# # findslibs.cmake # # # Qt # # Find Qt here so that a message is displayed in the console when executing # cmake, but each application must call SCIQLOP_FIND_QT() to load the Qt modules that # it needs. FIND_PACKAGE(Qt5Core REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt5Test REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt5Gui REQUIRED) # # CatalogueAPI # LIST( APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") FIND_PACKAGE(CatalogueAPI) # # doxygen tools # FIND_PACKAGE(Doxygen) # # Analyzer tools # LIST( APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/analyzer/cmake") FIND_PACKAGE(cppcheck) FIND_PACKAGE(ClangAnalyzer) # # Formatting tools # LIST( APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/formatting/cmake") FIND_PACKAGE(vera++) FIND_PACKAGE(ClangFormat)