#include "gresb.h" #include #include gresb::gresb(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { RMAPSend_SOCKET = new QTcpSocket; RMAPReceive_SOCKET = new QTcpSocket; GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET = new QTcpSocket; rmapPacket = (char*) malloc(RMAP_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); ccsdsPacket = (unsigned char*) malloc(CCSDS_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); spwPacket = (char*) malloc( qMax(RMAP_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH, CCSDS_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) ); commandCode = invalid0; // initialization of the command code for the RMAP transfers //*** QLABEL ***// gresbBridgeIPLabel = new QLabel(tr("GRESB Bridge IP: ")); gresbVirtualLinkLabel = new QLabel(tr("GRESB Virtual Link: ")); spwLinkLabel = new QLabel(tr("GRESB SPW Link: ")); rmapSourceLogicalAddressLabel = new QLabel(tr("RMAP Source Logical Address: ")); rmapSendStateLabel = new QLabel(tr("RMAP Send Socket State: waiting for connection")); rmapReceiveStateLabel = new QLabel(tr("RMAP Receive Socket State: waiting for connection")); gresbStatusQueryLabel = new QLabel(tr("GRESB status query socket (port 3010): waiting for connection")); gresbStatusQueryDialogLabel = new QLabel(tr("sockets opened but SpaceWire link not running")); //*** SPINBOX ***// gresbVirtualLinkSpinBox = new QSpinBox; rmapSourceLogicalAddressSpinBox = new QSpinBox; spwLinkSpinBox = new QSpinBox;; gresbVirtualLinkSpinBox->setRange(0, 4); gresbVirtualLinkSpinBox->setValue(1); rmapSourceLogicalAddressSpinBox->setRange(0, 255); rmapSourceLogicalAddressSpinBox->setValue(33); spwLinkSpinBox->setRange(0, 2); spwLinkSpinBox->setValue(0); //*** QPUSHBUTTON ***// gresbStatusQueryRetryButton = new QPushButton(tr("Retry")); gresbStatusQueryAbortButton = new QPushButton(tr("Abort")); //*** LAYOUT ***// connectionLayout = new QGridLayout; //*** MISC ***// gresbStatusQueryDialog = new QDialog; gresbBridgeIPDialogBox = new QIPDialogBox; spwLinkStatusEnquiry = new gresbStatusEnquiry; connectionLayout->addWidget(gresbBridgeIPLabel, 0, 0, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(gresbBridgeIPDialogBox, 0, 1, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(gresbVirtualLinkLabel, 1, 0, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(gresbVirtualLinkSpinBox, 1, 1, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(spwLinkLabel, 2, 0, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(spwLinkSpinBox, 2, 1, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(rmapSourceLogicalAddressLabel, 3, 0, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(rmapSourceLogicalAddressSpinBox, 3, 1, 0); connectionLayout->addWidget(rmapSendStateLabel, 4, 0, 1, 2); connectionLayout->addWidget(rmapReceiveStateLabel, 5, 0, 1, 2); connectionLayout->addWidget(gresbStatusQueryLabel, 6, 0, 1, 2); connectionLayout->setRowStretch(7, 1); connectionLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 1); // GRESB STATUS QUERY DIALOG gresbStatusQueryDialogLayout = new QGridLayout; gresbStatusQueryDialogLayout->addWidget(gresbStatusQueryDialogLabel, 0, 0, 1, 2); gresbStatusQueryDialogLayout->addWidget(gresbStatusQueryRetryButton, 1, 0, 0); gresbStatusQueryDialogLayout->addWidget(gresbStatusQueryAbortButton, 1, 1, 0); gresbStatusQueryDialog->setLayout(gresbStatusQueryDialogLayout); this->setLayout(connectionLayout); connect(gresbStatusQueryAbortButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), gresbStatusQueryDialog, SLOT(reject())); connect(this->RMAPReceive_SOCKET, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(receiveSPWPacket())); } gresb::~gresb() { free(rmapPacket); free(ccsdsPacket); free(spwPacket); } unsigned int gresb::Write(unsigned int *Value, unsigned int count, unsigned int address) { unsigned int remainingCount = count; unsigned int iOffset = 0; QString console_message; char* data; if(rmapPacketSEMAPHORE->available()!=0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE of rmapplugin *** RMAP request already running, WRITE access stopped"); return 1; } RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: unavailable"); data = (char*) malloc(READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS*4); emit appendToLog(QString("*** START *** WRITE ")+ QString::number(count) + QString(" word(s) @0x")+ QString::number(address,16)); while (remainingCount > READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS) { for (int i = 0; i>8); data[i*4+1] = (char) ((unsigned int) Value[i+iOffset]>>16); data[i*4+0] = (char) ((unsigned int) Value[i+iOffset]>>24); } console_message.sprintf("remainingCount: %d => ", remainingCount); emit