#include "AmdaResultParserHelper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_AmdaResultParserHelper, "AmdaResultParserHelper") namespace { // ///////// // // Constants // // ///////// // /// Separator between values in a result line const auto RESULT_LINE_SEPARATOR = QRegularExpression{QStringLiteral("\\s+")}; /// Format for dates in result files const auto DATE_FORMAT = QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzz"); // /////// // // Methods // // /////// // /** * Checks that the properties contain a specific unit and that this unit is valid * @param properties the properties map in which to search unit * @param key the key to search for the unit in the properties * @param errorMessage the error message to log in case the unit is invalid * @return true if the unit is valid, false it it's invalid or was not found in the properties */ bool checkUnit(const Properties &properties, const QString &key, const QString &errorMessage) { auto unit = properties.value(key).value(); if (unit.m_Name.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(LOG_AmdaResultParserHelper()) << errorMessage; return false; } return true; } QDateTime dateTimeFromString(const QString &stringDate) noexcept { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 8, 0) return QDateTime::fromString(stringDate, Qt::ISODateWithMs); #else return QDateTime::fromString(stringDate, DATE_FORMAT); #endif } /// Converts a string date to a double date /// @return a double that represents the date in seconds, NaN if the string date can't be converted double doubleDate(const QString &stringDate) noexcept { // Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzz auto dateTime = dateTimeFromString(stringDate); dateTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); return dateTime.isValid() ? DateUtils::secondsSinceEpoch(dateTime) : std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } /** * Reads a line from the AMDA file and tries to extract a x-axis data and value data from it * @param xAxisData the vector in which to store the x-axis data extracted * @param valuesData the vector in which to store the value extracted * @param line the line to read to extract the property * @param valuesIndexes indexes of insertion of read values. For example, if the line contains three * columns of values, and valuesIndexes are {2, 0, 1}, the value of the third column will be read * and inserted first, then the value of the first column, and finally the value of the second * column. * @param fillValue value that tags an invalid data. For example, if fillValue is -1 and a read * value is -1, then this value is considered as invalid and converted to NaN */ void tryReadResult(std::vector &xAxisData, std::vector &valuesData, const QString &line, const std::vector &valuesIndexes, double fillValue = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()) { auto lineData = line.split(RESULT_LINE_SEPARATOR, QString::SkipEmptyParts); // Checks that the line contains expected number of values + x-axis value if (static_cast(lineData.size()) == valuesIndexes.size() + 1) { // X : the data is converted from date to double (in secs) auto x = doubleDate(lineData.at(0)); // Adds result only if x is valid. Then, if value is invalid, it is set to NaN if (!std::isnan(x)) { xAxisData.push_back(x); // Values for (auto valueIndex : valuesIndexes) { bool valueOk; // we use valueIndex + 1 to skip column 0 (x-axis value) auto value = lineData.at(valueIndex + 1).toDouble(&valueOk); if (!valueOk) { qCWarning(LOG_AmdaResultParserHelper()) << QObject::tr( "Value from (line %1, column %2) is invalid and will be " "converted to NaN") .arg(line, valueIndex); value = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } // Handles fill value if (!std::isnan(fillValue) && !std::isnan(value) && fillValue == value) { value = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } valuesData.push_back(value); } } else { qCWarning(LOG_AmdaResultParserHelper()) << QObject::tr("Can't retrieve results from line %1: x is invalid").arg(line); } } else { qCWarning(LOG_AmdaResultParserHelper()) << QObject::tr("Can't retrieve results from