##// END OF EJS Templates
New register explorer WIP...
New register explorer WIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMOVED OLD genericPySysdriver interface Now the plugins are directly exposed to python. ABI not compatible with previous plugins. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File last commit:

r79:3440ba47d0f1 default
r79:3440ba47d0f1 default
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1590 lines | 60.9 KiB | text/x-c | CppLexer
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 #include "PySocExplorerEngine0.h"
#include <PythonQtConversion.h>
#include <PythonQtMethodInfo.h>
#include <PythonQtSignalReceiver.h>
#include <QVariant>
#include <qaction.h>
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 #include <qbackingstore.h>
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 #include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qbytearray.h>
#include <qcoreevent.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qdockwidget.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qgraphicseffect.h>
#include <qgraphicsproxywidget.h>
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 #include <qicon.h>
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 #include <qkeysequence.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qlocale.h>
#include <qmargins.h>
#include <qmenu.h>
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 #include <qmetaobject.h>
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 #include <qobject.h>
#include <qpaintdevice.h>
#include <qpaintengine.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpalette.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include <qregion.h>
#include <qsize.h>
#include <qsizepolicy.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qstyleoption.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 #include <qwindow.h>
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 #include <socexplorerplugin.h>
PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::~PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin() {
PythonQtPrivate* priv = PythonQt::priv();
if (priv) { priv->shellClassDeleted(this); }
int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::PID()
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("PID");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
int returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("PID", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::PID();
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 unsigned int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::Read(unsigned int* Value0, unsigned int count1, unsigned int address2)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("Read");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"unsigned int" , "unsigned int*" , "unsigned int" , "unsigned int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(4, argumentList);
unsigned int returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[4] = {NULL, (void*)&Value0, (void*)&count1, (void*)&address2};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("Read", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((unsigned int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 return socexplorerplugin::Read(Value0, count1, address2);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::VID()
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("VID");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
int returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("VID", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::VID();
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 unsigned int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::Write(unsigned int* Value0, unsigned int count1, unsigned int address2)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("Write");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"unsigned int" , "unsigned int*" , "unsigned int" , "unsigned int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(4, argumentList);
unsigned int returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[4] = {NULL, (void*)&Value0, (void*)&count1, (void*)&address2};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("Write", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((unsigned int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 return socexplorerplugin::Write(Value0, count1, address2);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::actionEvent(QActionEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("actionEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QActionEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::activate(bool flag0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("activate");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "bool"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&flag0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 socexplorerplugin::activate(flag0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::baseAddress()
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("baseAddress");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
int returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("baseAddress", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::baseAddress();
QString PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::baseName()
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("baseName");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"QString"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
QString returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("baseName", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((QString*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::baseName();
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::changeEvent(QEvent* event0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("changeEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&event0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 socexplorerplugin::changeEvent(event0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::childEvent(QChildEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("childEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QChildEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("closeEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QCloseEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&event0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 socexplorerplugin::closeEvent(event0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::closeMe()
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("closeMe");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={""};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("contextMenuEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QContextMenuEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::customEvent(QEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("customEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::devType() const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("devType");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
int returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("devType", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::devType();
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("dragEnterEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QDragEnterEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("dragLeaveEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QDragLeaveEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("dragMoveEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QDragMoveEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::dropEvent(QDropEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("dropEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QDropEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::dumpMemory(unsigned int address0, unsigned int count1, QString file2)
if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("dumpMemory");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "unsigned int" , "unsigned int" , "QString"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(4, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
void* args[4] = {NULL, (void*)&address0, (void*)&count1, (void*)&file2};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("dumpMemory", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
} else {
return socexplorerplugin::dumpMemory(address0, count1, file2);
bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::dumpMemory(unsigned int address0, unsigned int count1, QString file2, const QString& format3)
if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("dumpMemory");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "unsigned int" , "unsigned int" , "QString" , "const QString&"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(5, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
void* args[5] = {NULL, (void*)&address0, (void*)&count1, (void*)&file2, (void*)&format3};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("dumpMemory", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
} else {