appendToLog(console_message + QString("Write ")+ QString::number(READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS*4) + QString(" byte(s) @0x")+ QString::number(address,16)); if(WriteBLOCK(data, READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS*4, address)==0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE of rmapplugin *** RMAP write command failed"); return 1; } remainingCount = remainingCount - READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS; address = address + READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS * 4; iOffset = iOffset + READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS; } if (remainingCount > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i>8); data[i*4+1] = (char) ((unsigned int) Value[i+iOffset]>>16); data[i*4+0] = (char) ((unsigned int) Value[i+iOffset]>>24); } console_message.sprintf("remainingCount: %d => ", remainingCount); emit appendToLog(console_message + QString("Write ")+ QString::number(remainingCount*4) + QString(" byte(s) @0x")+ QString::number(address,16)); if (WriteBLOCK(data, remainingCount*4, address)==0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE of rmapplugin *** RMAP write command failed"); return 1; } } emit appendToLog(QString("*** STOP *** WRITE")); free(data); return count; } unsigned int gresb::Read(unsigned int *Value, unsigned int count, unsigned int address) { unsigned int remainingCount = count; unsigned int iOffset = 0; QString console_message; if(rmapPacketSEMAPHORE->available()!=0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function READ of rmapplugin *** RMAP request already running, READ access stopped"); return 1; } emit appendToLog(QString("*** START *** READ ")+ QString::number(count) + QString(" word(s) @0x")+ QString::number(address,16)); while (remainingCount > READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS) { console_message.sprintf("remainingCount: %d => ", remainingCount); emit appendToLog(console_message + QString("Read ")+ QString::number(4*READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS) + QString(" byte(s) @0x")+ QString::number(address,16)); if (ReadBLOCK(READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS*4, address)==0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function READ of rmapplugin *** RMAP packet not received"); return 1; } for(int i=0;i 0) { console_message.sprintf("remainingCount: %d => ", remainingCount); emit appendToLog(console_message + QString("Read ")+ QString::number(4*remainingCount) + QString(" byte(s) @0x")+ QString::number(address,16)); if (ReadBLOCK(4*remainingCount, address)==0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function READ of rmapplugin *** RMAP packet not received"); return 1; } for(unsigned int i=0;ivalue()) == 1) { this->Close(); return 1; } RMAPCommand = new RMAP(commandCode, rmapTargetLogicalAddress, rmapSourceLogicalAddress, address, nbBytes, data); // SEND GRESB HEADER RMAPSend_SOCKET->write((char*) ((void*) &RMAPCommand->GRESBHeader), 4); // SEND SPACEWIRE PACKET HEADER RMAPSend_SOCKET->write((char*) ((void*) &RMAPCommand->RMAPHeader), sizeof(RMAPCommand->RMAPHeader)); // SEND DATA RMAPSend_SOCKET->write( data, nbBytes); // SEND DATA CRC RMAPSend_SOCKET->write((char*) ((void*) &RMAPCommand->dataCRC), 1); RMAPTimeout.start(); while(RMAPSend_SOCKET->bytesToWrite() > 0) { RMAPSend_SOCKET->waitForBytesWritten(100); if(RMAPTimeout.elapsed()>1000) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** sending Write RMAP Command timeout"); return 0; } } if ( (commandCode == writeSingle_noVer_Rep) | (commandCode == writeInc_noVer_Rep) | (commandCode == writeSingle_ver_rep) | (commandCode == writeInc_ver_rep) ) { // WAIT FOR THE RMAP REPLY PACKET errorCode = receiveSPWPacket(1); if (errorCode<=0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WriteBLOCK of rmapplugin *** RMAP packet reception failed with code " + QString::number(errorCode)); return 0; } if(rmapPacketSize != 8) { console_message.sprintf("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** write reply format not compliant\n"); emit appendToLog(console_message); return 0; } switch (rmapPacket[3]) // byte 4 is the status byte in the reply { case 0: RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 0 Successfull"); break; case 1: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** General error code"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 1 General error code"); break; case 2: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Unused RMAP packet type or command code"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 2 Unused RMAP packet type or