line %1: invalid line").arg(line); } } /** * Reads a line from the AMDA file and tries to extract a property from it * @param properties the properties map in which to put the property extracted from the line * @param key the key to which the property is added in the properties map * @param line the line to read to extract the property * @param regex the expected regex to extract the property. If the line matches this regex, the * property is generated * @param fun the function used to generate the property * @return true if the property could be generated, false if the line does not match the regex, or * if a property has already been generated for the key */ template bool tryReadProperty(Properties &properties, const QString &key, const QString &line, const QRegularExpression ®ex, GeneratePropertyFun fun) { if (properties.contains(key)) { return false; } auto match = regex.match(line); if (match.hasMatch()) { properties.insert(key, fun(match)); } return match.hasMatch(); } /** * Reads a line from the AMDA file and tries to extract a double from it * @sa tryReadProperty() */ bool tryReadDouble(Properties &properties, const QString &key, const QString &line, const QRegularExpression ®ex) { return tryReadProperty(properties, key, line, regex, [](const auto &match) { bool ok; // If the value can't be converted to double, it is set to NaN auto doubleValue = match.captured(1).toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) { doubleValue = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } return QVariant::fromValue(doubleValue); }); } /** * Reads a line from the AMDA file and tries to extract a vector of doubles from it * @param sep the separator of double values in the line * @sa tryReadProperty() */ bool tryReadDoubles(Properties &properties, const QString &key, const QString &line, const QRegularExpression ®ex, const QString &sep = QStringLiteral(",")) { return tryReadProperty(properties, key, line, regex, [sep](const auto &match) { std::vector doubleValues{}; // If the value can't be converted to double, it is set to NaN auto values = match.captured(1).split(sep); for (auto value : values) { bool ok; auto doubleValue = value.toDouble(&ok); if (!ok) { doubleValue = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } doubleValues.push_back(doubleValue); } return QVariant::fromValue(doubleValues); }); } /** * Reads a line from the AMDA file and tries to extract a unit from it * @sa tryReadProperty() */ bool tryReadUnit(Properties &properties, const QString &key, const QString &line, const QRegularExpression ®ex, bool timeUnit = false) { return tryReadProperty(properties, key, line, regex, [timeUnit](const auto &match) { return QVariant::fromValue(Unit{match.captured(1), timeUnit}); }); } } // namespace // ////////////////// // // ScalarParserHelper // // ////////////////// // bool ScalarParserHelper::checkProperties() { return checkUnit(m_Properties, X_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY, QObject::tr("The x-axis unit could not be found in the file")); } std::shared_ptr ScalarParserHelper::createSeries() { return std::make_shared(std::move(m_XAxisData), std::move(m_ValuesData), m_Properties.value(X_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY).value(), m_Properties.value(VALUES_UNIT_PROPERTY).value()); } void ScalarParserHelper::readPropertyLine(const QString &line) { tryReadUnit(m_Properties, X_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY, line, DEFAULT_X_AXIS_UNIT_REGEX, true); } void ScalarParserHelper::readResultLine(const QString &line) { tryReadResult(m_XAxisData, m_ValuesData, line, valuesIndexes()); } std::vector ScalarParserHelper::valuesIndexes() const { // Only one value to read static auto result = std::vector{0}; return result; } // /////////////////////// // // SpectrogramParserHelper // // /////////////////////// // bool SpectrogramParserHelper::checkProperties() { // Generates y-axis data from bands extracted (take the middle of the intervals) auto minBands = m_Properties.value(MIN_BANDS_PROPERTY).value >(); auto maxBands = m_Properties.value(MAX_BANDS_PROPERTY).value >(); if (minBands.size() != maxBands.size()) { qCWarning(LOG_AmdaResultParserHelper()) << QObject::tr( "Can't generate y-axis data from bands extracted: bands intervals are invalid"); return false; } std::transform( minBands.begin(), minBands.end(), maxBands.begin(), std::back_inserter(m_YAxisData), [](const auto &minValue, const auto &maxValue) { return (minValue + maxValue) / 2.; }); // Generates values indexes, i.e. the order in which each value will be retrieved (in ascending // order of the associated bands) m_ValuesIndexes = SortUtils::sortPermutation(m_YAxisData, std::less()); // Sorts y-axis data accoding to the ascending order m_YAxisData = SortUtils::sort(m_YAxisData, 1, m_ValuesIndexes); // Sets fill value m_FillValue = m_Properties.value(FILL_VALUE_PROPERTY).value(); return true; } std::shared_ptr SpectrogramParserHelper::createSeries() { // Before creating the series, we handle its data holes handleDataHoles(); return std::make_shared( std::move(m_XAxisData), std::move(m_YAxisData), std::move(m_ValuesData), Unit{"t", true}, // x-axis unit is always a time unit m_Properties.value(Y_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY).value(), m_Properties.value(VALUES_UNIT_PROPERTY).value()); } void SpectrogramParserHelper::readPropertyLine(const QString &line) { // Set of functions to test on the line to generate a property. If a function is valid (i.e. a // property has been generated for the line), the line is treated as processed and the other // functions are not called std::vector > functions{ // values unit [&] { return tryReadUnit(m_Properties, VALUES_UNIT_PROPERTY, line, SPECTROGRAM_VALUES_UNIT_REGEX); }, // y-axis unit [&] { return tryReadUnit(m_Properties, Y_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY, line, SPECTROGRAM_Y_AXIS_UNIT_REGEX); }, // min sampling [&] { return tryReadDouble(m_Properties, MIN_SAMPLING_PROPERTY, line, SPECTROGRAM_MIN_SAMPLING_REGEX); }, // max sampling [&] { return tryReadDouble(m_Properties, MAX_SAMPLING_PROPERTY, line, SPECTROGRAM_MAX_SAMPLING_REGEX); }, // fill value [&] { return tryReadDouble(m_Properties, FILL_VALUE_PROPERTY, line, SPECTROGRAM_FILL_VALUE_REGEX); }, // min bounds of each band [&] { return tryReadDoubles(m_Properties, MIN_BANDS_PROPERTY, line, SPECTROGRAM_MIN_BANDS_REGEX); }, // max bounds of each band [&] { return tryReadDoubles(m_Properties, MAX_BANDS_PROPERTY, line, SPECTROGRAM_MAX_BANDS_REGEX); }}; for (auto function : functions) { // Stops at the first function that is valid if (function()) { return; } } } void SpectrogramParserHelper::readResultLine(const QString &line) { tryReadResult(m_XAxisData, m_ValuesData, line, m_ValuesIndexes, m_FillValue); } void SpectrogramParserHelper::handleDataHoles() { // Fills data holes according to the max resolution found in the AMDA file auto resolution = m_Properties.value(MAX_SAMPLING_PROPERTY).value(); auto fillValue = m_Properties.value(FILL_VALUE_PROPERTY).value(); auto minBound = m_Properties.value(START_TIME_PROPERTY).value(); auto maxBound = m_Properties.value(END_TIME_PROPERTY).value(); DataSeriesUtils::fillDataHoles(m_XAxisData, m_ValuesData, resolution, fillValue, minBound, maxBound); } // ////////////////// // // VectorParserHelper // // ////////////////// // bool VectorParserHelper::checkProperties() { return checkUnit(m_Properties, X_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY, QObject::tr("The x-axis unit could not be found in the file")); } std::shared_ptr VectorParserHelper::createSeries() { return std::make_shared(std::move(m_XAxisData), std::move(m_ValuesData), m_Properties.value(X_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY).value(), m_Properties.value(VALUES_UNIT_PROPERTY).value()); } void VectorParserHelper::readPropertyLine(const QString &line) { tryReadUnit(m_Properties, X_AXIS_UNIT_PROPERTY, line, DEFAULT_X_AXIS_UNIT_REGEX, true); } void VectorParserHelper::readResultLine(const QString &line) { tryReadResult(m_XAxisData, m_ValuesData, line, valuesIndexes()); } std::vector VectorParserHelper::valuesIndexes() const { // 3 values to read, in order in the file (x, y, z) static auto result = std::vector{0, 1, 2}; return result; }