##// END OF EJS Templates
New Plugin Manager and interface to remove all the previous crap!...
jeandet -
r118:de85e8465e67 tip 1.0 draft
parent child
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@@ -0,0 +1,117
1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ███████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗
3 ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗
4 ███████╗██║ ██║██║ █████╗ ╚███╔╝ ██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║██████╔╝█████╗ ██████╔╝
5 ╚════██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔██╗ ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗
6 ███████║╚██████╔╝╚██████╗ ███████╗██╔╝ ██╗██║ ███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║
7 ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
9 -- This file is a part of the SOC Explorer Software
10 -- Copyright (C) 2018, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS
11 --
12 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 -- (at your option) any later version.
16 --
17 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
21 --
22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet
27 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@lpp.polytechnique.fr
28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 #include "pluginmanager.h"
31 #include <QDir>
32 #include <QLibrary>
33 #include <QPluginLoader>
34 #include <socexplorerengine.h>
36 void PluginManager::loadPluginMetaData(const QString &pluginPath)
37 {
38 if(!this->plugins_metada_cache.contains(pluginPath))
39 {
40 if (QLibrary::isLibrary(pluginPath))
41 {
42 QPluginLoader pluginLoader{pluginPath};
43 if(pluginLoader.isLoaded())
44 {
45 auto metadata = pluginLoader.metaData().value("MetaData").toObject();
46 for (auto key:pluginKeys::all)
47 {
48 if(metadata.contains(key))
49 this->plugins_metada_cache[pluginPath][key] = metadata.value(key).toString();
50 }
51 }
53 }
54 }
55 }
57 bool PluginManager::isPlugin(const QString &pluginPath)const
58 {
59 if(!this->plugins_metada_cache.contains(pluginPath))
60 {
61 if (QLibrary::isLibrary(pluginPath))
62 {
63 QPluginLoader pluginLoader{pluginPath};
64 if(pluginLoader.isLoaded())
65 {
66 return true;
67 }
68 }
69 }
70 return false;
71 }
74 PluginManager::PluginManager(const QStringList &folderList)
75 :folderList(folderList)
76 {
77 scanFolders();
78 }
80 ISocexplorerPlugin *PluginManager::makeInstance(const QString& pluginName)
81 {
82 auto plugin = resolvePluginName(pluginName);
83 if (QLibrary::isLibrary(plugin))
84 {
85 QPluginLoader pluginLoader{plugin};
86 if (auto pluginInstance = qobject_cast<ISocexplorerPlugin *>(pluginLoader.instance())) {
87 return pluginInstance;
88 }
89 }
90 return Q_NULLPTR;
91 }
94 void PluginManager::scanFolders()
95 {
96 QDir dir;
97 QStringList filters{"*.so", "*.dll"};
98 pluginTable.clear();
99 for(auto&& folder:folderList)
100 {
101 dir.setPath(folder);
102 dir.setFilter(QDir::Files);
103 dir.setNameFilters(filters);
104 QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();
105 for (auto&& fileInfo:list)
106 {
107 auto path = fileInfo.filePath();
108 SocExplorerEngine::message("pluginloader::scanFolders","Checking "+ path,3);
109 if(isPlugin(path))
110 {
111 loadPluginMetaData(path);
112 auto name = plugins_metada_cache[path][pluginKeys::Name];
113 pluginTable[name].append(path);
114 }
115 }
116 }
117 }
@@ -0,0 +1,122
1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ███████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗
3 ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗
4 ███████╗██║ ██║██║ █████╗ ╚███╔╝ ██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║██████╔╝█████╗ ██████╔╝
5 ╚════██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔██╗ ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗
6 ███████║╚██████╔╝╚██████╗ ███████╗██╔╝ ██╗██║ ███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║
7 ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
9 -- This file is a part of the SOC Explorer Software
10 -- Copyright (C) 2018, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS
11 --
12 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 -- (at your option) any later version.
16 --
17 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
21 --
22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet
27 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@lpp.polytechnique.fr
28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 #include <isocexplorerplugin.h>
32 #include <QHash>
33 #include <QStringLiteral>
35 template<typename T>
36 auto loadMetadata(const QString& name, const QString &pluginName,const QHash<QString, QHash<QString,QString>>& plugins_metada_cache);
38 template<>
39 auto loadMetadata<QString>(const QString& name, const QString &pluginName,const QHash<QString, QHash<QString,QString>>& plugins_metada_cache)
40 {
41 if(plugins_metada_cache.contains(pluginName))
42 {
43 return plugins_metada_cache[pluginName][name];
44 }
45 return QString();
46 }
48 template<>
49 auto loadMetadata<int>(const QString& name, const QString &pluginName,const QHash<QString, QHash<QString,QString>>& plugins_metada_cache)
50 {
51 if(plugins_metada_cache.contains(pluginName))
52 {
53 return plugins_metada_cache[pluginName][name].toInt();
54 }
55 return -1;
56 }
58 template<>
59 auto loadMetadata<bool>(const QString& name, const QString &pluginName,const QHash<QString, QHash<QString,QString>>& plugins_metada_cache)
60 {
61 if(plugins_metada_cache.contains(pluginName))
62 {
63 return bool(plugins_metada_cache[pluginName][name].toInt());
64 }
65 return false;
66 }
68 namespace pluginKeys
69 {
70 const auto Name=QStringLiteral("Name");
71 const auto Author=QStringLiteral("Author");
72 const auto Version=QStringLiteral("Version");
73 const auto Description=QStringLiteral("Description");
74 const auto CanBeRoot=QStringLiteral("root");
75 const auto CanBeChild=QStringLiteral("child");
76 const auto VID=QStringLiteral("VID");
77 const auto PID=QStringLiteral("PID");
79 const auto all={Name, Author, Version, Description, CanBeRoot, CanBeChild, VID, PID};
80 };
82 class PluginManager
83 {
84 void loadPluginMetaData(const QString &pluginPath);
85 bool isPlugin(const QString &pluginPath)const;
87 QString resolvePluginName(const QString &pluginName)const
88 {
89 if( plugins_metada_cache.contains(pluginName))
90 return pluginName;
91 else if (pluginTable.contains(pluginName)) {
92 return pluginTable[pluginName].last();
93 }
94 return QString();
95 }
96 public:
97 PluginManager(const QStringList& folderList);
98 ISocexplorerPlugin* makeInstance(const QString &pluginName);
100 #define METADATA_GETTER(type, name)\
101 type plugin##name(const QString &pluginName)const{return loadMetadata<type>(pluginKeys::name, resolvePluginName(pluginName), plugins_metada_cache);}
103 METADATA_GETTER(QString, Name)
104 METADATA_GETTER(QString, Author)
105 METADATA_GETTER(QString, Description)
106 METADATA_GETTER(QString, Version)
108 METADATA_GETTER(bool, CanBeRoot)
109 METADATA_GETTER(bool, CanBeChild)
114 void scanFolders();
115 private:
116 QHash<QString, QHash<QString,QString>> plugins_metada_cache;
117 QHash<QString, QStringList> pluginTable;
119 QStringList folderList;
120 };
122 #endif // PLUGINLOADER_H
@@ -0,0 +1,334
1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ███████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗
3 ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔════╝╚██╗██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗
4 ███████╗██║ ██║██║ █████╗ ╚███╔╝ ██████╔╝██║ ██║ ██║██████╔╝█████╗ ██████╔╝
5 ╚════██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔██╗ ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗
6 ███████║╚██████╔╝╚██████╗ ███████╗██╔╝ ██╗██║ ███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ██║███████╗██║ ██║
7 ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
9 -- This file is a part of the SOC Explorer Software
10 -- Copyright (C) 2018, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS
11 --
12 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 -- (at your option) any later version.
16 --
17 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
21 --
22 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet
27 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@lpp.polytechnique.fr
28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 #include <QtPlugin>
32 #include <QWidget>
33 #include <QAction>
34 #include <QDockWidget>
35 #include <QMainWindow>
36 #include <QList>
37 #include <QMenu>
38 #include <socexplorer.h>
39 #include <QObject>
40 #include <QVariant>
41 #include <QVariantList>
42 #include <malloc.h>
43 #include <QFile>
44 #include <stdint.h>
45 #include <QTextStream>
46 #include <abstractbinfile.h>
47 #include <srec/srecfile.h>
48 #include <BinFile/binaryfile.h>
50 class ISocexplorerPlugin : public QDockWidget
51 {
53 public:
54 //! Default plugin constructor, any plugin should call this constructor.
55 ISocexplorerPlugin(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR,bool createPyObject=true):QDockWidget(parent)
56 {
57 Q_UNUSED(createPyObject)
58 closeAction=Q_NULLPTR;
59 menu=Q_NULLPTR;
60 ChildsMenu=Q_NULLPTR;
61 this->Connected = false;
62 this->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable|QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable|QDockWidget::DockWidgetVerticalTitleBar);
63 }
64 //! Tells if the plugin is connected, it is used to enable or disable all childrens interfaces.
65 virtual bool isConnected(){return this->Connected;}
66 //! Gives the associated Vendor IDentifier, usefull to automatically associate plugins with found
67 //! hardware while board enumeration.
68 virtual uint64_t baseAddress(){return this->BaseAddress;}
69 //! Sets the base address of the current instance, for example if your plugin is supposed to drive
70 //! an UART it will correspond to the address of it's first register. This address have at least to
71 //! be set by SocExplorer and it can be user accessible if you want.
72 virtual void setBaseAddress(uint64_t baseAddress){this->BaseAddress = baseAddress;}
74 QList<ISocexplorerPlugin*> childs;
75 ISocexplorerPlugin* parent;
76 QAction* closeAction;
77 QString instanceName(){return _instanceName;}
78 QString instance(){return instanceName();}
79 QMenu* menu;
80 QMenu* ChildsMenu;
82 signals:
83 //! Signal emited each time the plugin is about to be closed.
84 void closePlugin(ISocexplorerPlugin* driver);
85 void activateSig(bool flag);
86 void registerObject(QObject* object,const QString& instanceName);
88 public slots:
89 virtual int registermenu(QMenu* menu)
90 {
91 this->menu = menu->addMenu(this->_instanceName);
92 this->closeAction = this->menu->addAction(tr("Close plugin"));
93 QObject::connect(this->closeAction,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(closeMe()));
94 this->ChildsMenu = this->menu->addMenu(QString("Childs"));
95 for(int i=0;i<this->childs.count();i++)
96 {
97 this->childs.at(i)->registermenu(this->ChildsMenu);
98 }
99 emit this->registerObject((QObject*)this,this->instanceName());
100 return 0;
101 }
102 virtual void postInstantiationTrigger(){}
103 //! Write slot this is the way your children plugins ask you for writing data.
104 //! If your plugin is supposed to have childern drivers you should implement this methode.
105 //! By default this methode forward the write request to the parent plugin.
106 //! \param Value Pointer the data buffer.
107 //! \param count Number of 32 bits words you should to write.
108 //! \param address Address from where you should to start to write.
109 //! \return Quantity of 32 bits words writtens.
110 virtual unsigned int Write(unsigned int* Value, int count, uint64_t address)
111 {
112 if(parent!=Q_NULLPTR)
113 {
114 return parent->Write(Value,count,address);
115 }
116 return 0;
117 }
119 void Write(uint64_t address, QList<QVariant> dataList)
120 {
121 unsigned int data[dataList.count()];
122 for(int i = 0;i<dataList.count();i++)
123 {
124 data[i] = (unsigned int)dataList.at(i).toUInt();
125 }
126 Write(data,dataList.count(),address);
127 }
128 //! Read slot this is the way your children plugins ask you for reading data.
129 //! If your plugin is supposed to have childern drivers you should implement this methode.
130 //! By default this methode forward the write request to the parent plugin.
131 //! \param Value Pointer the data buffer.
132 //! \param count Number of 32 bits words you should to read.
133 //! \param address Address from where you should to start to read.
134 //! \return Quantity of 32 bits words read.