command code"); break; case 3: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Invalid key"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 3 Invalid key"); break; case 4: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Invalid data CRC"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 4 Invalid data CRC"); break; case 5: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Early EOP"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 5 Early EOP"); break; case 6: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Too much data"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 6 Too much data"); break; case 7: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** EEP"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 7 EEP"); break; case 8: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Reserved"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 8 Reserved"); break; case 9: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Verify buffer overrun"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 9 Verify buffer overrun"); break; case 10: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** RMAP command not implemented or not authorised"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 10 RMAP command not implemented or not authorised"); break; case 11: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** RMW data length error"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 11 RMAP RMW data length error"); break; case 12: emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE (with reply) of rmapplugin *** Invalid target logical address"); RMAP_write_reply_setText("reply to the write command required\nlast reply status: 12 Invalid target logical address"); break; } acquireRMAPSemaphore(); } return nbBytes; } unsigned int gresb::ReadBLOCK(unsigned int nbBytes, unsigned int address) { int errorCode; RMAP *RMAPCommand; QTime RMAPTimeout; unsigned int dataLength; if (GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatus, spwLinkSpinBox->value()) == 1) { this->Close(); return 1; } if (nbBytes > 4) { RMAPCommand = new RMAP(read_Inc, rmapTargetLogicalAddress, rmapSourceLogicalAddress, address, nbBytes, NULL); } else { RMAPCommand = new RMAP(read_Single, rmapTargetLogicalAddress, rmapSourceLogicalAddress, address, nbBytes, NULL); } // SEND THE GRESB HEADER FOR THE RMAP READ COMMAND RMAPSend_SOCKET->write((char*) ((void*) &RMAPCommand->GRESBHeader), 4); // SEND THE SPACEWIRE PACKET FOR THE RMAP READ COMMAND RMAPSend_SOCKET->write((char*) ((void*) &RMAPCommand->RMAPHeader), sizeof(RMAPCommand->RMAPHeader)); RMAPSend_SOCKET->waitForBytesWritten(100); RMAPTimeout.start(); // write timeout while(RMAPSend_SOCKET->bytesToWrite() > 0) { RMAPSend_SOCKET->waitForBytesWritten(100); if(RMAPTimeout.elapsed()>1000) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function READ of rmapplugin *** sending Read RMAP Command timeout\n"); return 0; } } // RECEIVE THE INCOMING RMAP PACKET errorCode = receiveSPWPacket(1); // request ID 1 is for RMAP packet if (errorCode<=0) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function ReadBLOCK of rmapplugin *** RMAP packet reception failed with code " + QString::number(errorCode)); return 0; } dataLength = rmapPacketSize - RMAP_READ_REPLY_HEADER_LENGTH - RMAP_DATA_CRC_LENGTH; if(dataLength != nbBytes) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function READ of rmapplugin *** number of data received (" +QString::number(dataLength) +") not equal to number of data requested (" +QString::number(READ_WRITE_MAX_COUNTS*4) +")"); return 0; } return dataLength; } unsigned int gresb::WriteSPW(char *Value, unsigned int count, char targetLogicalAddress, char userApplication) { char protocoleIdentifier = 0x02; char reserved = 0x00; char gresbProtocole = 0x00; unsigned char size[3]; unsigned int spwPacketSize = count + 4; QTime SPWTimeout; if (count>248) { appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE of rmapplugin *** CCSDS packet size > 248 bytes\n"); return 1; } appendToLog(QString("*** START *** Send CCSDS packet of ")+ QString::number(count) + QString(" byte(s)")); if (GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatus, spwLinkSpinBox->value()) == 1) { this->Close(); appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE of rmapplugin *** SPW link not running\n"); return 1; } // SEND GRESB HEADER size[0] = (unsigned char) ((unsigned int) spwPacketSize>>16); size[1] = (unsigned char) ((unsigned int) spwPacketSize>>8); size[2] = (unsigned char) ((unsigned int) spwPacketSize); RMAPSend_SOCKET->write(&gresbProtocole, 1); RMAPSend_SOCKET->write((char*) size, 3); // SEND SPW HEADER