##// END OF EJS Templates
Call the calculation of the thresholds in the scale editor (with each click on the 'automatic' mode)
Call the calculation of the thresholds in the scale editor (with each click on the 'automatic' mode)

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/ core / tests / Data / TestOptionalAxis.cpp
#include <Data/ArrayData.h>
#include <Data/OptionalAxis.h>
#include <QObject>
#include <QtTest>
class TestOptionalAxis : public QObject {
private slots:
/// Tests the creation of a undefined axis
void testNotDefinedAxisCtor();
/// Tests the creation of a undefined axis
void testDefinedAxisCtor_data();
void testDefinedAxisCtor();
/// Tests @sa OptionalAxis::size() method
void testSize_data();
void testSize();
/// Tests @sa OptionalAxis::unit() method
void testUnit_data();
void testUnit();
void TestOptionalAxis::testNotDefinedAxisCtor()
OptionalAxis notDefinedAxis{};
void TestOptionalAxis::testDefinedAxisCtor_data()
QTest::addColumn<bool>("noData"); // If set to true, nullptr is passed as data of the axis
QTest::addColumn<std::vector<double> >(
"data"); // Values assigned to the axis when 'noData' flag is set to false
QTest::addColumn<Unit>("unit"); // Unit assigned to the axis
QTest::newRow("validData") << false << std::vector<double>{1, 2, 3} << Unit{"Hz"};
QTest::newRow("invalidData") << true << std::vector<double>{} << Unit{"Hz"};
void TestOptionalAxis::testDefinedAxisCtor()
QFETCH(bool, noData);
QFETCH(Unit, unit);
// When there is no data, we expect that the constructor returns exception
if (noData) {
QVERIFY_EXCEPTION_THROWN(OptionalAxis(nullptr, unit), std::invalid_argument);
else {
QFETCH(std::vector<double>, data);
OptionalAxis axis{std::make_shared<ArrayData<1> >(data), unit};
void TestOptionalAxis::testSize_data()
QTest::addColumn<OptionalAxis>("axis"); // Axis used for test case (defined or not)
QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedSize"); // Expected number of data in the axis
// Lambda that creates default defined axis (with the values passed in parameter)
auto axis = [](std::vector<double> values) {
return OptionalAxis{std::make_shared<ArrayData<1> >(std::move(values)), Unit{"Hz"}};
QTest::newRow("data1") << axis({}) << 0;
QTest::newRow("data2") << axis({1, 2, 3}) << 3;
QTest::newRow("data3") << axis({1, 2, 3, 4}) << 4;
QTest::newRow("data4 (axis not defined)") << OptionalAxis{}
<< 0; // Expects 0 for undefined axis
void TestOptionalAxis::testSize()
QFETCH(OptionalAxis, axis);
QFETCH(int, expectedSize);
QCOMPARE(axis.size(), expectedSize);
void TestOptionalAxis::testUnit_data()
QTest::addColumn<OptionalAxis>("axis"); // Axis used for test case (defined or not)
QTest::addColumn<Unit>("expectedUnit"); // Expected unit for the axis
// Lambda that creates default defined axis (with the unit passed in parameter)
auto axis = [](Unit unit) {
return OptionalAxis{std::make_shared<ArrayData<1> >(std::vector<double>{1, 2, 3}), unit};
QTest::newRow("data1") << axis(Unit{"Hz"}) << Unit{"Hz"};
QTest::newRow("data2") << axis(Unit{"t", true}) << Unit{"t", true};
QTest::newRow("data3 (axis not defined)") << OptionalAxis{}
<< Unit{}; // Expects default unit for undefined axis
void TestOptionalAxis::testUnit()
QFETCH(OptionalAxis, axis);
QFETCH(Unit, expectedUnit);
QCOMPARE(axis.unit(), expectedUnit);
#include "TestOptionalAxis.moc"