#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_VariableModel, "VariableModel") namespace { // Column indexes const auto NAME_COLUMN = 0; const auto TSTART_COLUMN = 1; const auto TEND_COLUMN = 2; const auto NBPOINTS_COLUMN = 3; const auto UNIT_COLUMN = 4; const auto MISSION_COLUMN = 5; const auto PLUGIN_COLUMN = 6; const auto NB_COLUMNS = 7; // Column properties const auto DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 25; const auto DEFAULT_WIDTH = 100; struct ColumnProperties { ColumnProperties(const QString &name = {}, int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT) : m_Name{name}, m_Width{width}, m_Height{height} { } QString m_Name; int m_Width; int m_Height; }; const auto COLUMN_PROPERTIES = QHash{ {NAME_COLUMN, {QObject::tr("Name")}}, {TSTART_COLUMN, {QObject::tr("tStart"), 180}}, {TEND_COLUMN, {QObject::tr("tEnd"), 180}}, {NBPOINTS_COLUMN, {QObject::tr("Nb points")}}, {UNIT_COLUMN, {QObject::tr("Unit")}}, {MISSION_COLUMN, {QObject::tr("Mission")}}, {PLUGIN_COLUMN, {QObject::tr("Plugin")}}}; /// Format for datetimes const auto DATETIME_FORMAT = QStringLiteral("dd/MM/yyyy \nhh:mm:ss:zzz"); QString uniqueName(const QString &defaultName, const std::vector > &variables) { auto forbiddenNames = std::vector(variables.size()); std::transform(variables.cbegin(), variables.cend(), forbiddenNames.begin(), [](const auto &variable) { return variable->name(); }); auto uniqueName = StringUtils::uniqueName(defaultName, forbiddenNames); Q_ASSERT(!uniqueName.isEmpty()); return uniqueName; } } // namespace struct VariableModel::VariableModelPrivate { /// Variables created in SciQlop std::vector > m_Variables; std::unordered_map, double> m_VariableToProgress; VariableController *m_VariableController; /// Return the row index of the variable. -1 if it's not found int indexOfVariable(Variable *variable) const noexcept; }; VariableModel::VariableModel(VariableController *parent) : QAbstractTableModel{parent}, impl{spimpl::make_unique_impl()} { impl->m_VariableController = parent; } void VariableModel::addVariable(std::shared_ptr variable) noexcept { auto insertIndex = rowCount(); beginInsertRows({}, insertIndex, insertIndex); // Generates unique name for the variable variable->setName(uniqueName(variable->name(), impl->m_Variables)); impl->m_Variables.push_back(variable); connect(variable.get(), &Variable::updated, this, &VariableModel::onVariableUpdated); endInsertRows(); } bool VariableModel::containsVariable(std::shared_ptr variable) const noexcept { auto end = impl->m_Variables.cend(); return std::find(impl->m_Variables.cbegin(), end, variable) != end; } std::shared_ptr VariableModel::createVariable(const QString &name, const QVariantHash &metadata) noexcept { auto variable = std::make_shared(name, metadata); addVariable(variable); return variable; } void VariableModel::deleteVariable(std::shared_ptr variable) noexcept { if (!variable) { qCCritical(LOG_Variable()) << "Can't delete a null variable from the model"; return; } // Finds variable in the model auto begin = impl->m_Variables.cbegin(); auto end = impl->m_Variables.cend(); auto it = std::find(begin, end, variable); if (it != end) { auto removeIndex = std::distance(begin, it); // Deletes variable beginRemoveRows({}, removeIndex, removeIndex); impl->m_Variables.erase(it); endRemoveRows(); } else { qCritical(LOG_VariableModel()) << tr("Can't delete variable %1 from the model: the variable is not in the model") .arg(variable->name()); } // Removes variable from progress map impl->m_VariableToProgress.erase(variable); } std::shared_ptr VariableModel::variable(int index) const { return (index >= 0 && index < impl->m_Variables.size()) ? impl->m_Variables[index] : nullptr; } std::vector > VariableModel::variables() const { return impl->m_Variables; } void VariableModel::setDataProgress(std::shared_ptr variable, double progress) { if (progress > 0.0) { impl->m_VariableToProgress[variable] = progress; } else { impl->m_VariableToProgress.erase(variable); } auto modelIndex = createIndex(impl->indexOfVariable(variable.get()), NAME_COLUMN); emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex); } int VariableModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return NB_COLUMNS; } int VariableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return impl->m_Variables.size(); } QVariant VariableModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant{}; } if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= rowCount()) { return