf("In timecode_irq_handler *** Error sending event to DUMB\n"); //} } rtems_timer_service_routine user_routine( rtems_id timer_id, void *user_data ) { int linkStatus; rtems_status_code status; status = ioctl(fdSPW, SPACEWIRE_IOCTRL_GET_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus); // get the link status if ( linkStatus == 5) { PRINTF("in spacewire_reset_link *** link is running\n") status = RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } }