# # sciqlop_code_analysis.cmake # Launch code source analysis with cppcheck. Can be activated with the # ANALYZE_CODE option. # # The following CACHE variables are available: # * CPPCHECK_EXTRA_ARGS: extra arguments for cppcheck; # * CPPCHECK_OUTPUT: path to the xml report of cppcheck. # # The following variables are used (must be set by the cmake file calling this # one): # * ANALYSIS_INPUT_DIRS: directories to analyze; # * ANALYSIS_EXCLUDE_DIRS: directories to exclude from the analysis. # # # Analyze the source code with cppcheck # OPTION (ANALYZE_CODE "Analyze the source code with cppcheck" ON) IF (ANALYZE_CODE) # Make sure cppcheck has been found, otherwise the source code can't be # analyzed IF (CPPCHECK_FOUND) SET (CPPCHECK_EXTRA_ARGS --inline-suppr --xml --enable=style --force -v CACHE STRING "Extra arguments for cppcheck") MARK_AS_ADVANCED (CPPCHECK_EXTRA_ARGS) SET (CPPCHECK_OUTPUT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cppcheck-report.xml" CACHE STRING "Output file for the cppcheck report") MARK_AS_ADVANCED (CPPCHECK_OUTPUT) SET (CPPCHECK_EXCLUDE_DIRS) FOREACH (dir ${ANALYSIS_EXCLUDE_DIRS}) LIST (APPEND CPPCHECK_EXCLUDE_DIRS "-i${dir}") ENDFOREACH () # Add the analyze target to launch cppcheck ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET (analyze COMMAND ${CPPCHECK_EXECUTABLE} ${CPPCHECK_EXTRA_ARGS} ${ANALYSIS_INPUT_DIRS} ${CPPCHECK_EXCLUDE_DIRS} 2> ${CPPCHECK_OUTPUT} ) ELSE (CPPCHECK_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "The source code won't be analyzed - Cppcheck not found") ENDIF (CPPCHECK_FOUND) ENDIF (ANALYZE_CODE)