#include #include #include #include const QString DataSourceItem::NAME_DATA_KEY = QStringLiteral("name"); struct DataSourceItem::DataSourceItemPrivate { explicit DataSourceItemPrivate(DataSourceItemType type, QVariantHash data) : m_Parent{nullptr}, m_Children{}, m_Type{type}, m_Data{std::move(data)}, m_Actions{} { } DataSourceItem *m_Parent; std::vector > m_Children; DataSourceItemType m_Type; QVariantHash m_Data; std::vector > m_Actions; }; DataSourceItem::DataSourceItem(DataSourceItemType type, const QString &name) : DataSourceItem{type, QVariantHash{{NAME_DATA_KEY, name}}} { } DataSourceItem::DataSourceItem(DataSourceItemType type, QVariantHash data) : impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl(type, std::move(data))} { } QVector DataSourceItem::actions() const noexcept { auto result = QVector{}; std::transform(std::cbegin(impl->m_Actions), std::cend(impl->m_Actions), std::back_inserter(result), [](const auto &action) { return action.get(); }); return result; } void DataSourceItem::addAction(std::unique_ptr action) noexcept { action->setDataSourceItem(this); impl->m_Actions.push_back(std::move(action)); } void DataSourceItem::appendChild(std::unique_ptr child) noexcept { child->impl->m_Parent = this; impl->m_Children.push_back(std::move(child)); } DataSourceItem *DataSourceItem::child(int childIndex) const noexcept { if (childIndex < 0 || childIndex >= childCount()) { return nullptr; } else { return impl->m_Children.at(childIndex).get(); } } int DataSourceItem::childCount() const noexcept { return impl->m_Children.size(); } QVariant DataSourceItem::data(const QString &key) const noexcept { return impl->m_Data.value(key); } QVariantHash DataSourceItem::data() const noexcept { return impl->m_Data; } void DataSourceItem::merge(const DataSourceItem &item) { DataSourceItemMergeHelper::merge(item, *this); } bool DataSourceItem::isRoot() const noexcept { return impl->m_Parent == nullptr; } QString DataSourceItem::name() const noexcept { return data(NAME_DATA_KEY).toString(); } DataSourceItem *DataSourceItem::parentItem() const noexcept { return impl->m_Parent; } const DataSourceItem &DataSourceItem::rootItem() const noexcept { return isRoot() ? *this : parentItem()->rootItem(); } void DataSourceItem::setData(const QString &key, const QVariant &value, bool append) noexcept { auto it = impl->m_Data.constFind(key); if (append && it != impl->m_Data.constEnd()) { // Case of an existing value to which we want to add to the new value if (it->canConvert()) { auto variantList = it->value(); variantList.append(value); impl->m_Data.insert(key, variantList); } else { impl->m_Data.insert(key, QVariantList{*it, value}); } } else { // Other cases : // - new value in map OR // - replacement of an existing value (not appending) impl->m_Data.insert(key, value); } } DataSourceItemType DataSourceItem::type() const noexcept { return impl->m_Type; } DataSourceItem *DataSourceItem::findItem(const QVariantHash &data, bool recursive) { for (const auto &child : impl->m_Children) { if (child->impl->m_Data == data) { return child.get(); } if (recursive) { if (auto foundItem = child->findItem(data, true)) { return foundItem; } } } return nullptr; } bool DataSourceItem::operator==(const DataSourceItem &other) { // Compares items' attributes if (std::tie(impl->m_Type, impl->m_Data) == std::tie(other.impl->m_Type, other.impl->m_Data)) { // Compares contents of items' children return std::equal(std::cbegin(impl->m_Children), std::cend(impl->m_Children), std::cbegin(other.impl->m_Children), [](const auto &itemChild, const auto &otherChild) { return *itemChild == *otherChild; }); } else { return false; } } bool DataSourceItem::operator!=(const DataSourceItem &other) { return !(*this == other); }