##// END OF EJS Templates
Added bool loadfile(abstractBinFile* file)...
Added bool loadfile(abstractBinFile* file) and bool dumpMemory(unsigned int address, unsigned int count, QString file, const QString &format); to the genericPySysDriver, now all plugins can load an abstract binary file(bin/srec/elf) and they can dump any memory space to either an srec or a binary file. This function are able to deal with file and host endianness. Functions: -bool dumpMemory(unsigned int address,unsigned int count,QString file); -bool memSet(unsigned int address,int value, unsigned int count); -bool loadbin(unsigned int address,QString file); are moved to socexplorerplugin which makes them available from C++.

File last commit:

r71:c4b98d42ee59 default
r71:c4b98d42ee59 default
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23 lines | 504 B | text/plain | TextLexer
QT += core gui xml svg network
contains(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) {
QT += widgets
QT += printsupport
QT += multimedia multimediawidgets
MOC_DIR = moc
RCC_DIR = resources
win32:DESTDIR = $${SOCEXPLORER_ROOT}/bin/win32/
unix:DESTDIR = $${SOCEXPLORER_ROOT}/bin/linux/
metrics_cccc.target = metrics_cccc
metrics_cccc.commands = cccc $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += metrics_cccc