MainWindow&QuitCTRL+Q&Manage PluginsCTRL+P:/images/logolppcutted.png&File&PluginsEnglish&%1 %2PluginListplugin nameplugin typeQObjectComunaication Driver Plugin.Periferial Driver Plugin.Unknow Plugin.Can't load Plugin.pluginInfosWdgtplugin name:This plugin can be used as root driver.This plugin can't' be used as root driver, so it need to be connected to an other plugin.This plugin can be used as child driver.This plugin can't' be used as child driver.plugin VID:plugin PID:plugin Version:plugin Author:plugin Description:This is not a valid plugin.pluginmanagerWDGTadd pluginremove plugin(s)Load Plugin(s)Refresh Plugin(s) listOpen PluginPlugin Files Files (*.dll *.so *.so.*)