##// END OF EJS Templates
Creates enum that represents the value types that can be read in AMDA...
Creates enum that represents the value types that can be read in AMDA This enum is passed in parameter of the reading method to parse the result file according to it

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/ plugins / amda / src / AmdaResultParser.cpp
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 #include "AmdaResultParser.h"
Alexandre Leroux
Passes TimeWidget in UTC...
r489 #include <Common/DateUtils.h>
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 #include <Data/ScalarSeries.h>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QFile>
Alexandre Leroux
Reads x-axis unit in result file
r393 #include <QRegularExpression>
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
Add the cmath include missing
r400 #include <cmath>
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG_AmdaResultParser, "AmdaResultParser")
namespace {
Alexandre Leroux
Handles "Not found" error for AMDA result parser
r446 /// Message in result file when the file was not found on server
const auto FILE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = QStringLiteral("Not Found");
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 /// Format for dates in result files
const auto DATE_FORMAT = QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzz");
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 /// Separator between values in a result line
const auto RESULT_LINE_SEPARATOR = QRegularExpression{QStringLiteral("\\s+")};
Alexandre Leroux
Reads x-axis unit in result file
r393 /// Regex to find unit in a line. Examples of valid lines:
/// ... - Units : nT - ...
/// ... -Units:nT- ...
/// ... -Units: m²- ...
/// ... - Units : m/s - ...
const auto UNIT_REGEX = QRegularExpression{QStringLiteral("-\\s*Units\\s*:\\s*(.+?)\\s*-")};
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 /// Converts a string date to a double date
/// @return a double that represents the date in seconds, NaN if the string date can't be converted
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 double doubleDate(const QString &stringDate) noexcept
auto dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(stringDate, DATE_FORMAT);
Alexandre Leroux
Passes TimeWidget in UTC...
r489 dateTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);
return dateTime.isValid() ? DateUtils::secondsSinceEpoch(dateTime)
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 }
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 /// Checks if a line is a comment line
bool isCommentLine(const QString &line)
return line.startsWith("#");
Alexandre Leroux
Reads x-axis unit in result file
r393 /**
* Reads stream to retrieve x-axis unit
* @param stream the stream to read
* @return the unit that has been read in the stream, a default unit (time unit with no label) if an
* error occured during reading
Unit readXAxisUnit(QTextStream &stream)
QString line{};
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 // Searches unit in the comment lines
while (stream.readLineInto(&line) && isCommentLine(line)) {
Alexandre Leroux
Reads x-axis unit in result file
r393 auto match = UNIT_REGEX.match(line);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
return Unit{match.captured(1), true};
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 qCWarning(LOG_AmdaResultParser()) << QObject::tr("The unit could not be found in the file");
Alexandre Leroux
Reads x-axis unit in result file
r393 // Error cases
return Unit{{}, true};
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 /**
* Reads stream to retrieve results
* @param stream the stream to read
* @return the pair of vectors x-axis data/values data that has been read in the stream
QPair<QVector<double>, QVector<double> > readResults(QTextStream &stream)
auto xData = QVector<double>{};
auto valuesData = QVector<double>{};
QString line{};
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 while (stream.readLineInto(&line)) {
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 // Ignore comment lines
if (!isCommentLine(line)) {
auto lineData = line.split(RESULT_LINE_SEPARATOR, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (lineData.size() == 2) {
// X : the data is converted from date to double (in secs)
auto x = doubleDate(lineData.at(0));
// Value
bool valueOk;
auto value = lineData.at(1).toDouble(&valueOk);
Alexandre Leroux
Updates AMDA result parser to accept NaN values...
r496 // Adds result only if x is valid. Then, if value is invalid, it is set to NaN
if (!std::isnan(x)) {
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 xData.push_back(x);
Alexandre Leroux
Updates AMDA result parser to accept NaN values...
if (!valueOk) {
<< QObject::tr(
"Value from line %1 is invalid and will be converted to NaN")
value = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 valuesData.push_back(value);
else {
Alexandre Leroux
Updates AMDA result parser to accept NaN values...
r496 << QObject::tr("Can't retrieve results from line %1: x is invalid")
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 .arg(line);
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 }
else {
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 << QObject::tr("Can't retrieve results from line %1: invalid line").arg(line);
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 }
return qMakePair(std::move(xData), std::move(valuesData));
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 } // namespace
Alexandre Leroux
Creates enum that represents the value types that can be read in AMDA...
r563 std::shared_ptr<IDataSeries> AmdaResultParser::readTxt(const QString &filePath,
ValueType valueType) noexcept
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 {
Alexandre Leroux
Creates enum that represents the value types that can be read in AMDA...
r563 if (valueType == ValueType::UNKNOWN) {
<< QObject::tr("Can't retrieve AMDA data: the type of values to be read is unknown");
return nullptr;
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 QFile file{filePath};
if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
<< QObject::tr("Can't retrieve AMDA data from file %1: %2")
.arg(filePath, file.errorString());
return nullptr;
QTextStream stream{&file};
Alexandre Leroux
Handles "Not found" error for AMDA result parser
r446 // Checks if the file was found on the server
auto firstLine = stream.readLine();
if (firstLine.compare(FILE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) == 0) {
<< QObject::tr("Can't retrieve AMDA data from file %1: file was not found on server")
return nullptr;
Alexandre Leroux
Reads x-axis unit in result file
r393 // Reads x-axis unit
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 stream.seek(0); // returns to the beginning of the file
Alexandre Leroux
Reads x-axis unit in result file
r393 auto xAxisUnit = readXAxisUnit(stream);
// Reads results
Alexandre Leroux
Improves AMDA result parsing...
r492 stream.seek(0); // returns to the beginning of the file
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 auto results = readResults(stream);
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
Alexandre Leroux
Improves controls when reading results
r394 return std::make_shared<ScalarSeries>(std::move(results.first), std::move(results.second),
xAxisUnit, Unit{});
Alexandre Leroux
Amda provider (3)...
r380 }