/** * \file rmap_packet_library.h * \brief Declarations of the functions provided by the STAR-Dundee RMAP Packet * Library. * STAR-Dundee\n * Unit 12, Dundee University Incubator\n * James Lindsay Place\n * Dundee Technopole\n * Dundee, DD1 5JJ\n * Scotland, UK\n * e-mail: support@star-dundee.com * * This file contains the declarations of the functions provided by the * STAR-Dundee RMAP Packet Library, along with constants and types used by the * library. The RMAP Packet Library provides functions for building and * interpreting RMAP packets. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: * \note If you are experiencing compilation errors indicating that * U8 is already defined, for example, please add the following * line to your code prior to including this file:\n * \#define NO_STAR_TYPES\n * Alternatively you can compile your code with a flag of * -DNO_STAR_TYPES.\n * (Copied from star_dundee_types.h) * * \version 3.2 - June 19th 2012\n * Fixed bug when checking a write command packet or read reply packet * has a data length of 0. * Updates to documentation. * * \version 3.1 - February 10th 2012\n * Minor updates to packet types to avoid errors in static * analysers.\n\n * * \version 3.0 - October 14th 2011\n * Updated linking process on Windows.\n * Updated library file name.\n\n * * \version 2.1 - August 22nd 2011\n * Made minor improvements to the internal structure.\n\n * * \version 2.0 - October 28th 2009\n * Changed internal architecture to minimise memory allocations.\n * Restored __stdcall calling convention on Windows.\n * Updated names to be consistent with terminology in latest RMAP * standard.\n * Added functions to calculate the length of different packet types * and to fill a buffer with specific packets.\n\n * * \version 1.9 - July 29th 2009\n * Fixed problem with byte ordering in return value of * RMAP_GetAddress.\n * Fixed bug when creating read and write reply packets, with a packet * structure provided.\n\n * * \version 1.8 - February 26th 2009\n * Updated the calling convention used in the function declaration to * __stdcall on Windows.\n\n * * \version 1.7 - November 20th 2008\n * Fixed problem with naming of RMAP_IsCRCValid in header file.\n * Added function to calculate a CRC starting from a CRC seed * value.\n\n * * \version 1.6 - October 29th 2007\n * Added support for SpaceCube.\n\n * * \version 1.5 - March 23rd 2007\n * Used star_dundee_types.h to represent integer values of 1, 2 and 4 * bytes in a cross-platform manner.\n * Fixed problems encountered on big endian machines.\n\n * * \version 1.4 - March 19th 2007\n * Improved freeing of memory following errors.\n\n * * \version 1.3 - November 7th 2006\n * Updated to be multi-platform.\n * Using new CRC table.\n * Fixed error when checking the format of read-modify-write command * packets, data length incorrect.\n * Fixed error when identifying the start of the extended and normal * read/write address.\n * Fixed error when reading the data length in a read command.\n\n * * \version 1.2 - April 3rd 2006\n * Fixed potential problems with RMAP_PACKET_STATUS enum being an * undefined size (no change to this file required).\n\n * * \version 1.1 - March 9th 2006\n * Added support for different byte alignment requirements.\n\n * * \version 1.0 - December 20th 2005\n * Initial version.\n\n * * Copyright © 2009 STAR-Dundee Ltd */ #ifndef RMAP_PACKET_LIBRARY_H #define RMAP_PACKET_LIBRARY_H #include "star-dundee_types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #ifdef _WIN64 #define RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC #else #define RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC __stdcall #endif #else #define RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC #endif typedef enum { RMAP_SUCCESS = 0x00, RMAP_GENERAL_ERROR = 0x01, RMAP_UNUSED_PACKET_TYPE_OR_COMMAND_CODE = 0x02, RMAP_INVALID_KEY = 0x03, RMAP_INVALID_DATA_CRC = 0x04, RMAP_EARLY_EOP = 0x05, RMAP_TOO_MUCH_DATA = 0x06, RMAP_EEP = 0x07, RMAP_VERIFY_BUFFER_OVERRUN = 0x09, RMAP_COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_OR_AUTHORISED = 0x0a, RMAP_RMW_DATA_LENGTH_ERROR = 0x0b, RMAP_INVALID_TARGET_LOGICAL_ADDRESS = 0x0c, RMAP_INVALID_STATUS = 0xff } RMAP_STATUS; #define RMAP_PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER 1 #define RMAP_RESERVED_BIT 0x80 #define RMAP_COMMAND_BIT 0x40 #define RMAP_WRITE_OPERATION_BIT 0x20 #define RMAP_VERIFY_BEFORE_WRITE_BIT 0x10 #define RMAP_REPLY_BIT 0x08 #define RMAP_INCREMENT_ADDRESS_BIT 0x04 #define RMAP_REPLY_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BITS 0x03 typedef enum { RMAP_WRITE_COMMAND = (RMAP_COMMAND_BIT | RMAP_WRITE_OPERATION_BIT), RMAP_WRITE_REPLY = (RMAP_WRITE_OPERATION_BIT), RMAP_READ_COMMAND = (RMAP_COMMAND_BIT), RMAP_READ_REPLY = (0), RMAP_READ_MODIFY_WRITE_COMMAND = (RMAP_COMMAND_BIT | RMAP_VERIFY_BEFORE_WRITE_BIT), RMAP_READ_MODIFY_WRITE_REPLY = (RMAP_VERIFY_BEFORE_WRITE_BIT), RMAP_INVALID_PACKET_TYPE = (0xff) } RMAP_PACKET_TYPE; typedef struct { RMAP_PACKET_TYPE packetType; U8 *pTargetAddress; unsigned long targetAddressLength; U8 *pReplyAddress; unsigned long replyAddressLength; U8 *pProtocolIdentifier; U8 *pInstruction; char verifyBeforeWrite; char acknowledge; char incrementAddress; U8 *pKey; U16 *pTransactionIdentifier; U32 *pReadWriteAddress; U8 *pExtendedReadWriteAddress; U8 *pStatus; U8 *pHeader; unsigned long headerLength; U8 *pHeaderCRC; U8 *pData; void *pDataLength; U32 dataLength; U8 *pDataCRC; U8 *pMask; U8 maskLength; U8 *pRawPacket; unsigned long rawPacketLength; } RMAP_PACKET; /* Declarations of the functions provided by the RMAP Packet Library */ U32 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetVersion( void ); U8 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateCRC( void *pBuffer, unsigned long len ); U8 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateCRCWithSeed( void *pBuffer, unsigned long len, U8 crc ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_IsCRCValid( void *pBuffer, unsigned long len, U8 crc ); RMAP_STATUS RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CheckPacketValid( void *pRawPacket, unsigned long packetLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char checkPacketTooLong ); RMAP_PACKET_TYPE RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetPacketType( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); U8 * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetTargetAddress( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, unsigned long *pTargetAddressLength ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetVerifyBeforeWrite( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetPerformAcknowledgement( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetIncrementAddress( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); U8 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetKey( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); U8 * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetReplyAddress( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, unsigned long *pReplyAddressLength ); U16 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetTransactionID( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); U32 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetAddress( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, U8 *pExtendedAddress ); U8 * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetData( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, U32 *pDataLength ); U32 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetReadLength( RMAP_PACKET* pPacketStruct ); RMAP_STATUS RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetStatus( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); U8 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetHeaderCRC( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); U8 RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetDataCRC( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct ); U8 * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_GetMask( RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, U8 *pMaskLength ); unsigned long RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateWriteCommandPacketLength( unsigned long targetAddressLength, unsigned long replyAddressLength, U32 dataLength, char alignment ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_FillWriteCommandPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, char verifyBeforeWrite, char acknowledge, char incrementAddress, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 writeAddress, U8 extendedWriteAddress, U8 *pData, U32 dataLength, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment, U8 *pRawPacket, unsigned long rawPacketLength ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildWriteCommandPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, char verifyBeforeWrite, char acknowledge, char incrementAddress, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 writeAddress, U8 extendedWriteAddress, U8 *pData, U32 dataLength, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildWriteRegisterPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, char verifyBeforeWrite, char acknowledge, char incrementAddress, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 writeAddress, U8 extendedWriteAddress, U32 registerValue, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); unsigned long RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateWriteReplyPacketLength( unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, char alignment ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_FillWriteReplyPacket( U8 *pInitiatorAddress, unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U8 targetAddress, char verifyBeforeWrite, char incrementAddress, RMAP_STATUS status, U16 transactionIdentifier, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment, U8 *pRawPacket, unsigned long rawPacketLength ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildWriteReplyPacket( U8 *pInitiatorAddress, unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U8 targetAddress, char verifyBeforeWrite, char incrementAddress, RMAP_STATUS status, U16 transactionIdentifier, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); unsigned long RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateReadCommandPacketLength( unsigned long targetAddressLength, unsigned long replyAddressLength, char alignment ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_FillReadCommandPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, char incrementAddress, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 readAddress, U8 extendedReadAddress, U32 dataLength, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment, U8 *pRawPacket, unsigned long rawPacketLength ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildReadCommandPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, char incrementAddress, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 readAddress, U8 extendedReadAddress, U32 dataLength, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildReadRegisterPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, char incrementAddress, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 readAddress, U8 extendedReadAddress, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); unsigned long RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateReadReplyPacketLength( unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U32 dataLength, char alignment ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_FillReadReplyPacket( U8 *pInitiatorAddress, unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U8 targetAddress, char incrementAddress, RMAP_STATUS status, U16 transactionIdentifier, U8 *pData, U32 dataLength, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment, U8 *pRawPacket, unsigned long rawPacketLength ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildReadReplyPacket( U8 *pInitiatorAddress, unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U8 targetAddress, char incrementAddress, RMAP_STATUS status, U16 transactionIdentifier, U8 *pData, U32 dataLength, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); unsigned long RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateReadModifyWriteCommandPacketLength( unsigned long targetAddressLength, unsigned long replyAddressLength, U32 dataAndMaskLength, char alignment ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_FillReadModifyWriteCommandPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 readModifyWriteAddress, U8 extendedReadModifyWriteAddress, U8 dataAndMaskLength, U8 *pData, U8 *pMask, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment, U8 *pRawPacket, unsigned long rawPacketLength ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildReadModifyWriteCommandPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 readModifyWriteAddress, U8 extendedReadModifyWriteAddress, U8 dataAndMaskLength, U8 *pData, U8 *mask, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildReadModifyWriteRegisterPacket( U8 *pTargetAddress, unsigned long targetAddressLength, U8 *pReplyAddress, unsigned long replyAddressLength, U8 key, U16 transactionIdentifier, U32 readModifyWriteAddress, U8 extendedReadModifyWriteAddress, U32 registerValue, U32 mask, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); unsigned long RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_CalculateReadModifyWriteReplyPacketLength( unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U32 dataLength, char alignment ); char RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_FillReadModifyWriteReplyPacket( U8 *pInitiatorAddress, unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U8 targetAddress, RMAP_STATUS status, U16 transactionIdentifier, unsigned long dataLength, U8 *pData, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment, U8 *pRawPacket, unsigned long rawPacketLength ); void * RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_BuildReadModifyWriteReplyPacket( U8 *pInitiatorAddress, unsigned long initiatorAddressLength, U8 targetAddress, RMAP_STATUS status, U16 transactionIdentifier, unsigned long dataLength, U8 *pData, unsigned long *pRawPacketLength, RMAP_PACKET *pPacketStruct, char alignment ); void RMAPPACKETLIBRARY_CC RMAP_FreeBuffer( void *pBuffer ); /* Macros for accessing the version */ #define RMAP_GET_VERSION_MAJOR(versionInfo) (((version) & 0xff000000) >> 24) #define RMAP_GET_VERSION_MINOR(versionInfo) (((version) & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) #define RMAP_GET_VERSION_EDIT(versionInfo) (((version) & 0x0000ffc0) >> 6) #define RMAP_GET_VERSION_PATCH(versionInfo) ((version) & 0x0000003f) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* RMAP_PACKET_LIBRARY_H */