##// END OF EJS Templates
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class. Some modifications for RPM packaging.

File last commit:

r64:fb730b849667 default
r64:fb730b849667 default
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86 lines | 1.2 KiB | text/idl | PrologLexer
Jeandet Alexis
First init of SocExplorer Repository.
r0 #-------------------------------------------------
# Project created by QtCreator 2011-09-19T22:52:10
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += ordered release
src/common \
src/SocExplorerEngine \
src \
Working snapshot.
r5 socexplorercfg.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/mkspecs/features
socexplorercfg.files = \
Jeandet Alexis
First init of SocExplorer Repository.
r0 src/SocExplorerEngine/plugins/socexplorerplugin.prf
SocExplorer.path = /usr/share/applications/
SocExplorer.files = unixcfg/SocExplorer.desktop
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 icon.path = /usr/share/SocExplorer
icon.files = ressources/images/Indiana_Jones_cappello.png
Jeandet Alexis
First init of SocExplorer Repository.
r0 Wizard.path = /usr/share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/SocExplorerPlugin
Wizard.files = Qt_Creator_Wizard/SocExplorerPlugin/logo-lpp-cutted.png \
Qt_Creator_Wizard/SocExplorerPlugin/plugin.cpp \
Qt_Creator_Wizard/SocExplorerPlugin/plugin.h \
Qt_Creator_Wizard/SocExplorerPlugin/project.pro \
INSTALLS+=Wizard SocExplorer icon
Working snapshot.
r5 INSTALLS+=socexplorercfg
Jeandet Alexis
First init of SocExplorer Repository.