135 virtual unsigned int Read(unsigned int* Value, int count, uint64_t address)
136 {
137 if(parent!=Q_NULLPTR)
138 {
139 return parent->Read(Value,count,address);
140 }
141 return 0;
142 }
143 QVariantList Read(uint64_t address, int count)
144 {
145 unsigned int data[count];
146 QVariantList result;
147 Read(data,count,address);
148 for(int i = 0;i<count;i++)
149 {
150 result.append(QVariant(static_cast<int>(data[i])));
151 }
152 return result;
153 }
155 virtual void closeMe(){emit this->closePlugin(this);}
157 virtual void activate(bool flag)
158 {
159 this->setEnabled(flag);
160 emit this->activateSig(flag);
161 }
163 virtual void setInstanceName(const QString& newName)
164 {
165 this->_instanceName = newName;
166 if(this->menu)
167 this->menu->setTitle(this->_instanceName);
168 this->setWindowTitle(newName);
169 this->setObjectName(newName);
170 }
172 virtual bool dumpMemory(uint64_t address, unsigned int count, QString file)
173 {
174 unsigned int* buffer = (unsigned int*)malloc(count*sizeof(unsigned int));
175 if(buffer!=NULL)
176 {
177 this->Read(buffer,count,address);
178 QFile outfile(file);
179 if (!outfile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text))
180 return false;
181 QTextStream out(&outfile);
182 for(int i=0;(unsigned int)i<count;i++)
183 out << "0x"+QString::number(address+(i*4),16) + ": 0x" + QString::number(buffer[i],16) + "\n";
184 free(buffer);
185 out.flush();
186 outfile.close();
187 return true;
188 }
189 return false;
190 }
192 virtual bool dumpMemory(uint64_t address,unsigned int count,QString file,const QString& format)
193 {
194 unsigned int* buffer = (unsigned int*)malloc(count*sizeof(unsigned int));
195 if(buffer!=NULL)
196 {
197 this->Read(buffer,count,address);
198 if(!format.compare("srec",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
199 {
200 //need to convert from in memory endianness to file endianness
201 //SREC is always big endian
203 for(int l=0;l<(count);l++)
204 {
205 buffer[l] = socexplorerBswap32(buffer[l]);
206 }
207 #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN
209 #endif
210 codeFragment fragment((char*)buffer,count*4,address);
211 srecFile::toSrec(QList<codeFragment*>()<<&fragment,file);
212 }
213 if(!format.compare("bin",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
214 {
215 //beware this format is not portable from a big endian host to a litle endian one
216 codeFragment fragment((char*)buffer,count*4,address);
217 binaryFile::toBinary(QList<codeFragment*>()<<&fragment,file);
218 }
219 if(!format.compare("hexa",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
220 {
221 QFile outfile(file);
222 if (!outfile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text))
223 return false;
224 QTextStream out(&outfile);
225 for(int i=0;(unsigned int)i<count;i++)
226 out << "0x"+QString::number(address+(i*4),16) + ": 0x" + QString::number(buffer[i],16) + "\n";
227 free(buffer);
228 out.flush();
229 outfile.close();
230 }
231 return true;
232 }
233 return false;
234 }
236 virtual bool memSet(uint64_t address, int value, unsigned int count)
237 {
238 unsigned int* buffer = static_cast<unsigned int*>(malloc(count*sizeof(unsigned int)));
239 if(buffer!=Q_NULLPTR)
240 {
241 memset(static_cast<void*>(buffer),value,count*sizeof(unsigned int));
242 this->Write(buffer,count,address);
243 free(buffer );
244 return true;
245 }
246 return false;
247 }
249 virtual bool loadbin(uint64_t address,QString file)
250 {
251 QFile infile(file);
252 if (!infile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
253 return false;
254 uint32_t* buffer = (uint32_t*)malloc(infile.size());
255 if(buffer!=NULL)
256 {
257 infile.read((char*)buffer,infile.size());
258 for(int i=0;i<(infile.size()/4);i++)
259 {
260 buffer[i] = socexplorerBswap32(buffer[i]);
261 }
262 this->Write(buffer,infile.size()/4,address);
263 free(buffer);
264 return true;
265 }
266 return false;
268 }
270 virtual bool loadfile(abstractBinFile* file)
271 {
272 {
273 if(file->isopened())
274 {
275 QList<codeFragment*> fragments= file->getFragments();
276 for(int i=0;i<fragments.count();i++)
277 {
278 int size = fragments.at(i)->size/4;
279 // TODO fixme, should be the oposite
281 if(!file->litleendian)
282 {
283 uint32_t* buffer = (uint32_t*)malloc(fragments.at(i)->size);
284 memcpy(buffer,fragments.at(i)->data,fragments.at(i)->size);
285 if(buffer!=NULL)
286 {
287 for(int l=0;l<(size);l++)
288 {
289 buffer[l] = socexplorerBswap32(buffer[l]);
290 }
291 this->Write(buffer,size,fragments.at(i)->address);
292 free(buffer);
293 }
294 }
295 else
296 {
297 this->Write((uint32_t*) fragments.at(i)->data,size,fragments.at(i)->address);
298 }
299 #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN
300 if(file->litleendian)
301 {
302 uint32_t* buffer = (uint32_t*)malloc(fragments.at(i)->size);
303 memcpy(buffer,fragments.at(i)->data,fragments.at(i)->size);
304 if(buffer!=NULL)
305 {
306 for(int l=0;l<(size);l++)
307 {
308 buffer[l] = socexplorerBswap32(buffer[l]);
309 }
310 this->Write(buffer,size,fragments.at(i)->address);
311 free(buffer);
312 }
313 }
314 else
315 {
316 this->Write((uint32_t*) fragments.at(i)->data,size,fragments.at(i)->address);
317 }
318 #endif
319 }
320 }
321 return true;
322 }
323 }
324 ISocexplorerPlugin* parentPlugin(){return this->parent;}
325 ISocexplorerPlugin* toPlugin(){return static_cast<ISocexplorerPlugin*>(this);}