RMAPSend_SOCKET->write(&targetLogicalAddress, 1); RMAPSend_SOCKET->write(&protocoleIdentifier, 1); RMAPSend_SOCKET->write(&reserved, 1); RMAPSend_SOCKET->write(&userApplication, 1); // SEND CCSDS PACKET RMAPSend_SOCKET->write(Value, count); SPWTimeout.start(); while(RMAPSend_SOCKET->bytesToWrite() > 0) { RMAPSend_SOCKET->waitForBytesWritten(100); if(SPWTimeout.elapsed()>1000) { appendToLog("WARNING === in function WRITE of rmapplugin *** sending CCSDS packet timeout\n"); return 1; } } appendToLog(QString("*** CCSDS packet sent")); return count; } int gresb::receiveSPWPacket(unsigned char requestID) // SLOT { QTime spwPacketReceiverTimeout; // GRESB HEADER char RES_TR_EP; // 6 bits REserved + 1 bit TRuncated + 1 bit EP error end of packet unsigned char packetLength2; unsigned char packetLength1; unsigned char packetLength0; unsigned int packetLength; if (requestID==1) { if (rmapPacketSEMAPHORE->available()) return rmapPacketSize; } RMAPReceive_SOCKET->blockSignals(1); // block the signals of the socket during packet reception // READ THE GRESB HEADER OF THE INCOMING PACKET spwPacketReceiverTimeout.start(); while(RMAPReceive_SOCKET->bytesAvailable() < 4) { RMAPReceive_SOCKET->waitForReadyRead(100); if(spwPacketReceiverTimeout.elapsed()>1000) return -1; // ERROR === read GRSEB header TIMEOUT } RMAPReceive_SOCKET->read(&RES_TR_EP, 1); RMAPReceive_SOCKET->read( (char*) &packetLength2, 1); RMAPReceive_SOCKET->read( (char*) &packetLength1, 1); RMAPReceive_SOCKET->read( (char*) &packetLength0, 1); packetLength = (packetLength2<<16) + (packetLength1<<8) + (packetLength0); spwPacket = (char*) malloc(packetLength); // READ THE SPW PACKET while(RMAPReceive_SOCKET->bytesAvailable() < packetLength) { RMAPReceive_SOCKET->waitForReadyRead(100); if(spwPacketReceiverTimeout.elapsed()>1000) return -2; // ERROR === read SPW packet TIMEOUT } RMAPReceive_SOCKET->read( spwPacket, packetLength ); RMAPReceive_SOCKET->blockSignals(0); switch(spwPacket[1]) // byte 1 is the protocole identifier in the SPW packet { case 1: // 0x01 is the protocole identifier for RMAP packets if (rmapPacketSEMAPHORE->available()!=0) return -3; // ERROR === previous RMAP packet not processed yet for(unsigned int i=0; irelease(); //emit sendMessage("RMAP packet of size " + QString::number(packetLength) + " received"); return packetLength; case 2: // 0x02 is the protocole identifier for CCSDS packets if (ccsdsPacketSEMAPHORE->available()!=0) return -4; // ERROR === previous CCSDS packet not processed yet for(unsigned int i=0; irelease(); emit(ccsdsPacketAvailable(ccsdsPacket, packetLength)); return packetLength; } return 0; } void gresb::Open() // SLOT { bool spwRunning = true; RMAPSend_SOCKET->connectToHost( QHostAddress(gresbBridgeIPDialogBox->getGRESBIP()), 3000 + gresbVirtualLinkSpinBox->value()*2, QIODevice::WriteOnly); RMAPReceive_SOCKET->connectToHost( QHostAddress(gresbBridgeIPDialogBox->getGRESBIP()), 3000 + gresbVirtualLinkSpinBox->value()*2+1, QIODevice::ReadOnly); GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->connectToHost( QHostAddress(gresbBridgeIPDialogBox->getGRESBIP()), 3010, QIODevice::ReadWrite); GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->waitForConnected(10000); RMAPReceive_SOCKET->readAll(); // read all remaining data from the reception socket // initialize SPW packet semaphores while (rmapPacketSEMAPHORE->available()!=0) rmapPacketSEMAPHORE->acquire(); while (ccsdsPacketSEMAPHORE->available()!=0) ccsdsPacketSEMAPHORE->acquire(); if (GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatus, spwLinkSpinBox->value()) != 0) { spwRunning = gresbStatusQueryDialog->exec(); } if (spwRunning == false) this->Close(); else { emit appendToLog(QString("SpaceWire running on virtual link ")+ QString::number(spwLinkSpinBox->value())); emit isOpen(true); } } void gresb::Close() // SLOT { RMAPSend_SOCKET->disconnectFromHost(); RMAPReceive_SOCKET->disconnectFromHost(); GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->disconnectFromHost(); emit isOpen(false); } int gresb::GRESBStatusQuery() // SLOT { GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatus, 0); GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatus, 1); GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatus, 2); GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatistics, 0); GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatistics, 1); GRESBStatusQueryRequest(LinkStatistics, 2); return 0; } int gresb::GRESBStatusQueryRequest(GresbStatusQueryOption option, char link) { gresb_status_query_t statusQueryCommand; gresb_link_status_reply_t linkStatusReply; gresb_link_statistics_reply_t linkStatisticsReply; QTime