GR_ESB_ui 0 0 978 518 Form 0 <html><head/><body><p>The Config tab allows you to configure the Ethernet conncetion to the GR-ESB and some spacewire parameters.</p></body></html> Config <html><head/><body><p>Set the RMAP target address, this address will be used as destination address for all the RMAP transfers.</p><p>This is you SOC spw address.</p></body></html> 254 3 75 true Transmitted - - Bytes - - 75 true Received Packets Reset stats <html><head/><body><p>Set the Space Wire Brick destination Key, the default value is 32 (0x20).</p></body></html> 32 3 <html><head/><body><p>Set the RMAP timeout, when waiting for a RMAP answer the driver will give up after this time if it doesn't get any answer.</p></body></html> Qt::ImhDigitsOnly 500 5 SPW0 SPW1 SPW2 Destination address <html><head/><body><p>Set the RMAP target key, this key will be used for all the RMAP transfers.</p><p>This is you SOC spw key.</p></body></html> 2 3 GR-ESB Virtual link Virtual link 0 Virtual link 1 Virtual link 2 Virtual link 3 Virtual link 4 Virtual link 5 Source address RMAP timeout(ms) Select link number Destination key GR-ESB IP Address Connect <html><head/><body><p>The Web tab gives access to the GR-ESB web interface.</p></body></html> Web QWebView QWidget