return socexplorerplugin::dumpMemory(address0, count1, file2, format3);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::enterEvent(QEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("enterEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::event(QEvent* event0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("event");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "QEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&event0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("event", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 return socexplorerplugin::event(event0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::eventFilter(QObject* arg__1, QEvent* arg__2)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("eventFilter");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "QObject*" , "QEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(3, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
void* args[3] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1, (void*)&arg__2};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("eventFilter", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::eventFilter(arg__1, arg__2);
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("focusInEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QFocusEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::focusNextPrevChild(bool next0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("focusNextPrevChild");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "bool"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&next0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("focusNextPrevChild", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 return socexplorerplugin::focusNextPrevChild(next0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("focusOutEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QFocusEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::hasHeightForWidth() const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("hasHeightForWidth");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("hasHeightForWidth", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::hasHeightForWidth();
int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::heightForWidth(int arg__1) const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("heightForWidth");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int" , "int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
int returnValue;
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("heightForWidth", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::heightForWidth(arg__1);
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::hideEvent(QHideEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("hideEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QHideEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::initPainter(QPainter* painter0) const
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("initPainter");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QPainter*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&painter0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 socexplorerplugin::initPainter(painter0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("inputMethodEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QInputMethodEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
QVariant PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery arg__1) const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("inputMethodQuery");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"QVariant" , "Qt::InputMethodQuery"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
QVariant returnValue;
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("inputMethodQuery", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((QVariant*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::inputMethodQuery(arg__1);
int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::isConnected()
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("isConnected");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
int returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("isConnected", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::isConnected();
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("keyPressEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QKeyEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
} else {
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* arg__1)
if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("keyReleaseEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QKeyEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::leaveEvent(QEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("leaveEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::loadbin(unsigned int address0, QString file1)
if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("loadbin");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "unsigned int" , "QString"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(3, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
void* args[3] = {NULL, (void*)&address0, (void*)&file1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("loadbin", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
} else {
return socexplorerplugin::loadbin(address0, file1);
bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::memSet(unsigned int address0, int value1, unsigned int count2)
if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("memSet");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "unsigned int" , "int" , "unsigned int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(4, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
void* args[4] = {NULL, (void*)&address0, (void*)&value1, (void*)&count2};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("memSet", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
} else {
return socexplorerplugin::memSet(address0, value1, count2);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric arg__1) const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("metric");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int" , "QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
int returnValue;
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("metric", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::metric(arg__1);
QSize PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::minimumSizeHint() const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("getMinimumSizeHint");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"QSize"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
QSize returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("getMinimumSizeHint", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((QSize*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::minimumSizeHint();
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("mouseDoubleClickEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QMouseEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("mouseMoveEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QMouseEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("mousePressEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QMouseEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("mouseReleaseEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QMouseEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::moveEvent(QMoveEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("moveEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QMoveEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 bool PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::nativeEvent(const QByteArray& eventType0, void* message1, long* result2)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("nativeEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"bool" , "const QByteArray&" , "void*" , "long*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(4, argumentList);
bool returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[4] = {NULL, (void*)&eventType0, (void*)&message1, (void*)&result2};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("nativeEvent", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((bool*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 return socexplorerplugin::nativeEvent(eventType0, message1, result2);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
QPaintEngine* PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::paintEngine() const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("paintEngine");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"QPaintEngine*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
QPaintEngine* returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("paintEngine", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((QPaintEngine**)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::paintEngine();
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("paintEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QPaintEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&event0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 socexplorerplugin::paintEvent(event0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::postInstantiationTrigger()
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("postInstantiationTrigger");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={""};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 QPaintDevice* PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::redirected(QPoint* offset0) const
