/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is a part of the SocExplorer Software -- Copyright (C) 2012, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@lpp.polytechnique.fr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "socexplorerengine.h" #include SocExplorerEngine* SocExplorerEngine::_self = NULL; socExplorerXmlModel* SocExplorerEngine::p_xmlmodel=NULL; QMainWindow* SocExplorerEngine::mainWindow=NULL; QList* SocExplorerEngine::SOCs=NULL; int SocExplorerEngine::loglvl=1; SocExplorerEngine::SocExplorerEngine(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { if(SOCs==NULL) { SOCs = new QList; } } void SocExplorerEngine::init() { QDir dir; if(!_self) { _self= new SocExplorerEngine; } if(!dir.exists(configFolder())) dir.mkdir(configFolder()); p_xmlmodel = new socExplorerXmlModel(_self); p_xmlmodel->updateSOClist(); } QString SocExplorerEngine::configFolder() { return QString(SOCEXPLORER_CONFIG_PATH); } QStringList SocExplorerEngine::pluginFolders() { if(!_self) init(); QStringList folders; QDir pluginFolders(QString(SOCEXPLORER_CONFIG_PATH)+"/plugin.conf.d"); if(pluginFolders.exists()) { pluginFolders.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks); QFileInfoList list = pluginFolders.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QFileInfo fileInfo = list.at(i); if(fileInfo.suffix()=="conf") { QFile confFile(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); if(confFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { while (!confFile.atEnd()) { QString line = confFile.readLine(); QDir plugDir(line.remove("\n")); if(plugDir.exists() && !folders.contains(plugDir.absolutePath())) { folders.append(plugDir.absolutePath()); } } } } } } return folders; } SOCModel *SocExplorerEngine::plugin2Soc(socexplorerplugin *plugin) { if(!_self) init(); if(plugin) { while (plugin->parent!=NULL) { plugin = plugin->parent; } for(int i=0;icount();i++) { if(SOCs->at(i)->isRootDev(plugin)) return SOCs->at(i); } //no soc found so create a new one SOCModel* soc=new SOCModel(plugin); SOCs->append(soc); return soc; } return NULL; } int SocExplorerEngine::addEnumDevice(socexplorerplugin* rootPlugin,int VID, int PID, qint32 baseAddress, const QString &name) { if(!_self) init(); SOCModel* soc = plugin2Soc(rootPlugin); if(soc && !soc->enumDeviceExists(baseAddress)) { emit _self->enumDeviceAdded(soc->addEnumDevice(VID,PID,baseAddress,name)); return 1; } return 0; } QList *SocExplorerEngine::getSOCs() { if(!_self) init(); return SOCs; } qint32 SocExplorerEngine::getEnumDeviceBaseAddress(const QString& rootPlugin,int VID, int PID, int count) { socexplorerplugin* plugin = socexplorerproxy::findPlugin(rootPlugin); if(plugin==NULL)return -1; SOCModel* soc = plugin2Soc(plugin); if(soc==NULL) return -1; return soc->getEnumDeviceBaseAddress(VID,PID,count); } qint32 SocExplorerEngine::getEnumDeviceBaseAddress(socexplorerplugin *plugin, int VID, int PID, int count) { if(plugin==NULL)return -1; SOCModel* soc = plugin2Soc(plugin); if(soc==NULL) return -1; return soc->getEnumDeviceBaseAddress(VID,PID,count); } qint32 SocExplorerEngine::getEnumDeviceCount(socexplorerplugin *plugin, int VID, int PID) { if(plugin==NULL)return 0; SOCModel* soc = plugin2Soc(plugin); if(soc==NULL) return 0; return soc->getEnumDeviceCount(VID,PID); } qint32 SocExplorerEngine::getEnumDeviceCount(const QString &rootPlugin, int VID, int PID) { socexplorerplugin* plugin = socexplorerproxy::findPlugin(rootPlugin); if(plugin==NULL)return 0; SOCModel* soc = plugin2Soc(plugin); if(soc==NULL) return 0; return soc->getEnumDeviceCount(VID,PID); } int SocExplorerEngine::addEnumDevice(const QString &rootPlugin, int VID, int PID, qint32 baseAddress, const QString &name) { socexplorerplugin* plugin = socexplorerproxy::findPlugin(rootPlugin); if(plugin==NULL)return -1; SOCModel* soc = plugin2Soc(plugin); if(soc==NULL) return -1; soc->addEnumDevice(VID,PID,baseAddress,name); return 1; } QString SocExplorerEngine::getDevName(int VID, int PID) { QList list=p_xmlmodel->getAllNodes("peripheral"); for(int i=0;istatusBar()->addWidget(progressBar); } else { progressBar = new QProgressBar(); } progressBar->setMaximum(max); progressBar->setFormat(format); return progressBar; } void SocExplorerEngine::deleteProgressBar(QProgressBar *progressBar) { if(mainWindow!=NULL) { mainWindow->statusBar()->removeWidget(progressBar); } delete progressBar; } void SocExplorerEngine::addSOC(socexplorerplugin *rootPlugin) { plugin2Soc(rootPlugin); } void SocExplorerEngine::removeSOC(socexplorerplugin *rootPlugin) { SOCModel* soc=plugin2Soc(rootPlugin); SOCs->removeAll(soc); delete soc; } void SocExplorerEngine::message(socexplorerplugin *sender, const QString &message, int debugLevel) { // TODO add multi output message manager IE also log in files if(!_self) init(); if(loglvl>=debugLevel) qDebug()<< QTime::currentTime().toString()+" " + sender->instanceName()+":"+message; } void SocExplorerEngine::setLogLevel(int level) { if(!_self) init(); printf("Set log level to %d\n",level); loglvl = level; }