326 protected:
327 QString _instanceName;
328 uint64_t BaseAddress;
329 bool Connected;
330 };
332 Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(ISocexplorerPlugin, "socexplorer.plugins.ISocexplorerPlugin")
@@ -1,186 +1,189
1 1 SOCEXPLORER_ROOT = \"$${PWD}/../..\"
2 2
3 3 include($${PWD}/../../build_cfg/socexplorer.pri)
4 4
5 5 TARGET = socexplorerengine$${DEBUG_EXT}
6 6 TEMPLATE = lib
7 7
8 8 #more verbose plugin loader to debug plugin loading issues such as dependencies issues
10 10
11 11 SOCEXPLORER_CHAGESETNUM=$$system(hg id)
13 13 SOCEXPLORER_CHAGESETNUM=c459540a6dbdcbb4e17f204685fce02c070ba971+
14 14 }
16 16 SOCEXPLORER_BRANCH=$$system(hg branch)
19 19 }
21 21
22 22 DEFINES += SOCEXPLORER_VERSION="\"\\\"0.7.0"\\\"\"
25 25
26 26
27 27 message("Building SOCEXPLORER changeset $${SOCEXPLORER_CHAGESETNUM}")
28 28
30 30
31 31 include ( plugins/socexplorerplugin.prf )
32 32 include ( PeripheralWidget/PeripheralWidget.pri)
33 33
34 34 win32:CONFIG += dll
35 35 win32:CONFIG -= static
36 36 win32:LIBS+=-L$${SOCEXPLORER_ROOT}/bin/win32 -lsocexplorercommon$${DEBUG_EXT}
37 37
38 38 contains(SOCEXPLORER_PLUGIN_LOADER,"custom")
39 39 {
40 40 unix:LIBS+= -ldl
42 42 unix:HEADERS += \
43 43 pluginloader/unix/unixpluginloader.h
44 44 unix:SOURCES += \
45 45 pluginloader/unix/unixpluginloader.cpp
46 46 }
47 47
48 48 target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]
49 49 isEmpty(target.path) {
50 50 error(can\'t get QT_INSTALL_LIBS)
51 51 }
52 52
53 53 header.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/SocExplorer
54 54 header.files = engine/socexplorerengine.h \
55 55 pluginloader/pluginscache.h \
56 56 plugins/socexplorerplugin.h \
57 57 proxy/socexplorerproxy.h \
58 58 engine/socexplorerxmlfile.h \
59 59 SOC/socexplorerenumdevice.h \
60 60 XmlEngine/XMLmodel.h \
61 61 XmlEngine/XMLdata.h \
62 62 XmlEngine/xmldriver.h \
63 63 SOC/socmodel.h \
64 64 SOC/registerdata.h \
65 65 SOC/socclk.h \
66 66 PeripheralWidget/src/peripheralwidget.h \
67 67 PeripheralWidget/src/registerwidget.h \
68 68 PeripheralWidget/src/socregsviewer.h \
69 69 PeripheralWidget/src/socregsviewernew.h \
70 70 memtester/memtester.h \
71 71 engine/socexplorersettings.h \
72 72 engine/socexplorersettingsdialog.h \
73 73 engine/socexplorergui.h\
74 74 engine/socexplorerconfigkeys.h
75 75
76 76
77 77
78 78 isEmpty(header.path) {
79 79 error(can\'t get QT_INSTALL_HEADERS)
80 80 }
81 81
82 82 pluginif.files = pluginsInterface/*.h \
83 83 pluginsInterface/*.cpp
84 84
85 85 pluginif.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/SocExplorer/pluginsInterface
86 86
87 87
88 88 INSTALLS += target header pluginif
89 89
90 90 INCLUDEPATH += engine \
91 91 pluginloader \
92 92 pluginsInterface \
93 93 proxy \
94 94 plugins \
95 95 pluginManagerWdgt \
96 96 ../common \
97 97 ../common/genericBinaryFiles \
98 98 ../ \
99 99 RegisterMVS \
100 100 XmlEngine \
101 101 SOC \
102 102 PeripheralWidget/src \
103 103 memtester
104 104
105 105
106 106 HEADERS += \
107 107 pluginloader/pluginscache.h \
108 108 pluginloader/pluginloader.h \
109 109 pluginManagerWdgt/plugintree.h \
110 110 pluginManagerWdgt/pluginmanagerWDGT.h \
111 111 pluginManagerWdgt/pluginlist.h \
112 112 pluginManagerWdgt/plugininfoswdgt.h \
113 113 XmlEngine/XMLmodel.h \
114 114 XmlEngine/XMLdata.h \
115 115 SOC/socmodel.h \
116 116 SOC/registerdata.h \
117 117 XmlEngine/xmldriver.h \
118 118 PeripheralWidget/src/peripheralwidget.h \
119 119 PeripheralWidget/src/registerwidget.h \
120 120 PeripheralWidget/src/socregsviewer.h \
121 121 SOC/socclk.h \
122 122 engine/socexplorerengine.h \
123 123 engine/socexplorerxmlfile.h \
124 124 plugins/socexplorerplugin.h \
125 125 pluginsInterface/socexplorerplugininterface.h \
126 126 pluginsInterface/socexplorerplugininterface_global.h \
127 127 proxy/socexplorerproxy.h \
128 128 SOC/socexplorerenumdevice.h \
129 129 PySocExplorerEngine.h \
130 130 memtester/memtester.h\
131 131 PeripheralWidget/src/socregsviewernew.h \
132 132 PeripheralWidget/src/collapsableperipheralwidget.h \
133 133 engine/socexplorersettings.h \
134 134 engine/socexplorersettingsdialog.h \
135 135 engine/socexplorergui.h \
136 engine/socexplorerconfigkeys.h
136 engine/socexplorerconfigkeys.h \
137 pluginsInterface/isocexplorerplugin.h \
138 pluginloaderV2/pluginmanager.h
137 139
138 140
139 141
140 142
141 143
142 144
143 145 SOURCES += \
144 146 pluginloader/pluginscache.cpp \
145 147 pluginloader/pluginloader.cpp \
146 148 pluginManagerWdgt/plugintree.cpp \
147 149 pluginManagerWdgt/pluginmanagerWDGT.cpp \
148 150 pluginManagerWdgt/pluginlist.cpp \
149 151 pluginManagerWdgt/plugininfoswdgt.cpp \
150 152 XmlEngine/XMLmodel.cpp \
151 153 XmlEngine/XMLdata.cpp \
152 154 SOC/socmodel.cpp \
153 155 SOC/registerdata.cpp \
154 156 XmlEngine/xmldriver.cpp \
155 157 PeripheralWidget/src/peripheralwidget.cpp \
156 158 PeripheralWidget/src/registerwidget.cpp \
157 159 PeripheralWidget/src/socregsviewer.cpp \
158 160 SOC/socclk.cpp \
159 161 engine/socexplorerengine.cpp \
160 162 engine/socexplorerxmlfile.cpp \
161 163 proxy/socexplorerproxy.cpp \
162 164 SOC/socexplorerenumdevice.cpp \
163 165 plugins/socexplorerplugin.cpp \
164 166 memtester/memtester.cpp \
165 167 PeripheralWidget/src/socregsviewernew.cpp \
166 168 PeripheralWidget/src/collapsableperipheralwidget.cpp \