QVariant{}; } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { if (auto variable = impl->m_Variables.at(index.row()).get()) { switch (index.column()) { case NAME_COLUMN: return variable->name(); case TSTART_COLUMN: { auto range = variable->realRange(); return range != INVALID_RANGE ? DateUtils::dateTime(range.m_TStart).toString(DATETIME_FORMAT) : QVariant{}; } case TEND_COLUMN: { auto range = variable->realRange(); return range != INVALID_RANGE ? DateUtils::dateTime(range.m_TEnd).toString(DATETIME_FORMAT) : QVariant{}; } case NBPOINTS_COLUMN: return variable->nbPoints(); case UNIT_COLUMN: return variable->metadata().value(QStringLiteral("units")); case MISSION_COLUMN: return variable->metadata().value(QStringLiteral("mission")); case PLUGIN_COLUMN: return variable->metadata().value(QStringLiteral("plugin")); default: // No action break; } qWarning(LOG_VariableModel()) << tr("Can't get data (unknown column %1)").arg(index.column()); } else { qWarning(LOG_VariableModel()) << tr("Can't get data (no variable)"); } } else if (role == VariableRoles::ProgressRole) { if (auto variable = impl->m_Variables.at(index.row())) { auto it = impl->m_VariableToProgress.find(variable); if (it != impl->m_VariableToProgress.cend()) { return it->second; } } } return QVariant{}; } QVariant VariableModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role != Qt::DisplayRole && role != Qt::SizeHintRole) { return QVariant{}; } if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { auto propertiesIt = COLUMN_PROPERTIES.find(section); if (propertiesIt != COLUMN_PROPERTIES.cend()) { // Role is either DisplayRole or SizeHintRole return (role == Qt::DisplayRole) ? QVariant{propertiesIt->m_Name} : QVariant{QSize{propertiesIt->m_Width, propertiesIt->m_Height}}; } else { qWarning(LOG_VariableModel()) << tr("Can't get header data (unknown column %1)").arg(section); } } return QVariant{}; } Qt::ItemFlags VariableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { return QAbstractTableModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; } Qt::DropActions VariableModel::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction; } Qt::DropActions VariableModel::supportedDragActions() const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction; } QStringList VariableModel::mimeTypes() const { return {MIME_TYPE_VARIABLE_LIST}; } QMimeData *VariableModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const { auto mimeData = new QMimeData; QList > variableList; for (const auto &index : indexes) { if (index.column() == 0) { // only the first column auto variable = impl->m_Variables.at(index.row()); if (variable.get() && index.isValid()) { variableList << variable; } } } auto encodedData = impl->m_VariableController->mimeDataForVariables(variableList); mimeData->setData(MIME_TYPE_VARIABLE_LIST, encodedData); return mimeData; } bool VariableModel::canDropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { // drop of a product return data->hasFormat(MIME_TYPE_PRODUCT_LIST); } bool VariableModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) { bool dropDone = false; if (data->hasFormat(MIME_TYPE_PRODUCT_LIST)) { QDataStream stream(data->data(MIME_TYPE_PRODUCT_LIST)); QVariantList productList; stream >> productList; for (auto metaData : productList) { emit requestVariable(metaData.toHash()); } dropDone = true; } return dropDone; } void VariableModel::abortProgress(const QModelIndex &index) { if (auto variable = impl->m_Variables.at(index.row())) { emit abortProgessRequested(variable); } } void VariableModel::onVariableUpdated() noexcept { // Finds variable that has been updated in the model if (auto updatedVariable = dynamic_cast(sender())) { auto updatedVariableIndex = impl->indexOfVariable(updatedVariable); if (updatedVariableIndex > -1) { emit dataChanged(createIndex(updatedVariableIndex, 0), createIndex(updatedVariableIndex, columnCount() - 1)); } } } int VariableModel::VariableModelPrivate::indexOfVariable(Variable *variable) const noexcept { auto begin = std::cbegin(m_Variables); auto end = std::cend(m_Variables); auto it = std::find_if(begin, end, [variable](const auto &var) { return var.get() == variable; }); if (it != end) { // Gets the index of the variable in the model: we assume here that views have the same // order as the model return std::distance(begin, it); } else { return -1; } }