import os os.system('clear') # on linux / os x import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from test_fft.register_addresses_fft_test import * from test_fft.fft_test_functions import * print '*' print '*' print '*' print '*' print '*' ###################### # GET DATA FROM RECORD storageDirectory = '/home/paul/data/2014_06_24/' day = '2014_6_24-' hour = '9_0_3' suffix = '.data' typeOfData = '_SBM1_CWF_' cwf_f1 = np.genfromtxt( storageDirectory + day + hour + typeOfData + 'F1' + suffix, skip_header = 1) ################# # BUILD WAVEFORMS nbSamples = 256 #wfrm0 = getWaveFromRecord( cwf_f1, nbSamples, 0, columnV ) #wfrm1 = getWaveFromRecord( cwf_f1, nbSamples, 0, columnE1 ) #wfrm2 = getWaveFromRecord( cwf_f1, nbSamples, 0, columnE2 ) #wfrm3 = getWaveFromRecord( cwf_f1, nbSamples, 0, columnB1 ) #wfrm4 = getWaveFromRecord( cwf_f1, nbSamples, 0, columnB2 ) wfrm0 = sineWave( 256, 10, 1000 ) wfrm1 = dirac( 256, 1000 ) wfrm2 = step( 256, 1000 ) wfrm3 = np.zeros( 256 ) wfrm4 = np.zeros( 256 ) ################ # BUILD THE DATA dataToWrite0 = generateDataToWrite( nbSamples, wfrm0, wfrm1 ) dataToWrite1 = generateDataToWrite( nbSamples, wfrm2, wfrm3 ) dataToWrite2 = generateDataToWrite( nbSamples, wfrm4, np.zeros( nbSamples ) ) print_reg_fft( ) # WRITE WAVEFORM IN FIFO print "write waveforms in FIFOs: " + str(len(dataToWrite0)) + " samples" for k in range(nbSamples): RMAPPlugin0.Write( address_FIFO_F2_1_0, [dataToWrite0[k]] ) RMAPPlugin0.Write( address_FIFO_F2_3_2, [dataToWrite1[k]] ) RMAPPlugin0.Write( address_FIFO_F2_4, [dataToWrite2[k]] ) # write only the FIFO F2 RMAPPlugin0.Write( address_FIFO_F2_WEN, [0xffffffe0] ) print "data written in FIFOs" print_reg_fft( ) # LOCK FIFOs => 0111 1100 0001 1111 RMAPPlugin0.Write( address_CTRL, [0x00007c1f] ) # wait for SM_Full fft_reg = RMAPPlugin0.Read( address_CTRL, 1) while (fft_reg[0] & 0x000f8000) == 0: print "SM not full" fft_reg = RMAPPlugin0.Read( address_CTRL, 1) print_reg_fft( ) # READ FFT print "read data in fft FIFOs" fft0_re = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft0_im = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft1_re = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft1_im = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft2_re = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft2_im = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft3_re = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft3_im = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft4_re = np.zeros( nbSamples ) fft4_im = np.zeros( nbSamples ) for k in range(128): val = RMAPPlugin0.Read( address_MEM_IN_SM_0, 1) fft0_re[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( val[0] & 0x0000ffff ) fft0_im[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( ( (val[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 ) ) val = RMAPPlugin0.Read( address_MEM_IN_SM_1, 1) fft1_re[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( val[0] & 0x0000ffff ) fft1_im[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( ( (val[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 ) ) val = RMAPPlugin0.Read( address_MEM_IN_SM_2, 1) fft2_re[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( val[0] & 0x0000ffff ) fft2_im[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( ( (val[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 ) ) val = RMAPPlugin0.Read( address_MEM_IN_SM_3, 1) fft3_re[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( val[0] & 0x0000ffff ) fft3_im[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( ( (val[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 ) ) val = RMAPPlugin0.Read( address_MEM_IN_SM_4, 1) fft4_re[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( val[0] & 0x0000ffff ) fft4_im[k] = convertToSigned16Bits( ( (val[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 ) ) # read enable => 0111 1100 0000 0000 RMAPPlugin0.Write( address_CTRL, [0x00007c00] ) fft0 = fft0_re * fft0_re + fft0_im * fft0_im fft1 = fft1_re * fft1_re + fft1_im * fft1_im fft2 = fft2_re * fft2_re + fft2_im * fft2_im fft3 = fft3_re * fft3_re + fft3_im * fft3_im fft4 = fft4_re * fft4_re + fft4_im * fft4_im print "data read in fft FIFOs" print_reg_fft( ) #unlock FIFOs => 0000 0000 0001 1111 RMAPPlugin0.Write( address_CTRL, [0x0000001f] ) print_reg_fft( ) # PLOT FFT plt.figure( 1 ) plt.subplot(231) plt.plot(wfrm0, 'b') plt.subplot(232) plt.plot(wfrm1, 'g') plt.plot(wfrm1, '.') plt.subplot(233) plt.plot(wfrm2, 'r') plt.plot(wfrm2, '.') plt.subplot(234) plt.plot(wfrm3, 'c') plt.subplot(235) plt.plot(wfrm4, 'm') plt.figure( 2 ) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(fft0_re) plt.plot(fft1_re) plt.plot(fft2_re) plt.plot(fft3_re) plt.plot(fft4_re) plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(fft0_im) plt.plot(fft1_im) plt.plot(fft2_im) plt.plot(fft3_im) plt.plot(fft4_im) plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(fft0_re * fft0_re + fft0_im * fft0_im, 'b') plt.plot(fft1_re * fft1_re + fft1_im * fft1_im, 'g') plt.plot(fft2_re * fft2_re + fft2_im * fft2_im, 'r') plt.plot(fft3_re * fft3_re + fft3_im * fft3_im, 'c') plt.plot(fft4_re * fft4_re + fft4_im * fft4_im, 'm') plt.figure( 3 ) plt.subplot(231) plt.plot(fft0[0:255], 'b') plt.subplot(232) plt.plot(fft1[0:255], 'g') plt.subplot(233) plt.plot(fft2[0:255], 'r') plt.subplot(234) plt.plot(fft3[0:255], 'c') plt.subplot(235) plt.plot(fft4[0:255], 'm')