167 169 engine/socexplorersettings.cpp \
168 170 engine/socexplorersettingsdialog.cpp \
169 engine/socexplorergui.cpp
171 engine/socexplorergui.cpp \
172 pluginloaderV2/pluginmanager.cpp
170 173
171 174
172 175 OTHER_FILES += \
173 176 plugins/socexplorerplugin.cpp \
174 177 pluginsInterface/socexplorerplugininterface.cpp \
175 178 plugins/socexplorerplugin.prf \
176 179 pythongenerator.sh \
177 180 pythonQtgeneratorCfg.txt
178 181
179 182 FORMS += \
180 183 PeripheralWidget/src/socregsviewernew.ui \
181 184 PeripheralWidget/src/collapsableperipheralwidget.ui \
182 185 engine/socexplorersettingsdialog.ui
183 186
184 187
185 188 RESOURCES += \
186 189 PeripheralWidget/ressources/peripheralwidget.qrc
@@ -1,531 +1,468
1 1 #include "pluginloader.h"
2 2 #include <QDir>
3 3 #include <QFile>
4 4 #include <QFileInfoList>
5 5 #include <QFileInfo>
6 6 #include <QString>
7 7 #include <QStringList>
8 8 #include <QLabel>
9 9 #include <QSettings>
10 10 #include <QApplication>
11 11 #include <QCoreApplication>
12 12 #include <socexplorerengine.h>
14 14 #include "unix/unixpluginloader.h"
15 15 #endif
16 16 #include <socexplorerengine.h>
17 17 #include <socexplorersettings.h>
18 18
19 19 pluginloader* pluginloader::_self = NULL;
20 20 PluginsCache* pluginloader::_cache = NULL;
21 21 QStringList* pluginloader::_folderList = NULL;
22 22
23 23
24 24 pluginloader::pluginloader()
25 25 {
26 26 _cache = new PluginsCache();
27 27 _folderList = new QStringList();
28 28 _folderList->append(SocExplorerEngine::pluginFolders());
29 29 scanFolders();
30 30 }
31 31
32 32 void pluginloader::scanFolders()
33 33 {
34 34 QDir dir;
35 35 QStringList filters;
36 36 filters <<"*.so"<< "*.dll";
37 37 _cache->flush();
38 38 for(int d=0;d<_folderList->count();d++)
39 39 {
40 40 dir.setPath(_folderList->at(d));
41 41 dir.setFilter(QDir::Files);
42 42 dir.setNameFilters(filters);
43 43 QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();
44 44 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
45 45 {
46 46 QFileInfo fileInfo = list.at(i);
47 47 SocExplorerEngine::message("pluginloader::scanFolders","Checking "+ fileInfo.filePath(),3);
48 48 if(checklibrary(fileInfo.filePath())!=0)
49 49 {
50 50 _cache->append(fileInfo.fileName(),fileInfo.path(),_getlibName(fileInfo.filePath()),_getlibPID(fileInfo.filePath()),_getlibPID(fileInfo.filePath()));
51 51 }
52 52 }
53 53 }
54 54 }
55 55
56 56 int pluginloader::p_checklibraryQlib(const QString fileName)
57 57 {
58 58 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary;
59 59 lib->setFileName(fileName);
60 60 lib->setLoadHints(QLibrary::PreventUnloadHint);
61 61 lib->load();
62 62 if(!lib->isLoaded())
63 63 {
64 64 SocExplorerEngine::message("pluginloader::p_checklibraryQlib",lib->errorString(),3);
65 65 lib->~QLibrary();
66 66 lib = new QLibrary(fileName);
67 67 lib->load();
68 68 }
69 69 delete lib;
70 70 if(QLibrary::resolve(fileName,"socexplorerpluginCreateObject"))
71 71 {
72 72 if(QLibrary::resolve(fileName,"socexplorerpluginpid"))
73 73 {
74 74 if(QLibrary::resolve(fileName,"socexplorerpluginvid"))
75 75 {
76 76 if(QLibrary::resolve(fileName,"socexplorerpluginVersion"))
77 77 {
78 78 if(QLibrary::resolve(fileName,"socexplorerpluginAuthor"))
79 79 {
80 80 if(QLibrary::resolve(fileName,"socexplorerpluginDescription"))
81 81 {
82 82 return 1;
83 83 }
84 84 }
85 85 }
86 86 }
87 87 }
88 88 }
89 89 return 0;
90 90 }
91 91
92 92 int pluginloader::p_checklibraryCustom(const QString fileName)
93 93 {
95 95 unixPluginLoader lib(fileName);
96 96 if(NULL!=lib.resolve("socexplorerpluginCreateObject"))
97 97 {
98 98 if(NULL!=lib.resolve("socexplorerpluginpid"))
99 99 {
100 100 if(NULL!=lib.resolve("socexplorerpluginvid"))
101 101 {
102 102 if(NULL!=lib.resolve("socexplorerpluginVersion"))
103 103 {
104 104 if(NULL!=lib.resolve("socexplorerpluginAuthor"))
105 105 {
106 106 if(NULL!=lib.resolve("socexplorerpluginDescription"))
107 107 {
108 108 return 1;
109 109 }
110 110 }
111 111 }
112 112 }
113 113 }
114 114 }
115 115 #endif
116 116 return 0;
117 117 }
118 118
119 119 socexplorerplugin *pluginloader::p_newsocexplorerpluginQlib(const QString Name)
120 120 {
121 121 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
122 122 if(libfile==NULL)return NULL;
123 123 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
124 124 delete libfile;
125 125 socexplorerpluginCreateObjectT newDrvr = NULL;
126 126 newDrvr=(socexplorerpluginCreateObjectT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginCreateObject");
127 127 if(newDrvr==NULL)
128 128 {
129 129 return NULL;
130 130 }
131 131 return (socexplorerplugin*) newDrvr();
132 132 }
133 133
134 134 socexplorerplugin *pluginloader::p_newsocexplorerpluginCustom(const QString Name)
135 135 {
137 137 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
138 138 if(libfile==NULL)return NULL;
139 139 unixPluginLoader lib(*libfile);
140 140 delete libfile;
141 141 socexplorerpluginCreateObjectT newDrvr = NULL;
142 142 newDrvr=(socexplorerpluginCreateObjectT)lib.resolve("socexplorerpluginCreateObject");
143 143 if(newDrvr==NULL)
144 144 {
145 145 return NULL;
146 146 }
147 147 return (socexplorerplugin*) newDrvr();
148 148 #endif
149 149 }
150 150
151 151 QList<PluginsCacheItem*> pluginloader::listAvailiables(bool rescan)
152 152 {
153 153 if(_self==NULL)
154 154 {
155 155 init();