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("redirected");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"QPaintDevice*" , "QPoint*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
QPaintDevice* returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&offset0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("redirected", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((QPaintDevice**)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 return socexplorerplugin::redirected(offset0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 int PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::registermenu(QMenu* menu0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("registermenu");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"int" , "QMenu*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
int returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&menu0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("registermenu", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((int*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 return socexplorerplugin::registermenu(menu0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("resizeEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QResizeEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::setBaseAddress(unsigned int baseAddress0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("setBaseAddress");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "unsigned int"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&baseAddress0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 socexplorerplugin::setBaseAddress(baseAddress0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::setInstanceName(const QString& newName0)
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 {
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("setInstanceName");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "const QString&"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&newName0};
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 socexplorerplugin::setInstanceName(newName0);
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
QPainter* PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::sharedPainter() const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("sharedPainter");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"QPainter*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
QPainter* returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("sharedPainter", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((QPainter**)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::sharedPainter();
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::showEvent(QShowEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("showEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QShowEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
QSize PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::sizeHint() const
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("getSizeHint");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"QSize"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(1, argumentList);
QSize returnValue;
void* args[1] = {NULL};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) {
args[0] = PythonQtConv::ConvertPythonToQt(methodInfo->parameters().at(0), result, false, NULL, &returnValue);
if (args[0]!=&returnValue) {
if (args[0]==NULL) {
PythonQt::priv()->handleVirtualOverloadReturnError("getSizeHint", methodInfo, result);
} else {
returnValue = *((QSize*)args[0]);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
return returnValue;
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
return socexplorerplugin::sizeHint();
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::tabletEvent(QTabletEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("tabletEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QTabletEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("timerEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QTimerEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
void PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* arg__1)
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 if (_wrapper && (((PyObject*)_wrapper)->ob_refcnt > 0)) {
static PyObject* name = PyString_FromString("wheelEvent");
PyObject* obj = PyBaseObject_Type.tp_getattro((PyObject*)_wrapper, name);
if (obj) {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 static const char* argumentList[] ={"" , "QWheelEvent*"};
static const PythonQtMethodInfo* methodInfo = PythonQtMethodInfo::getCachedMethodInfoFromArgumentList(2, argumentList);
void* args[2] = {NULL, (void*)&arg__1};
PyObject* result = PythonQtSignalTarget::call(obj, methodInfo, args, true);
if (result) { Py_DECREF(result); }
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 } else {
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 }
socexplorerplugin* PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::new_socexplorerplugin(QWidget* parent, bool createPyObject)
return new PythonQtShell_socexplorerplugin(parent, createPyObject); }
int PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::PID(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_PID());
unsigned int PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::Read(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, unsigned int* Value, unsigned int count, unsigned int address)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_Read(Value, count, address));
int PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::VID(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_VID());
unsigned int PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::Write(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, unsigned int* Value, unsigned int count, unsigned int address)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_Write(Value, count, address));
void PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::activate(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, bool flag)
( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_activate(flag));
int PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::baseAddress(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_baseAddress());
QString PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::baseName(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_baseName());
void PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::closeMe(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_closeMe());
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 bool PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::dumpMemory(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, unsigned int address, unsigned int count, QString file)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_dumpMemory(address, count, file));
bool PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::dumpMemory(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, unsigned int address, unsigned int count, QString file, const QString& format)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_dumpMemory(address, count, file, format));
New register explorer WIP...
r79 QString PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::instance(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
return ( theWrappedObject->instance());
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 QString PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::instanceName(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
return ( theWrappedObject->instanceName());
int PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::isConnected(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_isConnected());
Added some regs definitions for LFR instrument. Added memory size measurement.
r73 bool PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::loadbin(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, unsigned int address, QString file)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_loadbin(address, file));
bool PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::memSet(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, unsigned int address, int value, unsigned int count)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_memSet(address, value, count));
Jeandet Alexis
Made possible to subclass from python plugin class....
r64 void PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::postInstantiationTrigger(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject)
( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_postInstantiationTrigger());
int PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::registermenu(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, QMenu* menu)
return ( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_registermenu(menu));
void PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::setBaseAddress(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, unsigned int baseAddress)
( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_setBaseAddress(baseAddress));
void PythonQtWrapper_socexplorerplugin::setInstanceName(socexplorerplugin* theWrappedObject, const QString& newName)
( ((PythonQtPublicPromoter_socexplorerplugin*)theWrappedObject)->promoted_setInstanceName(newName));