statusQueryTimeout; QString console_message; statusQueryCommand.protocolIdentifier = (char) 0x02; statusQueryCommand.reserved1 = (char) 0x00; statusQueryCommand.reserved0 = (char) 0x00; statusQueryCommand.option = (char) option; statusQueryCommand.value3 = (char) 0x00; statusQueryCommand.value2 = (char) 0x00; statusQueryCommand.value1 = (char) 0x00; statusQueryCommand.value0 = (char) link; GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->write((char*) ((void*) &statusQueryCommand), sizeof(statusQueryCommand)); GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->flush(); GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->waitForBytesWritten(1000); statusQueryTimeout.start(); while(GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->bytesToWrite() > 0) { GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->waitForBytesWritten(100); if(statusQueryTimeout.elapsed()>1000) { emit appendToLog("WARNING === in function GRESBStatusQueryRequest of rmapplugin *** sending StatusQueryCommand timeout"); return 1; } } switch (option) { case LinkStatus: { statusQueryTimeout.start(); while(GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->bytesAvailable() < (int) sizeof(linkStatusReply)) { GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->waitForReadyRead(100); if(statusQueryTimeout.elapsed()>1000) { console_message.sprintf("GRESBStatusQueryRequest / LinkStatus => error timeout bytesAvailable()\n"); emit appendToLog(console_message); return 1; } } GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->read((char*) ((void*) &linkStatusReply), (int) sizeof(linkStatusReply)); console_message.sprintf("%x", linkStatusReply.byte0); spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(0, link)->setText(console_message); console_message.sprintf("%d", linkStatusReply.byte1); spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(1, link)->setText(console_message); if (linkStatusReply.byte0 == 0) return 1; break; } case LinkStatistics: { statusQueryTimeout.start(); while(GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->bytesAvailable() < (int) sizeof(linkStatisticsReply)) { GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->waitForReadyRead(100); if(statusQueryTimeout.elapsed()>1000) { console_message.sprintf("GRESBStatusQueryRequest / LinkStatistics => error timeout bytesAvailable()\n"); emit appendToLog(console_message); return 1; } } GRESBStatusQuery_SOCKET->read((char*) ((void*) &linkStatisticsReply), sizeof(linkStatisticsReply)); /*console_message.sprintf("%d", charTab_TO_int(linkStatisticsReply.sizeOfDataTransmitted)); UI->spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(9, link)->setText(console_message); console_message.sprintf("%d", charTab_TO_int(linkStatisticsReply.numberOfPacketsTransmitted)); UI->spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(8, link)->setText(console_message); console_message.sprintf("%d", charTab_TO_int(linkStatisticsReply.numberOfTruncatedPacketsReceived)); UI->spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(6, link)->setText(console_message); console_message.sprintf("%d", charTab_TO_int(linkStatisticsReply.numberOfPacketsWithEEPReceived)); UI->spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(5, link)->setText(console_message); console_message.sprintf("%d", charTab_TO_int(linkStatisticsReply.sizeOfDataReceived)); UI->spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(4, link)->setText(console_message); console_message.sprintf("%d", charTab_TO_int(linkStatisticsReply.numberOfPacketsReceived)); UI->spwLinkStatusEnquiry->statusQueryTable->item(3, link)->setText(console_message);*/ break; } case NodeAddressStatistics: { break; } case GetRoute: { break; } } return 0; } void gresb::processCCSDSPacket(unsigned char *ccsdsPacket, unsigned int size) // SLOT { QString message; unsigned int fine_time_value = 0; fine_time_value = ((unsigned int) ccsdsPacket[7]<<24) + ((unsigned int) ccsdsPacket[6]<<16) + ((unsigned int) ccsdsPacket[5]<<8) + ((unsigned int) ccsdsPacket[4]); message.append(QTime::currentTime().toString() +":" + QString::number(QTime::currentTime().msec()) + ": "); message.append("size " + QString::number(size) +" *** header " + QString::number(ccsdsPacket[0], 16) + " " + QString::number(ccsdsPacket[1], 16) + " " + QString::number(ccsdsPacket[2], 16) + " " + QString::number(ccsdsPacket[3], 16) + " *** coarse time " + QString::number(fine_time_value)); //+ QString::number(ccsdsPacket[4], 16) //+" " //+ QString::number(ccsdsPacket[5], 16) //+" " //+ QString::number(ccsdsPacket[6], 16) //+" " //+ QString::number(ccsdsPacket[7], 16)); ccsdsPacketSEMAPHORE->acquire(); emit sendMessage(message); }