156 156 return _cache->listDrivers();
157 157 }
158 158 if(rescan)
159 159 {
160 160 scanFolders();
161 161 }
162 162
163 163 return _cache->listDrivers();
164 164 }
165 165
166 166
167 167 void pluginloader::init()
168 168 {
169 169 if(_self==NULL)
170 170 {
171 171 _self=new pluginloader();
172 172 }
173 173 }
174 174
175 175
176 176 pluginloader* pluginloader::self()
177 177 {
178 178 if(_self==NULL)
179 179 {
180 180 init();
181 181 }
182 182 return _self;
183 183 }
184 184
185 185 bool pluginloader::isvalid(QString Name)
186 186 {
187 187 if(_self==NULL)init();
188 188 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
189 189 if(libfile==NULL)return false;
190 190 else
191 191 {
192 192 delete libfile;
193 193 return true;
194 194 }
195 195
196 196 }
197 197
198 198 int pluginloader::checklibrary(const QString fileName)
199 199 {
201 201 return _self->p_checklibraryCustom(fileName);
202 202 #else
203 203 return _self->p_checklibraryQlib(fileName);
204 204 #endif
205 205 }
206 206
207 207
208 208
209 209
210 210
211 211 socexplorerplugin* pluginloader::newsocexplorerplugin(const QString Name)
212 212 {
214 214 return _self->p_newsocexplorerpluginCustom(Name);
215 215 #else
216 216 return _self->p_newsocexplorerpluginQlib(Name);
217 217 #endif
218 218 }
219 219
221 QString pluginloader::getlibTypeStr(QString Name)
222 {
223 if(_self==NULL)init();
224 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
225 if(libfile==NULL)return NULL;
226 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
227 delete libfile;
228 lib->load();
229 if(lib->isLoaded())
230 {
231 socexplorerpluginTypeT plugintype = (socexplorerpluginTypeT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginType");
232 if(plugintype!=NULL)
233 {
234 pluginT type = plugintype();
235 switch(type)
236 {
237 case ComDriverT:
238 ////lib->unload();
239 lib->~QLibrary();
240 return QObject::tr("Comunaication Driver Plugin.");
241 break;
242 case PerifDriverT:
243 ////lib->unload();
244 lib->~QLibrary();
245 return QObject::tr("Periferial Driver Plugin.");
246 break;
247 default:
248 ////lib->unload();
249 lib->~QLibrary();
250 return QObject::tr("Unknow Plugin.");
251 break;
252 }
253 }
254 }
255 lib->~QLibrary();
256 return QObject::tr("Can't load Plugin.");
257 }
262 pluginT pluginloader::getlibType(QString Name)
263 {
264 if(_self==NULL)init();
265 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
266 if(libfile==NULL)return (pluginT)NULL;
267 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
268 delete libfile;
269 lib->load();
270 if(lib->isLoaded())
271 {
272 socexplorerpluginTypeT plugintype = (socexplorerpluginTypeT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginType");
273 if(plugintype!=NULL)
274 {
275 return plugintype();
276 }
277 }
278 lib->~QLibrary();
279 return -1;
280 }
283 220 QString pluginloader::getlibVersion(const QString Name)
284 221 {
285 222 if(_self==NULL)init();
286 223 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
287 224 if(libfile==NULL)return NULL;
288 225 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
289 226 delete libfile;
290 227 lib->load();
291 228 if(lib->isLoaded())
292 229 {
293 230 socexplorerpluginVersionT pluginversion = (socexplorerpluginVersionT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginVersion");
294 231 if(pluginversion!=NULL)
295 232 {
296 233 QString version = pluginversion();
297 234 ////lib->unload();
298 235 lib->~QLibrary();
299 236 return version;
300 237 }
301 238 }
302 239 lib->~QLibrary();
303 240 return QObject::tr("Can't load Plugin.");
304 241 }
305 242
306 243
307 244
308 245 QString pluginloader::getlibPIDstr(const QString Name)
309 246 {
310 247 return QString("0x" + QString::number(pluginloader::getlibPID(Name) , 16));
311 248 }
312 249
313 250 QString pluginloader::getlibVIDstr(const QString Name)
314 251 {
315 252 return QString("0x" + QString::number(pluginloader::getlibVID(Name) , 16));
316 253 }
317 254
318 255
319 256
320 257 int pluginloader::libcanbechild(const QString Name)
321 258 {
322 259 if(_self==NULL)init();
323 260 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
324 261 if(libfile==NULL)return (int)NULL;
325 262 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
326 263 delete libfile;
327 264 lib->load();
328 265 if(lib->isLoaded())
329 266 {
330 267 socexplorerplugincanbechildT canbechild = (socexplorerplugincanbechildT)lib->resolve("socexplorerplugincanbechild");
331 268 if(canbechild!=NULL)
332 269 {
333 270 int value = canbechild();
334 271 ////lib->unload();
335 272 //lib->~QLibrary();
336 273 return value;
337 274 }
338 275 }
339 276 //lib->~QLibrary();
340 277 return 0;
341 278 }
342 279
343 280
344 281
345 282
346 283 int pluginloader::libcanberoot(const QString Name)
347 284 {
348 285 if(_self==NULL)init();
349 286 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
350 287 if(libfile==NULL)return (int)NULL;
351 288 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
352 289 delete libfile;
353 290 lib->load();
354 291 if(lib->isLoaded())
355 292 {
356 293 socexplorerplugincanberootT canberoot = (socexplorerplugincanberootT)lib->resolve("socexplorerplugincanberoot");
357 294 if(canberoot!=NULL)
358 295 {
359 296 int value = canberoot();
360 297 ////lib->unload();
361 298 //lib->~QLibrary();
362 299 return value;
363 300 }
364 301 }
365 302 delete lib;
366 303 //lib->~QLibrary();
367 304 return 0;
368 305 }
369 306
370 307 int pluginloader::getlibVID(const QString Name)
371 308 {
372 309 if(_self==NULL)init();
373 310 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
374 311 if(libfile==NULL)return 0;
375 312 QString file(*libfile);
376 313 delete libfile;
377 314 return _getlibVID(file);
378 315 }
379 316
380 317
381 318 int pluginloader::getlibPID(const QString Name)
382 319 {
383 320 if(_self==NULL)init();
384 321 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
385 322 if(libfile==NULL)return 0;
386 323 QString file(*libfile);
387 324 delete libfile;
388 325 return _getlibPID(file);
389 326 }
390 327
391 328 QString pluginloader::getlibAuthor(const QString Name)
392 329 {
393 330 if(_self==NULL)init();
394 331 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
395 332 if(libfile==NULL)return NULL;
396 333 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
397 334 delete libfile;
398 335 lib->load();
399 336 if(lib->isLoaded())
400 337 {
401 338 socexplorerpluginAuthorT pluginauthor = (socexplorerpluginAuthorT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginAuthor");
402 339 if(pluginauthor!=NULL)
403 340 {
404 341 QString author = pluginauthor();
405 342 ////lib->unload();
406 343 lib->~QLibrary();
407 344 return author;
408 345 }
409 346 }
410 347 lib->~QLibrary();
411 348 return QObject::tr("Can't load Plugin.");
412 349 }
413 350
414 351 QString pluginloader::getlibName(const QString Name)
415 352 {
416 353 if(_self==NULL)init();
417 354 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
418 355 if(libfile==NULL)return QString("");
419 356 QString file(*libfile);
420 357 delete libfile;
421 358 return _getlibName(file);
422 359 }
423 360
424 361 QString pluginloader::getlibDescription(const QString Name)
425 362 {
426 363 if(_self==NULL)init();
427 364 QString* libfile= _cacheLookup(Name);
428 365 if(libfile==NULL)return NULL;
429 366 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(*libfile);
430 367 delete libfile;
431 368 lib->load();
432 369 if(lib->isLoaded())
433 370 {
434 371 socexplorerpluginDescriptionT plugindescription = (socexplorerpluginDescriptionT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginDescription");
435 372 if(plugindescription!=NULL)
436 373 {
437 374 QString description = plugindescription();
438 375 ////lib->unload();
439 376 lib->~QLibrary();
440 377 return description;
441 378 }
442 379 }
443 380 lib->~QLibrary();
444 381 return QObject::tr("Can't load Plugin.");
445 382 }
446 383
447 384 QString pluginloader::getlibDir(const QString Name)
448 385 {
449 386 if(_self==NULL)init();
450 387 return *_cacheLookup(Name);
451 388 }
452 389
453 390 QString pluginloader::_getlibName(const QString fileName)
454 391 {
455 392 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(fileName);
456 393 lib->load();
457 394 if(lib->isLoaded())
458 395 {
459 396 socexplorerpluginNameT pluginName = (socexplorerpluginAuthorT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginName");
460 397 if(pluginName!=NULL)
461 398 {
462 399 QString name = pluginName();
463 400 //lib->unload();
464 401 lib->~QLibrary();
465 402 return name;
466 403 }
467 404 }
468 405 lib->~QLibrary();
469 406 return QObject::tr("Can't load Plugin.");
470 407 }
471 408
472 409 int pluginloader::_getlibPID(const QString fileName)
473 410 {
474 411 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(fileName);
475 412 lib->load();
476 413 if(lib->isLoaded())
477 414 {
478 415 socexplorerpluginpidT pluginpid = (socexplorerpluginpidT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginpid");
479 416 if(pluginpid!=NULL)
480 417 {
481 418 int pid = pluginpid();
482 419 //lib->unload();
483 420 lib->~QLibrary();
484 421 return pid;
485 422 }
486 423 }
487 424 lib->~QLibrary();
488 425 return 0;
489 426 }
490 427
491 428 int pluginloader::_getlibVID(const QString fileName)
492 429 {
493 430 QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary(fileName);
494 431 lib->load();
495 432 if(lib->isLoaded())
496 433 {
497 434 socexplorerpluginvidT pluginvid = (socexplorerpluginvidT)lib->resolve("socexplorerpluginvid");
498 435 if(pluginvid!=NULL)
499 436 {
500 437 int vid = pluginvid();
501 438 //lib->unload();
502 439 lib->~QLibrary();
503 440 return vid;
504 441 }
505 442 }
506 443 lib->~QLibrary();
507 444 return 0;
508 445 }
509 446
510 447 QString* pluginloader::_cacheLookup(const QString Name)
511 448 {
512 449 QString* libfile= new QString(_cache->first(Name));
513 450 if(!QFile::exists(*libfile))
514 451 {
515 452 scanFolders();
516 453 *libfile = _cache->first(Name);
517 454 if(QFile::exists(*libfile))return libfile;
518 455 }
519 456 else
520 457 {
521 458 return libfile;
522 459 }
523 460 delete libfile;
524 461 return NULL;
525 462 }
526 463
527 464 /*QString findlib(QString name)
528 465 {
529 466
530 467 }*/
531 468
@@ -1,89 +1,87
1 1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 -- This file is a part of the SocExplorer Software
3 3 -- Copyright (C) 2011, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS
4 4 --
5 5 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 6 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 7 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 8 -- (at your option) any later version.
9 9 --
10 10 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 11 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 13 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
14 14 --
15 15 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 16 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 17 -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 19 /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet
20 20 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@lpp.polytechnique.fr
21 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 22 #ifndef PLUGINLOADER_H
23 23 #define PLUGINLOADER_H
24 24
25 25 #include <QString>
26 26 #include <QLibrary>
27 27 #include <QObject>
28 28 #include <QStringList>
29 29 #include <socexplorerplugininterface.h>
30 30 #include <socexplorerplugin.h>
31 31 #include <pluginscache.h>
32 32 /*
33 33 Debug
34 34 */
35 35 #include <stdio.h>
36 36
37 37 #define loadlib(filename) QLibrary* lib = new QLibrary((fileName));\
38 38 lib->load();\
39 39 if(!lib->isLoaded())\
40 40 {\
41 41 return 0;\
42 42 }
43 43
44 44
45 45 class pluginloader
46 46 {
47 47
48 48 private:
49 49 static pluginloader* _self;
50 50 static PluginsCache* _cache;
51 51 static QStringList* _folderList;
52 52 ~pluginloader();
53 53 pluginloader();
54 54 public:
55 55
56 56 static void init();
57 57 static pluginloader* self();
58 58
59 59 static int checklibrary(const QString fileName);
60 60 static bool isvalid(QString Name);
61 61 static socexplorerplugin* newsocexplorerplugin(const QString Name);
62 static QString getlibTypeStr(QString Name);
63 static pluginT getlibType(QString Name);
64 62 static QString getlibVersion(const QString Name);
65 63 static QString getlibPIDstr(const QString Name);
66 64 static QString getlibVIDstr(const QString Name);
67 65 static int getlibPID(const QString Name);
68 66 static int getlibVID(const QString Name);
69 67 static int libcanbechild(const QString Name);
70 68 static int libcanberoot(const QString Name);
71 69 static QString getlibAuthor(const QString Name);
72 70 static QString getlibName(const QString Name);
73 71 static QString getlibDescription(const QString Name);
74 72 static QString getlibDir(const QString Name);
75 73 static QString findlib(QString name);
76 74 static QList<PluginsCacheItem *> listAvailiables(bool rescan=true);
77 75 static void scanFolders();
78 76 static void showCache(){_cache->show();}
79 77 private:
80 78 int p_checklibraryQlib(const QString fileName);
81 79 int p_checklibraryCustom(const QString fileName);
82 80 socexplorerplugin* p_newsocexplorerpluginQlib(const QString Name);
83 81 socexplorerplugin* p_newsocexplorerpluginCustom(const QString Name);
84 82 static QString* _cacheLookup(const QString Name);
85 83 static QString _getlibName(const QString fileName);
86 84 static int _getlibPID(const QString fileName);
87 85 static int _getlibVID(const QString fileName);
88 86 };
89 87 #endif
@@ -1,74 +1,73
1 1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 -- This file is a part of the socexplorer Software
3 3 -- Copyright (C) 2011, Plasma Physics Laboratory - CNRS
4 4 --
5 5 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 6 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 7 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 8 -- (at your option) any later version.
9 9 --
10 10 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 11 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 13 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
14 14 --
15 15 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 16 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 17 -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 19 /*-- Author : Alexis Jeandet
20 20 -- Mail : alexis.jeandet@lpp.polytechnique.fr
21 21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
24 24
25 25 #include "socexplorerplugininterface_global.h"
26 26 #include <QString>
27 27 #include <QtGlobal>
28 #include <QtPlugin>
28 29
29 #define ComDriverT 1
30 #define PerifDriverT 2
31 30 typedef int pluginT;
32 31
33 32 typedef void* (*socexplorerpluginCreateObjectT)();
34 33 typedef pluginT (*socexplorerpluginTypeT)();
35 34 typedef int (*socexplorerpluginpidT)();
36 35 typedef int (*socexplorerpluginvidT)();
37 36 typedef int (*socexplorerplugincanberootT)();
38 37 typedef int (*socexplorerplugincanbechildT)();
39 38 typedef QString (*socexplorerpluginNameT)();
40 39 typedef QString (*socexplorerpluginVersionT)();
41 40 typedef QString (*socexplorerpluginAuthorT)();
42 41 typedef QString (*socexplorerpluginDescriptionT)();
43 42
44 43 extern "C"
45 44 {
48 47 #endif
49 48 //! \header This the C interface socexplorer uses to load dynamically any plugin, a C interface is the
50 49 //! easyest way to manually resolve functions in a dynamic library.
51 50
52 51 //! \fn socexplorerpluginCreateObject Plugin constructor.
54 53 //! \fn socexplorerpluginpid Plugin's PID.
56 55 //! \fn socexplorerpluginvid Plugin's VID.
58 57 //! \fn socexplorerplugincanberoot Tells if the plugin can be a root plugin.
60 59 //! \fn socexplorerplugincanberoot Tells if the plugin can be a child plugin.
62 61 //! \fn socexplorerpluginType Gives the plugin's type, not used yet.
64 63 //! \fn socexplorerpluginVersion Gives the plugin's version.
66 65 //! \fn socexplorerpluginName Gives the plugin's name.
68 67 //! \fn socexplorerpluginAuthor Gives the plugin's author.
70 69 //! \fn socexplorerpluginDescription Gives the plugin's description.
72 71 }
73 72
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